Category B: Reproduction--DONE Flashcards
what is the term for a mare that is not pregnant but was bred in the previous or current season?
Barren Mare
What is the term for a mare that is nursing a foal?
Wet mare
What is the recommended age to wean foals?
4-6 months
What term describes a mare that is not pregnant and was NOT bred in the previous or current season?
Open Mare
What term describes a mare that has never been bred?
Maiden mare
At what age does the mares reproductive abilities start to decrease?
After about 16 years
How long does estrous period usually last in a mare?
5-7 days
What is a weanling?
Young horse of either sex that has just been taken way from it’s mother usually 6 months up to one year
What is the female parent of a horse called?
How many testicles does a stallion have?
What is a colt or filly under one year old?
What is a filly?
Female foal up to 3 years of age
What is an altered or castrated horse called?
What is the primary sex organ of the mare?
What is the primary sex organ of the stallion?
What is the most easily recognized phase of the estrous cycle?
What is the scientific name for the womb?
How many sperm does it take to fertilize a singe egg?
Name the 2 specialized sex cells that join to start the development of a foal.
Ovum and sperm
the 2 basic types of gene actions are quantitative and qualitative, which is most common?
Most traits in horses are influenced by quantitative gene action
What is the term for characteristics that ultimately result in death?
Delayed Lethal
What is the study of hormones & their effects?
What is the term for characteristics that predispose an animal to disease conditions because of environmental factors, but do not in themselves cause disease?
Partial lethal
Wat is the external opening to the mares reproductive canal?
What is a major site for bacterial invasion into the newborn foals body that should be treated with an iodine solution to prevent infection?
Naval stump
What is the more common term for the rupture of the chorio-allantoic membrane during pregnancy?
Breaking of the water bag
What is the primary function of the scrotum?
Temperature regulation of the testes
What are the 3 most genetically common colors of horses?
Bay, black, and chestnut
What is a synthetic progestin compound that does not interact with the mare’s natural progesterone and is used to regulate estrus early in the breeding season?
At what time do most mares foal?
Between 7pm and 7am
What type of gene action is when many genes have an effect on the same trait and they are added together to produce that trait in a horse such as speed?
quantitative gene action
what type of gene action is when a particular trait is influenced by a single pair of genes or maybe 2 or 3 pairs of genes such as the dilution of bay to buckskin?
Qualitative gene action
What is the 6-8 inch long muscular mucous membrane-lined tube which communicates the vestibule—— of the vulva to the cervix?
Why would you put a stallion under artificial light?
Increase testicular activity
Which 2 hormones stimulate the gonads?
FSH and LH ———
What is the term for a condition that results in empryonic —-death?
True lethal
Horses have 33 chromosome strings, the X and Y chromosomes are called sex chromosomes, what are the other ones called?
Where is the site of spermatogenesis——- and production of testosterone?
Why don’t females suffer from X-linked heredity diseases?
Females have to be homozygous——– for trait to suffer from it and would have to receive abnormal gene from both parents. Most affected males do not live to reproductive and therefor do not sire foals
Which pinto pattern is associated with the lethal white foal syndrome?
What is the name of the hormone that signals the start of the reproductive season?
Gonadotropic releasing hormone—
What type of chromosomes are the X and Y chromosomes?
sex chromosomes
Fetal development is greatest during the third trimester but most of the body weight gained during pregnancy occurs when?
Second trimester
Which gene is responsible for mottled, varnish roan, blanket with spots, blankets, frost, leopard and a few leopard spots in horses?
Leopard gene, LP
What is the length of the gestation period for the American Miniature Horse?
11 months
What happens to the offspring of roans and white horses whose genetic pattern is homozygous?
They die in early fetal development
What is the average length of the mare’s estrous cycle?
4.5-7.5 days
Blood type is an example of which gene?
Co-dominance ———-
What is the name of the enlarged pre-ovulatory——– follicle?
Graafian follicle
What is the main body of the penis called?
What is the simplest method of bringing a mare into estrus prior to the natural breeding season?
Artifcial lighting
Most traits in horses are influenced by what type of gene action?
Name the 2 types of genetic hernias.
umbilical and inguinal
What are the gonads?
