Case 38: A case of polyarthralgia following an episode of diarrhoea Flashcards
What is CIN a selective medium for?
Growth of Yersinia enterocolitica
What is the optimal incubation temperature for Yersinia enterocolitica?
What is the colony morphology of Yersinia enterocolitica on MAC?
Large and small pink colonies
Normal flora
What is the colony morphology of Yersinia enterocolitica on DCA?
Large pink colonies
Normal flora
What is the colony morphology of Yersinia enterocolitica on CAMP?
None - no campylobacter
What is the colony morphology of Yersinia enterocolitica on CIN?
Large, shiny, gooey colonies
Yellow and pink
What is the Gram morphology of Yersinia enterocolitica?
Gram -ve rod
Which antigens will be present in Yersinia enterocolitica infection?
O and H antigens
What is reactive arthritis?
Patients present with arthritis accompanied by urethritis and conjunctivitis (Reiter’s syndrome)
Develops 2-4 weeks after GIT or genitral tract infection
Acute onset with fever and malaise
Arthritis involves lower extremities, no more than 6 joints
What is the common surface antigen present in those suffering from reactive arthritis?
Which common organisms cause reactive arthritis?
Salmonella, campylobacter, shigella, yersinia, chlamydia and neisseria
What is the significance of the serological test in reactive arthritis?
Test serum for Ab for Yersinia
How can reactive arthritis due to Yersinia be acquired?
From milk
How should a patient with reactive arthritis due to Yersinia be managed?
Let infection run its course
Anti-inflammatories for arthritis