Case Study Flashcards
Did we know the clients budget?
No but we have a longstanding good relationship with the client so we understood their budget concerns although not the actual number
How did I produce the estimate for termination at will?
Undertook an assessment of the works completed to date, subcontractor and Atkins prelims, any materials ordered which included the DNO. Also factored in cost for making good and demobilising from site.
Project end of control period - Due to this, there was no option for the client to gain additional funding if the project exceeded the budget – can they usually get more budget?
Potentially yes and especially if this at the beginning of the control period. Projects at the end are always the ones more impacted, If they over overspend at beginning, more likelihood of uses spare budget
Possessions that had been secured for commissioning – were these E&P possessions?
They can just book new possessions.
Terminating under the target?
Works were only 50% complete, would not get full gain share, could be dealt with as proportional OR works are not completed to gain share not used.
What did the costs for demoblisation include?
Cost to remove excavator, telehandler and welfare units from the site and the cost to transport them back to site again after the demob period.
What industry news stories did I read about inflation increases and materials shortages?
- Communicated within business.
- The impact of the war in Ukraine resulted in significant energy price increases which had an impact on the cost of production of materials
- This conflict also led to materials shortages, with key electrical components
- Ukraine war intensifies already turbulent market previously effected by covid and Brexit.
- High inflation.
How did I instruct the subcontractor?
Delegated authority, to provide a quote in line with a proposed instruction.
How did I assess the delay for the DNO cubicle?
Additional prelims for both the contractor and subcontractor, in line with the programme extension.
The delay meant that the contract completion date was extended by four weeks. What types of float are there?
Terminal float which is owned by the contractor. Client risk and therefore this change could not use it.
How was the ongoing management for the reduced prelims captured to the client?
Why did I present the options before proceeding
Authority to sign off in line the companys governance procedures
Client care – keeping the client informed at each stage? Did I inform them weekly of the additional cost increase while demoblised? How was I tracking the costs?
How were my effective contract management and commercial skillset were crucial in delivering successful outcomes?
Working on behalf of the contractor, my commercial skills ensured that the contractor maintained profitability.
Would you say the project had a successful outcome?
No, I meant from a commercial management perspective to the contractor.
How did I maximise contractual opportunities under the contractual entitlement and ensured that the contractor maintained profitability throughout the review of each key issue option.
How did I consider the risk expose would be managed for termination options?
Understanding of termination? Pros and cons?
How is termination dealt with under NEC
Section 9 of the contract, there is a termination table which details the reasons (22), procedure (1-4) and amount due (1-4) for each terminating party.
What would undertaking a Quantitative Cost Risk Analysis with the client achieve?
Was the relationship with the subcontractor bad if I wanted to improve relationships?
Did we have a risk budget?
Yes 20k contingency but all risks were pass through.
Why were works not suspended?
Process of termination under NR12?
- I would follow the contract, different types
- In this instance I was considering termination at will, where the employer with 30 days’ notice to the contractor can terminate the employment of the Contractor
- Can terminate for contractor or employer default, 7 days notice must be given to terminate employment
- The contract outlines rights, how the works will be valued and payment after termination
- E.g., the employer may complete the works himself or employ another contractor to do so
How did you ask the subcontractor for a quote?
Request for quotation in similar format to a proposed instruction under NEC.
Am I advising the internal team about termination or the client?
Internal only, worst case scenario to demonstrate costs but not to propose as an option to client.
Key issue 1 - Price the 3 options
Key issue 2 – Price the 3 options
What clause did they instruct demob?
When its demob – what is the risk?
I state termination at will is not in standard form such as NEC ECC.
When I wrote this, I was thinking of NEC4 where it is not in the core clauses but is included in X clause – X11. I am also aware following further review that under NEC3 the employer can terminate for any reason under 90.2.
RICS guidance?
Guidance Note - Termination of contract, corporate recovery and insolvency, has a checklist for termination of contract
How is each comp I have listed demonstrated in my case study?
How is ethics demonstrated in my case study?
I would not advise on the QCRA, I would get a risk manager to do this, used wider business procurement experts – linking to rule 2.
Full demob – what’s the cost implications in the interim period before full termination?
Will the next project be direct award to us?
How much work are we promised under framework? How many suppliers are on it?
Did the project ever progress to reach a solution? The resolution here seems to be to simply walk away with the works unfinished?
How did you ensure you were providing value for money to NR?
Demob on site: any impact on future service offering?
How is the base of a DNO constructed?
You raised an EWN to NR following a delay…was this not an issue at this point and therefore a change?
Should you have assumptions in a contract?
How is, what was traditionally know as plant, described under NEC?
How did/would you deal with the subcontractor upon termination?
What are the termination clauses in the contract?
Issue delay of DNO cubicle - How did you know it was NR risk?
How was the DNO identified as delayed?
Buried service - Why did you issue an early warning for the buried service?
Is there a contractual requirement for an EWN on your contract?
How does a Target Cost contract work?
What was the Pain/Gain on your contract?
How are they assessed? FEE ITEMS, DISALLOWED COST
How do you know what is payable?
How would you assess change on a Target Cost?
Awarded under framework - Be prepared to answer questions on this. Pros and cons of direct award, how it is facilitated, what situations would it be used etc
Client and subcontractor contract - Be prepared to answer questions around the two different types of contract and how they interact
Why didn’t you issue the early warning?
What did it the EWN include?
Steel pipe client risk and variation - Why was it, what did the contract say and how did you come to this conclusion?
Why was there an increased lead time for the DNO cubicle, were you involved in the procurement of this?
To clarify, You’ve said you were seconded to the contractor, but then speak about drafting and issuing an EWN for the PM?
If answer is, contractor PM, ask If that’s the terminology used in the contract?
What did you include in your costing of the termination option?
How do you think the ground investigations could have been better arranged to reduce the risk of this pipes late discovery? Trial holes undertaken in base location?
Was there an option to extend into a different financial period and secure additional funding to allow a change in design? Could this not have been justified to funding providers? Avoided contract being terminated?
What was the final resolution? Is the project finished? Was the excavation for the base left with the pipe exposed?
Upon final demobilisation, how did you ensure that the contractor was fairly reimbursed?
This was a target cost contract, how would pain gain have been managed upon termination?
Why was termination your first step - Looking for EWN meetings, risk reviews and mitigation suggestions.
You note that The DNO cubicle was bespoke based on the contractor’s design - produced under a separate contract, if the contract was terminated who would have ownership of the design?
You have noted in you conclusion that identifying buried services as a risk before contract would of helped, but have also noted this was am assigned client risk with an allowance already attributed, could you expand on this please
What would you need to show to demonstrate DNO delivery?
Where did the DNO actually end up?