Ovaries and testicles
What hormone causes receptive behavior patterns observed in mares during heat and acts to prepare the uterus for receiving the embryo?
The genetic material is located within what cell structure?
What is the ability to pass on characteristics and qualities to offspring?
Prepotency of genes
Which hormone stimulates the growth of follicles?
How often can a stallion’s semen be collected without interfering with the stallions ability to produce sperm?
Up to 3 times daily for short periods
What is the powerful middle layer of the uterus that is responsible for contractions which expel the foal at birth?
What is the general term for the secretion of the testes, epididymis and accessory glands mixed with spermatozoa?——
What are the 3 types of qualitative gene actions?
Dominance, co-dominance, and partial dominance
Spermatogenesis is made up of a series of events leading to the release of spermatozoa. How many days are required for these events to occur?
57 days
Name 2 basic colors that the color ‘chestnut’ is recessive to .
Black and bay
What is the medical procedure used to close the mare’s vulva to prevent her from sucking air an debris into her reproductive tract?
Caslick operation (episoplasty)
When does a mare’s reproductive ability begin to decrease?
usually after 16 years of age
During the first 3 moths after foaling, a mare will produce how much milk per their body weight?
Up to 3% of their body weight
The ovaries are responsible for the production of which two hormones?
Estrogen and progesterone
What i mastitis?
Inflammation and infection of the udder
What is the name of the procedure used to identify mares in estrus?
At what stage of pregnancy does the mare’s nutritional need increase?
Last 3 months of gestation
What are the 2 basic types of genetic actions?
Qualitative and quanititative
What is the name for the thin, transparent membrane that surrounds the foal at birth and must be removed so the foal can breathe?
What are the 3 main colors of horses that provide the basis for most of the other colors in color genetics?
Black, bay, and chestnut
Why are all roan colored horses heterozygous Rnrn?
All homozygous roan horse die in early fetal development and are never born
What part of the ovary contains the ova when a filly is born?
What reproductive hormone is secreted by the hypothalamus in response to environmental cues such as day length?
Gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRH)
In the stallion, the hormone FSH exerts its effect on which cells?
Sertoli cells
What is the short estrus period soon after foaling called?
Foal heat
Why are all white horses heterozygous?
Because white homozygotes die early in development
How does the length of daylight hours affect the breeding season and the reproductive response of the stallion and the mare?
Longer daylight horses (16 hrs) stimulate the reproductive systems, shorter hours suppresses and decreases hormones needed for reproduction
What hormone is responsible for stimulating ovulation and supporting the initial stages of corpus lutuem development?
Which gland signals the start of the reproductive season by producing a chemical signal in the form of gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRH)?
When is a mare usually anestrus?
In winter/during shorter daylight hours
What is the term for the oil product of the sebaceous glands that build up in the end of the penis?
Conception rates are highest when the mares are bred when?
1 - 2 days prior to ovulation
How long does it take for the foal’s immune system to become functional and to be able to produce significant levels of antibodies to guard against diseases?
2 - 4 months
What are the 2 most common methods used to manipulate the estrous cycle?
Artificial lighting and hormonal stimulation
What is the heritability estimate when looking at the horse’s traits?
Percentage of a horse’s expressed traits that is due to genetcis
What kind of bedding is preferred for a foaling stall?
When do ‘wax beads’ appear on the teats of a mare?
a few hours to 2 - 4 days before foaling
During parturition, what happens at the end of stage one that prepares the birth canal for the delivery of the foal?
Rupture of the water bag (chorion or chorio-allantoic membrane)
A brown discoloration of the placenta with meconium in it, may indicate what?
Foal may have had a low oxygen supply during birth
What acts as a physical barrier between the vagina and uterus?
Name the wedge-shaped area of the ovary from which ova are shed.
Ovulation fossa
What is the term for the number of spermatozoa which can be collected per a 24-hour period from a stallion and is determined by collecting the stallion daily for 7 days?
Daily sperm output (DSO)
Name 3 modes of inheritance.
Autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mode
What is the fluid portion of the semen consisting of testicular, epididymal and accessory sex gland secretions called?
Seminal Plasma
Which hormone can be used on pregnant mares to cause abortions?
What is a colt?
