Career Transitions Flashcards
What is the main research focus for career transitions?
- career transitions and its side effects e.g. changes the persons identity (decreases athletic identity), decreases social support and resources, affects what they do with their free time.
What is the definition of an athlete career?
a multiyear sport activity, voluntarily chosen by the person and aimed at achieving his or her individual peak in athletic performance in one, or several sport events”.
relates only to competitive sport but at all levels
What are objective parameters?
factural, do not consider the athletes personal feelings and thoughts with regards to their athletic career.
what objective parameters characterise and athletic career? (Hanin and Stambulova, 2004; Stambulova, 1994):
Duration of sport participation
Sport events – regional/national or international events.
Sport titles – number achieved.
What is a subjective parameter?
considers the athletes thoughts and feelings
what subjective parameters characterise and athletic career? (Hanin and Stambulova, 2004; Stambulova, 1994):
Benefits and costs of sport participation
Career satisfaction
Career successfulness
What is the definition of a career transition?
A career transition is “…an event or non-event which results in change in assumptions about oneself and the world and thus requires a corresponding change in one’s behaviour and relationships”. (Schlossberg, 1981, pg.5).
turning point in an athletes career
must be a process not a single event
How do you apply career transition to athletic careers?
Transitions are turnings points in an athletic career: Some tansiitions are smaller than others
Transitions come with a set of specific demands: Increase in training regime, entering different levels of competition and have to make sacrifices to dedication to that
Normative transitions: Predictable e.g. progressing from an amateur-> semi -> pro
Non-normative transitions: Less predictable e.g. injury or something happening in the individuals personal life that affects their athletic career.
What are the 3 transitions in the career transition model? (Bloom, 1985)
Initiation = beginning of the experience of the athlete. In childhood. Participating for fun and enjoyment. Participant in lots of sports. Participation would help with the development of different skills.
Development = as you age you are more likely to specialize in one or two sports. Start to invest more time and effort. enter competition and start progressing in ability. Practice and participation increases and becomes more structure and you might start making different sacrifices to your personal life.
Perfection = expert so more responsible for training
What is a limitation of the career transition model? (Bloom)
Downfall is that it doesn’t emphasise what the transitions are and what happens in the transitions.
Doesn’t consider the 4th stage, career termination.
What are the 4 transitions in the career transition model? (Samelea, 1994)
Initiation Development Perfection Discontinuation: stop comepting at a level you previously were and becomes more recreational. - social circle changes - more time dedicated to personal life
What are the 5 transitions in the career transition model? (stambulova 1994)
Preparatory stage Beginning of specialisation Intensive training in chosen sport Culmination stage (perfection stage) Discontinuation.
what are the 4 transitions in the career transition model? (Cote 1999)
Sampling years
Specialising years
Investment years
Recreational years
(same as two original)
transitional stages is not emphasised which leads to final model
draw the career transition model by Wylleman + Lavaliere 2004
see flashcard
An overview of Wylleman + Lavaliere 2004 career transition model
considers the athletic level, age it occurs and as a whole career
how the social circle is and how it changes throughout their career…
initiation = parents
development = peers and coaches
mastery = coaches
discontinuation =family