Case study questions Flashcards
What building regulations are associated with sustainability?
Part L - the conservation of fuel and power.
What two kind of accounts do companies have to produce?
- Financial accounts: External accounts and issued to HMRC & Companies House (for external stakeholders.
- Management accounts: Internal accounts for internal use (any format, any time). Financial reports used for business owners and managers. Not required by law.
What is a profit & loss statement?
A profit & loss statement shows the income and expenditure of a company over a set period of time (normally the financial year).
What are some of the objectives on your company’s (T&T’s) business plan?
Our Purpose: We are making the difference; transforming performance for a green, inclusive and productive world.
* Green - investment in net zero and renewables. Deliver projects more sustainably.
* Inclusive - collaboration and diverse talent
* Productive - more data driven and insight led
How do you contribute to T&T’s business plan?
1) Spend time with the junior members of the team and have assisted a number of them in their apprenticeships.
2) Spent time with a new member of staff from Qatar
3) I use all of our digital tools which contribute towards our digital transformation
4) I always recycle where I can and car pool to site meetings and events to other offices
5) Networking
6) Share knowledge with my team
What are the 7 principles of GDPR?
- Lawfulness
- Purpose limitation
- Data minimisation
- Accuracy
- Accountability
- Confidentiality
- Storage limitation
What are the levels of fines / sanctions for failing to comply with GDPR?
Lower level: 10 million euros or 2% of annual turnover, whichever is highest.
Higher level: 20 million euros or 4% of annual turnover, whichever is highest.
How would you deal with confidentiality if you were to send data overseas?
Once data is sent to an overseas location they become the data owners. To avoid this I would recheck all recipients of emails I am sending, not send sensitive data or confirm with the client or information owner that it’s OK to send data. Also check local laws.
What is unconscious bias?
The underlying attitudes and stereotypes that people unconsciously attribute to another person or group of people that affect how they understand and engage with a person or group.
What are the benefits to a diverse team?
- Increased creativity and innovation
- Enhanced problem-solving and decision making
- Strengthened skill sets
- Boosted profits and revenue
- Heightened employee engagement
- Improved company reputation
- Strengthened team morale.
Do you know of any reports on Diversity by the RICS?
Building Inclusivity - Laying the Foundation for the Future
Do you know any alternative sustainability assessments to BREEAM?
- LEED - Leadership in Energy, Environment and Design (Used by US)
- SKA - Skanson - RICS own assessment method for office fit-out.
Do you know any UK legislation that deals with Sustainability?
- Sustainability Act
- Clean Air Act
- Energy Act
- Climate Change Act
What are the 3 Pillars of sustainability?
- Social
- Economic
- Environmental
What is outlined in Part L of the building regulations?
Part L sets the standard for energy performance and carbon emissions in new construction or change of use construction projects.
What is decarbonisation?
Decarbonisation refers to the process of reducing or eliminating carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the atmosphere. This is a crucial strategy for mitigating climate change and achieving net zero emissions.
What are the main forms of ADR?
- Negotiation - parties work out disputes by themselves
- Mediation - parties agree on an independent party to facilitate discussions to reach a settlement. Power still remains with the parties.
- Adjudication - a legal alternative to arbitration and litigation. Deigned to allow for disputes to be resolved more quickly and cost effectively. Power is with the adjudicator.
When can mediation become legally binding?
Only when the parties involved reach an agreement and sign a settlement agreement. This signed agreement is then enforceable by law.
What is the RICS guidance for conflict avoidance?
Conflict avoidance dispute resolution in construction black book.