Young male horse under 4 years of age
What is the term used to describe the sexual drive?
What vaccine should be given to brood mares at the fifth, seventh and ninth months of pregnancy?
What is the length of time required for spermatogenesis and epididymis maturation in the stallion?
About 65 days
Colostrum contains a high level of immunoglobulins, why are these important to the foal?
Foals are born with no protectoin from diseases, immunoglobulins are antibodies to protect the foal against disease.
Which highly contagious disease causes about 90% of all foal diarrhea outbreaks and usually occurs in foals about 70 days old?
What virus is the most devastating bacterial cause of pneumonia in foals?
Rhodococcus equi (Pronounced road-o-cock-us)
What is a non-infectious disorder of the central nervous system in about 1-2% of newborn foals with gross abnormal behavior?
Neonatal maladjustment syndrome (Also called convulsive syndrome)
What are foals called that suffer from Neonatal Maladjustment syndrome?
Dummy or convulsive foals, Barker, Wanderer
What is it called when organs or tissue project through an abdominal opening and usually occur in the naval or scrotum areas?
Name a breed of horse that is homozygous for the Dn gene.
Fjord horse
Usually ‘wax beeds’, which are actually drops of colostrum, appear on the mare’s udder about how long prior to foaling?
2-4 days before foaling
What is the hormone necessary for normal sexual behavior and function in stallions?
What is endometritis?
Infections of the uterus (inflammation of endometrium, the mucous membrane of the uterus)
What are the finger-like projections from the end of the incunabulum that surround the ovary?
Out of the colors, black, bay, and chestnut; tell which one is recessive and which one is dominant to the others.
Chestnut is recessive, black is dominant
What is the production of spermatozoa called?
Define the term seasonally polyestrus.
Reproductive habits of the mare in which she undergoes multiple estrous cycles only during a circumscribed portion of the year.
What is the multi-layered, hollow, Y-shaped organ in the female reproductive system?
What is the distensible muscle that acts as a physical barrier between the vagina and the uterus?
Name the hair-like projections that line the mare’s oviducts and are responsible for transporting ova down the oviduct.
The short estrus period soon after foaling is called what?
Foal heat
Brood mares can be protected against rhinopneumonitis by immunization with an inactivated vaccine during which months of pregnancy?
Third, fifth, seventh and ninth
Which organ is considered to be the ‘master organ’ of the male reproductive system because it is the for production of spermatozoa and testosterone?
Colostrum is secreted during which period post-parturition?
First 24-28 hours
What term describes the minimum number of spermatozoa produced within a 24-hour period?
Daily sperm production (DSP)
About how long is a mare pregnant before giving birth to a fully developed foal?
11 months
Name the only 2 places where single chromosomes exist.
In sex cells, sperm and egg
What is the term for a female foal?
What sex has the genotype XX?
How many ovaries does the mare have?
What are the substances that are the carriers of inheritance?
Genes and chromosomes
In days, how long does the mare carry foal before birth?
335-342 days
Which parent determinses the sex of teh foal?
What event stimulates the foal to start breathing on its own after being born?
Breaking of the naval cord (umbilical cord)
Which part of the female reproductive system is the largest?
What sex will have a genotype of XY?
How long is the average length of gestation of the mare?
335-342 days
What is a sire?
Male parent of a foal
What is the pouch that suspends the testicles?
What is the progeny of a mare?
How old should a stallion be before being first used for breeding?
2 years old
Name the bubble-like structure on the female ovary which contains the egg.
What is the term for the length of time for development of the foal from time of fertilization to its birth?
What are the 2 terms for describing a male and female foal?
Filly is a female, Colt is a male
What are long, thread-like structures made of complex proteins that carry genes?
In what organ does the fetus develop?
What is the term for a gene that can hide another genes characteristics?
What 2 parts are included in the birth canal of the mare?
Cervix and vagina
How many chromosomes does a horse have?
What is the more common term for the gestation period?
After a foal is born, what happens to the placenta?
It is expelled
what is the scientific name for the egg?——-
What percent of foals would be considered chestnut if a chestnut stallion were bred to a chestnut mare?
Which organ is the site of male sex hormone production?
