Category D: Anatomy continued Flashcards
What is the term for the hoof and all of its contents?
The foot
Describe the jaw movement of a horse that is chewing.
Jaws go up and down, and side to side
Most of the weight of the horse is supported on what portion of the hoof?
The hoof wall.
In what age group is hoof growth the greatest?
Name the 2 types of vision possessed by the horse?
Monocular & binocular
When do teeth stop growing?
In the early 20’s
Which side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body?
Left atrium and left ventricle
Which side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
The right atrium and the right ventricle
Which body system functions to exchange oxygen & carbon dioxide between the animals and the environment?
The respiratory system
What is the sight of the majority of nutrient absorption
Small intestines
In a 24 hour period an adult horse will produce how many pounds of feces?
28-50 lbs.
What is the main function of platelets in blood?
Help with blood clotting process
The product of tidal volume & respiratory frequency is called what?
Minute volume
What are the 3 main components of the cardiovascular system?
Blood, blood vessels, heart
The heart can be divided into the inot right & left halves, each consisting of 2 chambers called what?
Atrium and ventricle
Name the accessory organs that help aid in digestion.
Teeth, salivary glands, liver, & pancreas
What part of the respiratory system is the functional units of the lungs where gas exchange actually occurs?
The amount of air inspired or expired during normal breathing is called what?
Tidal volume
The number of breaths taken per minute is usually called the respiratory rate or what else?
Respiratory frequency
Horses use monocular and binocular vision, which one is generally better developed?
Approximately how many quarts of urine does a horse produce per day?
What is the term for the total amount of air inspired or expired in a minute?
Minute volume
What is the main psychological function of white blood cells?
Help immune system by defending against foreign cells such as bacteria
What are the 3 main types of muscle fibers?
Type 1, 2A, 2B
What triggers the horse to grow a winter coat?
Shorter days
What is the main psychological function of red blood cells?
Transport oxygen in the blood to the cells
What percent of the hoof wall is water?
What is the cellular elements of blood that are suspended in a liquid?
What is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells & platelets?
What are the main vessels used to Cary blood from the heart?
The angle of the shoulder & the pastern & the elasticity of the suspensory & sesamoid ligament & movement of the hoof wall all help absorb what?
What is the main supply to the digestive tract?
Anterior mesenteric artery
Which body system would contain these: leydig cells, serology cells & androgen binding protein?
Endocrine or reproductive systems
What is the basic contractile unit of skeletal muscle?
About 65% of the digestive capacity is where?
Cecum and large colon( lower gut)
What term describes the study of hormones & their effects?
What percent of the frog is water?
What is produced by the brains pineal gland in response to light?
What is the minute volume in relation to the respiratory system?
Total amount of air expired in 1 minute
What part of the hoof correspondent to the human cuticle?
What percent of the sole of the hoof is water?
What is the capacity of the cecum?
8 gallons( or 28-32 quarts)
What is the j-shaped sack that holds 2-4 gallons of digesta?
What scientific term describes the mechanically breaking down of feed into smaller particle So?
Which stomach enzyme helps digest fat?
Gastric lipase
What is the term for the wavelike contractions in the digestive system?
Which teeth are used mainly for chewing and not for biting grasses?
Which part of the digestive tract has the largest capacity?
Large colon
What are the finger like projections that line the small intestine & improve absorption of nutrients?
How much manure is produced each day by a 1000 lb. horse?
40-50 lbs.
What premises with the stomach digesta & breaks down food prior to pepsin & gastric lipase begin their work?
Hydrochloric acid
What part of the large intestine is a common site of impactions especially if the horse has not had enough to drink?
Pelvic flexure
Which stomach enzyme helps to digest protein?
What part of the digestive tract is a blind gut because digesta passes in and out practically the same opening?
What is the length of the esophagus?
4-5 feet
Which salivary gland is under the tongue?
What is the muscular passage, approximately 6 inches long where both food and air cross?
Which teeth are mainly used for biting grasses instead of chewing?
I what part of the digestive tract is the most water absorbed, along with water soluble vitamins & minerals?
What is the primary function of the small colon?
Formation of fecal balls
What is the approximate length of the digestive tract?
100 ft.
Emptying the stomach is a continuous process during digestion, how long must food be withheld to completely empty the horses stomach?
24 hours
Which part of the large intestine is comma shaped, approximately 4 feet in length & has a capacity of about 8 gallons?