Cases Flashcards
Munn v. Illinois 94 U.S. 113, year?
Munn v. Illinois 94 U.S. 113, summary?
United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the power of state governments to regulate private industries that affect “the common good”.
In this case which concerned whether a grain operator had to comply with city ordinances, the court ruled that private property becomes a public interest when it is used in a manner which affect the community at large
14th Amendment, year and summary?
Ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including former slaves—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws.”
Munn v. Illinois 94 U.S. 113, which industry affected?
Attorney General v. Williams 188 U.S. 491, 23 S.Ct. 440, year?
Attorney General v. Williams 188 U.S. 491, 23 S.Ct. 440, summary?
The court held there was adequate provision for the payment of damages sustained by the taking, and the statute in question could not be adjudged in conflict with the United States Constitution.
Year? Ordinance that provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. The rectangular survey has been called “the largest single act of national planning in our history and … the most significant in terms of continuing impact on the body politic” (Daniel Elazar).
The Ordinance of 1785, summary (2 main points)
- Public Land Survey System: Land systematically surveyed into square townships, 6 mi (9.7 km) on a side, each divided into 36 sections of 1 sq mi (2.6 km2) or 640 acres (260 ha) and sold to public.
- Established a mechanism for funding public education
Year? First “model tenement” built in Manhattan.
Year? First “model tenement” built in Manhattan.
1855, Major housing milestone?
First “model tenement” built in Manhattan aka first multifam 6- story building for African Americans.
Year? In his Report on Manufactures, Alexander Hamilton argues for protective tariffs for
manufacturing industry as a means of promoting industrial development in the young
Year? In a speech before Congress, Henry Clay proposes a plan (called the American
System) to allocate federal funds to promote the development of the national economy
by combining tariffs with internal improvements, such as roads, canals and other
Year? Erie Canal completed. This artificial waterway connected the northeastern states with
the newly settled areas of what was then the West, facilitating the economic
development of both regions.
Year? The National Road terminates in Vandalia, Illinois. Begun in 1811 in Cumberland, Maryland, it helps open the Ohio Valley to settlers.
Year? Homestead Act opened the lands of the Public Domain to settlers for a nominal fee and
five years residence.
Homestead Act, summary?
The 1862 Homestead Act accelerated settlement of U.S. western territory by allowing any American, including freed slaves, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land.
Year and Summary? Morrill Act.
1862, Congress authorizes land grants from the Public Domain to the states.
Proceeds from the sale were to be used to found colleges offering instruction in
agriculture, engineering, and other practical arts.
Act and Year? Congress authorizes land grants from the Public Domain to the states. Proceeds from the sale were to be used to found colleges offering instruction in agriculture, engineering, and other practical arts.
Morrill Act, 1862
Year? New York Council of Hygiene of the Citizens Association mounts a campaign to raise housing and sanitary standards.
Year? First major tenement house law (N.Y.) restricting physical conditions.
Year? Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux begin the planning of Riverside Illinois, a planned suburban community stressing rural as opposed to urban amenities.
Year, who did it and significance of Riverside Illinois?
1862, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, a planned suburban community stressing rural as opposed to urban amenities.
Year? The Residence Act established the District of Columbia at the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and declared it the seat of the United States Government. George Washington selected Pierre L’Enfant to plan the capital city.
Year? Place? Cochran v. Preston 108 Md. 220
1908, Maryland (near Washington Monument)
Summary? Cochran v. Preston 108 Md. 220
1908, Validity of Statute Regulating Height of Buildings to be Erected in a Designated Locality: The right to make reasonable regulations concerning the height of buildings in a city is within the police power of the State.
Year? San Francisco prohibits specific obnoxious uses in certain districts–beginning of land-use zoning in U.S.
Year? The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads meet at Promontory Point, Utah, on May 10 to complete the first transcontinental railroad.
Year? John Wesley Powell’s Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States is published. Includes a proposed regional plan that would both foster settlement of the arid west and conserve scarce water resources.
Who wrote? Summary? Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States
John Wesley Powell, Includes a proposed regional plan that would both foster settlement of the arid west and conserve scarce water resources and argued against the Homestead Act of 1862
Year? John Wesley Powell’s Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States is published. Includes a proposed regional plan that would both foster settlement of the arid west and conserve scarce water resources.
Who and what? Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States is published.
John Wesley Powell, Includes a proposed regional plan that would both foster settlement of the arid west and conserve scarce water resources.
1 acre = ____SF
Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States divides land into what types?
Irrigable lands, timber lands, and pasturage lands
1 acre = ____ SQ meter
Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States divides land into what types?
Irrigable lands, timber lands, and pasturage lands
Years it took off? Who lead it? US Geological Survey
1881 - 1884, John Powell & Clarence King
Year? Progress and Poverty book by Henry George
Summary? Who wrote? Progress and Poverty Book
Henry George, argument for diminishing extremes of national wealth and poverty by means of a single tax (on land) that would capture the “unearned increment” of national development for public uses.