Testicles or testes
The characteristics that a foal inherits from its parents must come from what 2 cells?
Egg and sperm
What connects the fetus to the placenta?
Naval cord (umbilical cord)
The most raped period of growth in the fetus is during what part of gestation?
last 3-4 months
What is the common name for the estrus period in a mare?
What is the term for the muscular spongy organ of the female where the unborn animal develops?
Uterus of womb
What percent of foals will be male and what percent would be female?
50% male and 50% female
What term describes a mare that is not in foal?
Barren Mare
What term describes the removal of the testicles from the male?
Castration (geld or alter)
What hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland and causes follicle growth?
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
What do the initials, FSH stand for?
Follicle stimulating hormone
What is the gland located at the base of the brain that secretes hormones that regulate the body?
Pituitary gland
What is the male horse with one or both testicles retained in his body cavity?
What is another term for afterbirth?
what is the scientific name for the naval cord?
umbilical cord
What is the period of raped follicle growth at the termination of the diestrus period?
When are mares most likely to be anestrus?
Winter months
What usually happens to the length of the estrus period during late summer?
Decreases in length
What happens if 2 eggs are released and fertilized?
Twin embryos
Although several million sperm may be present in the reproduction tract of the female after mating, how many will eventually fertilize the egg if pregnancy occurs?
What occurs at the end of a successful pregnancy?
Birth of the foal
What is a mixed group of sucklings and weanlings called?
Name 3 functions of the placenta during the gestation period.
Carries oxygen to fetus, carries nutrients to fetus, carries waste products away from the fetus
What is a female weanling called?
What is a mature, breeding female called?
What is a mature, breeding male horse called?
What is a mixed group of mature breeding and non-breeding mares, gelding and stallions called?
What is a mature non-breeding male horse?
What is a mature non-breeding female horse?
Spayed mare
What is the first nutrition the foal receives after parturition?
How long does the entire process of birth usually take?
Several hours
What is the term for the charge for the service of a stallion in breeding a mare?
Stud fee
Define fetus.
Unborn animal as it develops in the uterus
What is the term for a male foal?
Which organ is the site of male sex hormone production?
Which organ produces the eggs in the mare?
What are genes?
Units of inheritance that pass characteristics from parent to offspring
What is the average length of the estrous cycle in a mare?
21 days
What is the genotype of the female?
What is the genotype of the male?
Color and other physical characteristics of an offspring are caused by what?
What do we call the “Units of inheritance”?
What is a colt?
Male foal
What is a sperm?
male sex cell
Nutrients and oxygen are carried from the mare to the fetus through what?
What is the term fro a gene which can hide the effects of another gene?
Bile is produced in the liver, where does it go from there?
Directly into the small intestine
If a homozygous black stallion is bred to a chestnut mare, what color will the foals be?
All foals would be black with a recessive gene for chestnut
What do we call sperm that is mixed with cluid from the accessory glands?
What is a cross between a stallion and a jennet called?
What is a mass of tubes connected to the testicles where sperm is stored while they mature?
What does phenotype mean?
Outward appearance
Why are twin embryos undesirable?
Because they are generally aborted prematurely
Which substance is important to the newborn foal because it has immune factors which provides resistance to infections and is high in protein?
Name the 2 tiny cells that merge to form the fetus and tell where each one comes from.
Sperm (from the male) and egg or ovum (from the female)
What is the name of the tube that carries the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra?
Vas deferens
Define the term, seasonally polyestrus.
Seasonal fluctuations of the estrus cycle with regards to length, intensity, and regularity
What are the sons or daughters of a mare called?
Produce (foals can also be accepted)
What is the study of how characteristics are passed from parent to offspring?
What structure on the ovary contains the egg?
What part of the male reproductive tract connects the testicles to the vas deferens?
During the winter months, most mares show no signs of estrus, what is the term for this?
Name the glands that nourish and preserve the sperm.
Prostate, seminal cesicles, cowpers gland
What is the main function of the infundibulum?
Catch the egg when it is released by the ovary
What is the steroid hormone secreted by the hypertrophied cells of the corpus luteum?
What is the term for sex cell division?
Where are sperm stored within the male reproductive tract?
How long is diestrus?
