Case Studies - Human geography Flashcards
Who was involved in the decision making for the Salisbury river side project?
Is a collaboration between:
- the environmental agency
- Wiltshire council produced CAF to help make recommendations to guide future development
- Salisbury city council
- Swindon and Wiltshire local enterprise partnership
- Funded by the government agencies, £23.5 out of £35 million
- Opposition = funds from local taxpayers
- People were consulted through direct message/email or through Wiltshire council website
- Success can be measured through a reduction in flooding and an increase in public engagement
Eden Project
Located in Cornwall
Government funding
brownfield site - built on former clay pit, which shut as a result of the global shift in industry
opened in 2001 - 1.5 million visitors in first year
June 2021 hosted G7 Summit - global significance
Contributed £2bn to local economy since launch
Indoor attraction so open all year
Created 450 jobs and supports local services
Worth £10 million a year to the county
However, produces both traffic and noise pollution
Rust belt/Grimsby/Red Car
- Function - change over time
- due to 3 Cod wars vs Iceland, the industry changed from fishing
- resulted in loss of jobs, limited supply of production, increased unemployment leading to negative multiplier effect
- By 2030 they aim for a vibrant town centre, green space, use of sea front/waterfront
- Aim to increase tourism and footfall
- £3.3million regeneration plan
Rust Belt:
- Michigan USA
- 50% population drop
- Poverty rates 38% - high
- Industry collapse causing a spiral of decline
- Deindustrialisation - inequality and deprivation, sink estates, postcode lottery
- need for regeneration - data = office of national statistics
Red Car:
Steel and coal industry decline
Raw materials exhaughsted over time
Reduction in foreign market overseas due to collapse of British Empire
Imports were costly so inland works closed
Olympic park
- Located in East London
- Olympic Games - regeneration/publicity
- Sports led regeneration
- provided accommodation for athletes, turned into flats for sale and rent
- Housing out of price range for locals due to gentrification - helping wealthy outsiders not locals
- Sports facilities built
- 500 acre brownfield area cleaned = created the largest urban park in Europe
- Suffered previously form deindustrialisation which caused deprivation
- 12,000 jobs created
- attracts FDI (foreign direct investment)
- Led to railway improvements
- Negatives = gentrification caused housing to not be affordable, 380 small businesses forced to relocate, new jobs created often went to people from outside the area (not locals)
Diversification of place - Glastonbury, Libern Farm
500 acres - “Worthy Farm”
changed from farming to festival
difference in opinion of success between locals
Libern farm:
diversification - tours, cheese shop locally produced
How can success be measured and what is is dependent on?
- Public engagement
- Public perception
- Age
- Gender
- Levels of education
- Lived experience
- SEEP factors (Social, Economic, Environmental, Political)
China and Africa (NEE and Superpower relations)
Two examples of the growing relationship between china and African nations:
- China - reliance on oil from Angola, Nigeria and Sudan (as well as other minerals)
- African countries - importing manufactured goods from china as well as FDI in roads/rail networks
China uses a form of neocolonialism that creates the appearance of partnership and trust, but is actually used to extract natural resources through soft power.
Challenges for Africa:
1. Debt - China’s loans to African countries are part of a strategy to trap them into debt and force them to give up control of their resources.
2. Corruption - There are accusations of increased corruption, bribery, and unfair business practices in Africa.
3. Prioritization of Chinese interests - Some say that China prioritizes its own interests over local needs
Opportunities which may result in gains for African nations include:
1. Economic growth - China’s investments have helped African countries diversify their economies, create jobs, and improve infrastructure.
2. Trade - China has provided a market for African products and has helped African countries increase their exports.
3. Technology - China has provided products and technologies to African countries.
The Middle East
The Middle East is an area loaded with conflict and tension.. There are a number of causes of instability. As we have said before, the issues are complex and may be difficult to comprehend.
6 million Syrians forced to flee due to neighbouring countries conflicts
Shifting centre of gravity
Asia is fast becoming a more dominant global region…
Population vs GDP shows population growth in Asia and overall decline in Europe and North America. GDP also shifts… rapid growth and change in dominance.