Caregiver-Infant Interactions Flashcards
Define attachment
A two way enduring,emotional tie to a specific other person
When does an attachment bond form
When an infant shows stranger anxiety and separation anxiety
Are attachment bond present at birth
Are would someone describe caregiver - infant interactions
Rhythmic and mutual
What are the 2 terms used to describe how a infant and caregiver re able to understand each other
- reciprocity
- interactional synchrony
Define reciprocity
Infant and caregiver are both active contributor in the interaction and responding to each other
Define interactional synchrony
The infant and caregiver behaviours and emotions are synchronised because they are moving in the same or a similar pattern
Isabelle et al (1989)
- support
- observed 30 mothers and infants together in their homes during the first year and assessed the degree of synchrony
- found that mother-infant pairs who had shown more instances of interactional synchrony were more Likely to be securely attached
Meltzoff and Moore (1983)
- support
- infants as young as 3 days imitate the facial expression of adults
- implies that this ability to mirror is an innate behaviour
Weaknesses of interactional synchrony and reciprocity
- difficulty interpreting
- not found in all cultures
- correlational findings
Explain difficult interpreting
- what is observed is Merlot hand move to or hangers in expression
- this is difficult to interpret
- cannot know for certain if behaviour seen in mother-infant interaction is special
- even when they are reliably observed we don’t know the purpose
Describe why interactional synchrony not being found in all cultures is a weakness
- weakens the idea that its necessary for attachment formation
Le vine et al (1994)
- supports the idea that interactional synchrony is not found in all cultures
- reported that Kenyan mother have little physical contact or interactions with their infants, but such infants do have a high proportion of secure attachment
Describe why correlation findings is a weakness
Although there is research evidence that reciprocity and synchrony are helpful in attachment formation however most of theses findings are corresponding meaning they cannot be taken as evidence that the secure attachment is a direct result of theses behaviours
Why is practical application a strength
Therapist who work with infants and children who have experienced disruption in there attachment formation recognise the importance of reciprocal and interactional synchrony in their work eg caregiver are encouraged to mirror the children emotions by imitating facial expressions in response to music