10-18 days
What is the term for normal cell division?
What is in the center of a cell that contains genetic material?
What is the term for a mare that is not in foal?
Barren mare
What is the term for the change that occurs in an animal that results in the animals ability to produce sex cells?
When a breeder guarantees a live foal, what must the foal do to fulfill the guarantee?
Stand and suck after being born
What is the solid mass that forms in the follicle after the egg has left and produces a hormone that helps to maintain pregnancy?
Corpus Luteum
The various parts of the female reproductive system are connected together and attached to the upper body wall by which means?
What is the science of genetics?
Study of how characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring
What is the term for the funnel-like membrane that surrounds the ovary?
Which hormone stimulates milk secretion?
Which hormone regulates testosterone in the male?
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
What is fertilization?
Sperm entering the egg (or ovum)
What is an abnormal condition that an animal possesses at birth?
What is the membrane by which the fetus is attached to the uterus?
What forms in the follicle after the egg has left?
Corpus Luteum
How large is the ovary of the mare?
2-3 inches
What do you call the period after estrus during the mare’s estrous cycle?
What kind of hormones stimulate the development and maintenance of female sexual characteristics?
Estrogenic hormones
What is another term for the cervix and vagina of the mare?
Birth canal
What is the general term for the egg and sperm?
Sex cells
what is the sac-like pouch that suspends the testicles outside of the male animal?
Chromosomes exist in pairs in all body cells except which two?
Sperm and egg
Where are the testicles and epididymis located?
in the scrotum
Why is it especially important for a foal to nurse soon after being born?
To get colostrum, first milk, which is very high in protein and provides resistance to infections
What is the term for a mare that cycles continuously throughout the breeding season?
If a black stallion with the genotype of Bb is bred to a black mare of the same genotype, what percentage of the foals would be red?
what is the narrow passage between the mare’s vagina and the uterus?
Name the tube that carries the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
Oviduct (Fallopian tube)
How long after birth is the colostrum replaced by normal milk?
About 2 days after initial nursing
What is another term for parturition?
If the sperm cell contributes a Y chromosome when it fertilizes an egg, what sex will the foal be?
what is the difference in the body temperature versus the temperature of the scrotum?
Scrotal temperature is cooler than body temperature
Why is it important for the temperature of the scrotum to be several degrees lower than the rest of the body?
To aid in normal sperm development
When does the placenta attach to the wall of the uterus and begins to provide nourishment for the fetus?
6 weeks into the pregnancy
Milk secretion is initiated by hormones secreted by which gland?
Pituitary gland
What is the term for a seasonal fluctuation of the estrous cycle with regards to length intensity and regularity?
Seasonally polyestrous
How many chromosomes does the donkey have?
Name the cross that produces a mule.
Jack and mare
What cross produces a hinny?
Stallion and jennet
Why are mules and hinnys usually sterile?
Because of imbalance of chromosomes prevents functioning of the sex cells (32 chromosomes from horse and 31 chromosomes for the donkey)
Name 3 traits of the horse that are influenced by genes.
Conformation, temperament, physical performance, size, muscularity, longevity, coat color.
Where are the accessory glands found in the male?
Along the urethra
What do the initials, LH stand for?
Luteinizing hormone
Which hormone initiates lactation?
What is the time when the follicle bursts and the egg is released called?
Which reproductive organ has thick wall with a heavy layer of muscles and is the largest of all organs in the female reproductive tract?
Name 2 main functions of testosterone in the male.
Masculine appearance, regulates and maintains male reproductive tract, masculine behavior of the stallion.
Name the hormone that inhibits the actions of estrogens, aids in development of the uterus for implantation and nutrition of the embryo and is secreted by the corpus luteum.
What size is the fluid-filled follicle just prior to releasing the egg?
about 1 inch in diameter
What term applies to the hormones that stimulate the development and maintenance of feminine sexual characteristics?
estrogenic hormones
Name the 4 parts of the female reproductive tract that make u p the duct system.
Oviducts, uterus, cervix, and vagina
Name 2 parts of the female reproductive tract that the fetus must pass through from the uterus during the birth process.
Cervix and vagina
What is the very thin membrane that surrounds the ovary and traps the newly released egg?
