Carlos - loads of vocabulary day Flashcards
quite the feast
menudo festín
rich (food)/ clingy (person)
be reluctant to
ser reacio a
inconsequential matters
asuntos nimios
stupid things
unas chorradas/ gillipolleces
that thing (aparato)/ whatdoyoucallit
el chisme ese
gossip (2 verbs)
chismorrear/ cotillear
a “scant/ meagre/ paltry” audience
una audiencia exigua/ escasa
an urban myth
una leyenda urbana
come out (as a homosexual)
salir del armario
a soap opera
un culebrón
you can’t believe it
no te lo puedes creer
I was pissing myself
me meaba de risa
I was pissing myself (culo)
me partía el culo
baggy clothes
ropa holgada
tight/ skinny trousers
pantalones ceñidos
it must be bad
debe de ser malo
fitted clothing
ropa entallada
he had a phase where
hubo un tiempo en el que
sweating the fat drop
sudando la gota gorda
he was (in there) with the curtains drawn
estaba con las cortinas corridas
get fat/ put on weight
engordar/ subir unos kilos
Does she look fat?
¿Se la ve gorda?