Summary? Progress and Poverty
Progress and Poverty published. In this influential book Henry George presents an argument for diminishing extremes of national wealth and poverty by means of a single tax (on land) that would capture the “unearned increment” of national development for public uses.
Year of first? “Dumbbell Tenement
1879, New York
First ‘Great Depression’ years?
1873 - 1878
Year? “Dumbbell Tenement,”
Years built? Building of Pullman, Illinois, model industrial town by George Pullman.
Year? Establishment of U.S. Geological Survey to survey and classify all Public Domain lands.
Years built? Building of Pullman, Illinois, model industrial town by George Pullman.
Year published? Author?How the Other Half Lives
1890, Jacob Riis
Summary? How the Other Half Lives, by Jacob Riis
a powerful stimulus to housing and neighborhood reform.
Year? General Land Law Revision Act
Summary? General Land Law Revision Act
Gave the President power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
Year? Sierra Club founded to promote the protection and preservation of the natural environment. John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist, and a major figure in the history of American environmentalism, was the leading founder.
Summary? Sierra Club of 1892
founded to promote the protection and preservation of the natural environment. John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist, and a major figure in the history of American environmentalism, was the leading founder.
What was documented? ‘How the Other Half Lives’
1890 Published. The squalid living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s, including filth, disease, exploitation, and overcrowding that characterized the experience of more than one million immigrants.
Year? What agenda pushed? ‘How the Other Half Lives’
1890 Published. He helped push tenement reform to the front of New York’s political agenda, and prompted then-Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt to close down the police-run poor houses.
Year? First U.S. federal government recognition of the problems of slums and cities (a survey).
Year? World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago commemorating the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the New World.
What did it lead to? World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
A source of the City Beautiful Movement and of the urban planning profession.
Year? Ebenezer Howard publishes Tomorrow A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, start of Garden City movement.
Year? Ebenezer Howard reissued ‘Garden Cities of Tomorrow’
Year? United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Co.
Summary? United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Co.
- The first significant legal case concerning historic preservation. The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose.
Year? Forest Management Act.
Summary? Forest Management Act.
Authorized some control by the Secretary of the Interior over the use and occupancy of the forest preserves.
Year? Gifford Pinchot becomes Chief Forester of the United States in the Department of Agriculture. From this position he publicizes the cause of forest conservation.
Year? New York State Tenement House Law. The legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the “Dumbbell Tenement.” Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer.
Leading reformer in outlawing Dumbbell Tenement?
Lawrence Veiller
Summary? New York State Tenement House Law.
- The legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the “Dumbbell Tenement.” Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer.
Year? Letchworth constructed. First English Garden City and a stimulus to New Town movement in America (Greenbelt Towns, Columbia, etc.).
Summary? Letchworth
First English Garden City and a stimulus to New Town movement in America (Greenbelt Towns, Columbia, etc.).
Year? First local “civic center” plan developed for Cleveland, by Daniel H. Burnham.
Developed by? First local “civic center” plan developed for Cleveland
Daniel H. Burnham. 1903
Year? Where? First application of “City Beautiful” principles to a major American city – Burnham’s Plan
- San Francisco
Year? First comprehensive city survey, Pittsburgh.
Where? First comprehensive city survey
Year? U.S. Reclamation Act.
Summary? U.S. Reclamation Act.
Created fund from sale of public land in the arid states to supply water there through the construction of water storage and irrigation works.
Year? President Theodore Roosevelt appoints a Public Lands Commission to propose rules for orderly land development and management.
Year? Antiquities Act of ____: First law to institute federal protection for preserving archaeological sites. Provided for designation as National Monuments areas already in the public domain that contained “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest.”
Summary? Antiquities Act of 1906
First law to institute federal protection for preserving archaeological sites. Provided for designation as National Monuments areas already in the public domain that contained “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and objects of historic or scientific interest.”
Year? Where? First official, local, and permanent planning board
- Hartford, Connecticut.
Year? Where? First National Conference on City Planning
- Washington, D.C.
Year? First American use of zoning to restrict future development. Los Angeles creates multitude of zones.
Where and what? First American use of zoning to restrict future development.
- Los Angeles creates multitude of zones.
Year? Founding of New York Committee on the Congestion of Population. Fostered movement, led by its secretary, Benjamin Marsh, to decentralize New York’s dense population.
Year? President Roosevelt establishes an Inland Waterway Commission to encourage multipurpose planning in waterway development: navigation, power, irrigation, flood control, water supply.
Year? White House Conservation Conference. State governors, federal officials, and leading scientists assemble to deliberate about the conservation of natural resources.
Summary? New York Committee on the Congestion of Population.
- Fostered movement, led by its secretary, Benjamin Marsh, to decentralize New York’s dense population.
Summary? Inland Waterway Commission
- to encourage multipurpose planning in waterway development: navigation, power, irrigation, flood control, water supply.
Year? First State Enabling Act passes (Wisconsin)
Where and what? First State Enabling Act
Wisconsin, allowing cities to plan, 1909
Year? Plan of Chicago— first metropolitan regional plan in U.S. (Daniel Burnham).