Many mares are capable of first reproduction at what age?
3 years old
What is the period of the estrous cycle where the mare i receptive to the stallion?
Estrus (heat)
Which phase of the estrous cycle is often referred to as the quiet period?
Which phase of the estrous cycle is often referred to as the preparation period?
Which phase of the estrous cycle is often referred to as the heat period?
What is the normal range of the estrous cycle?
17-30 days
What is the average range of the estrous period?
2-11 days
Where in the female reproductive tract is sperm deposited by the male?
What is the tube through which both semen and urine pass through the penis of the male?
where does fertilization occur in the foal?
when does ovulation usually occur during the estrous cycle?
One day before the end of estrus
what term applies to the irregularity of the estrous cycle in early spring?
Which hormone is secreted in large amounts during the state of rapid and maximum follicle growth during the heat period of the estrous cycle?
Where does the fertilized egg usually undergo its initial cleavages or divisions?
What must occur before the egg starts to divide and create a new embryo?
Where is the genetic material found in the egg?
Which hormone assist in regulating the reproductive tract of the female during pregnancy and is secreted by the corpus luteum?
What part of the sperm cell provides locomotion?
What is the normal range of the gestation period in days?
305-400 days
What does the term, stud fee each service mean?
A stud fee will be charged for each service of the stallion
What does the term, return privilege in season mean?
Mare can be brought back for re-breeding until she is in foal for that breeding season only. Second stud fee will be charge after current breeding season is over if mare is returned
Milk production and let down of milk is initiated by hormones secreted by which gland?
Pituitary gland
What is the name of the ovarian structure that normally develops shortly after estrus?
Corpus luteum
What is a yeld mare?
Mare that did not produce a foal during the current season
What are the 3 parts of a sperm cell?
Head, midpiece, tail
What is a cross between a jack and a mare called?
Chromosomes are made of what materials?
Complex protein
When does puberty usually occur in stallions?
Approximately 1 year old
What is the name for the male gland which produce the sperm?
What term describes the genetic makeup of an animal?
What is the term that describes a cell that duplicates itself and then divides into 2 identical cells?
What is a hormone?
Body regulating chemical secreted by a gland into the blood stream
what is colostrum?
First milk after birth
how does the embryo receive its nutrition before attaching to the uterus?
uterine secretions
Most reproductive processes are regulated by which gland?
pituitary gland
What is the function of the expelled fluids of the male’s accessory glands during mating?
Wash sperm forward through the penis
Explain how meiosis and mitosis differ.
Mitosis– chromosomes duplicates itself before division and one pair (2) of the duplicated chromosomes goes to each new cell (normal cell division). Meiosis– chromosome pairs divide, one chromosome of each pair goes to each new cell (sex cell division)
Which gland produces the follicle stimulating hormone and what is the hormones purpose?
Maintain and regulate male reproductive tract, responsible for masculine appearance and behavior of the stallion.
Name the 3 main functions a mare’s reproductive organs as it contributes to reproduction.
Produces eggs, receives sperm from the stallion and provides place for the unborn offspring to develop.
What are the 2 types of cell division?
Mitosis and meiosis
What are the 5 parts of the female reproductive system?
Ovaries, oviducts (Fallopian tubes), uterus, cervix and vagina
Name the accessory glands of the male reproductive tract.
Prostate, seminal cesicles, cowpers gland
What are the 3 principal estrogenic hormones of the mare?
Estradiol, estrone, estriol
Name the 2 main functions of LH.
Regulates corpus luteum in the mare and testosterone secretion in the male
Place the following reproductive terms in the correct order: Ovulation, gestation, fertilization, and puberty.
Puberty, ovulation, fertilization and gestation
What are the 3 main phases of the estrous cycle?
Diestrus (quiet period), proestrus (preparation), estrus (heat period)
Name 3 hormones secreted by the pituitary gland.
Prolactin, LH, FSH
What is a male weanling called?
Name 5 organs of the male reproductive tract.
Testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, penis
Name 5 parts of the mare’s ovary.
Follicle, egg, follicular fluid, ovary, old corpus luteum
Starting with the testicles, name in order, the movement of sperm through the stallion’s reproductive tract.
Testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, penis