Who and what? 1909 Plan of Chicago
first metropolitan regional plan in U.S.. Daniel Burnham
Year? Welch v. Swasey 214 U.S. 91
Summary? Welch v. Swasey 214 U.S. 91
Limiting the height and construction conditions do not violate the Constitution of the United States or police power.
Details of case? Welch v. Swasey 214 U.S. 91
Francis C. Welch owned property in a residential section of Boston where building height was legislatively limited to 100 feet (30.5 m). In other, more commercial sections of the city, the legislation permitted building height up to 125 feet (38.1 m). After he was denied a permit to construct a 124-foot (37.8 m) building on his property, Welch sued and lost due on the basis of location.
Year? First American test of neighborhood idea - Forest Hill Gardens, Long Island, N.Y.
Year? First major American textbook on planning - Flavel Shurtleff’s Carrying Out the City Plan.
Year? Eubank v City of Richmond 226 U.S. 137
Summary? Eubank v City of Richmond 226 U.S. 137
The ordinance and stature violated the US constitution bc it enabled the purpose of one set of property owner to control the property rights of others. The case was in regard to a new 3’ bay window extension that violated a recently enacted setback but the existing construction did not violate the current setbacks at the time
Year? used as? Walter D Moody’s Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago
- 8th grade textbook
First chair in _____? Year? Charles Mulford Robinson
First chair in Civic Design. 1913
Promoted what philosophy? Charles Mulford Robinson
Urban beautification / city beautiful movement / World’s Colombian Exposition
Year? The Panama Canal opened
Year? McMillian Plan
Summary? McMillian Plan
Senator James McMillan established the Senate Park Commission to restore the grandeur of L’Enfant’s vision. The McMillan Plan, released in 1902, made a distinctive imprint on the city’s architecture and public spaces, particularly in the National Mall’s open greenway, the monumental core of federal buildings, and the comprehensive public park system.
Year? Building Height Act
Year? First private planning consulting firm
Who and where? First private planning consulting firm
N.Y.C. by George B. Ford and Earnest P. Goodrich (Technical Advisory Corporation)
Year? Where? First state to make planning mandatory for local governments
- MA
Method of planning he pioneered? Harland Bartholomew
Regional planning. ‘Dean of Comprehensive City Planning,’
Year? Who? First full time employee of a city planning commission
- Harland Batholomew. New Jersey
Year? Where? Hadacheck v. Sebastian
- Los Angeles. Brickyard
Year? Summary? Hadacheck v. Sebastian
- It is within the city’s police power to prohibit brickmaking within a designated area for the ‘good of the community’ even if the operation was existing before the municipal ordinance was enacted.
“Father of regional planning”?
Patrick Geddes
When? Who authored? Cities in Evolution
- Patrick Geddes
When? Who authored? Planning of the Modern City
- Nelson P. Lewis
Summary? Planning of the Modern City
A Review of the Principles Governing City Planning
Focused on the physical city, Lewis viewed the problems of city planning as engineering problems. From transportation systems to parks and recreation, this book took a systems approach and inspired engineers to consider planning their concern and planners to consider physical problems.
Summary? Cities in Evolution
Created the foundation for regional planning theory.
An Introduction to the Town Planning Movement and to the Study of Civics
Linking social reform and the urban environment, Geddes looked at cities comprehensively. All planning should preserve the unique historic character of the city and involve citizens in the planning of its development, he reasoned, sounding two themes that would reemerge in the 1950s and 1960s.
Year? What city? Nation’s first comprehensive zoning resolution adopted by _____ Board of Estimates under the leadership of George McAneny and Edward Bassett
- New York City.
“Father of Zoning’
Edward Bassett
When? First Federal - Aid Highway Act
When? National Park Service
When? What state? to institute extraterritorial mandatory referral of subdivision plats
- CA
When? Where? First regional functional authority plan adopted.
- Ohio, Miami Conservancy District
When? Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. becomes first president of newly founded American City Planning Institute, forerunner of American Institute of Planners and American Institute of Certified Planners.
When? Affected what?
U.S. Housing Corporation and Emergency Fleet Corporation established
- Influenced later endeavors in public housing. Operated at major shipping centers to provide housing for World War I workers.
When formed? Made up of what three authorities? Boston Metropolitan District Commission
- Three early unifunctional regional authorities–the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, the Metropolitan Water Board and the Metropolitan Park Commission
When? Where? First parkway completed in America
- Bronx River Parkway, N.Y.
When? Where? First statewide citizens organization in support of planning.
- Ohio Planning Conference.
When? Summary? Plessy v. Ferguson
- Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. The case stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for blacks.
When? Summary? 13th Amendment
- Abolished Slavery
When? Summary? 15th Amendment
- African Americans the right to vote.
When? Summary? Buchanan v. Warley
- In a unanimous decision, the Court reversed the Kentucky Court of Appeals and ruled that the ordinance (Louisville had an ordinance that prohibited blacks from living on a block where the majority of residents were white) was unconstitutional.