Anxiety/Stress Flashcards
What is the definition of Anxiety?
o is a negative emotional state characterised by nervousness, worry and apprehension (Weinberg and Gould, 2011)
What are the two types of anxiety?
COGNITVE anxiety
o Is related to negative expectations and cognitive concerns about oneself in the situation at hand.
o Thought component e.g. worry about ability, decreases in self-confidence
SOMATIC anxiety
o is related to physiological arousal.
o Increased HR prior to competition, increase breathing rate, increase muscle attention
Who was the multidimensional model by?
Martens et al. 1990
A brief overview of what the multidimensional model shows…
- combination of the inverted U and drive theory
- takes cognitive and somatic anxiety into account in relation to self-confidence
- increase in anxiety leads to a decrease in performance
- somatic = inverted U, beneficial up to a point (optimum differs between individual)
- cognitive = drive theory
- as somatic and cognitive anxiety increase, self-confidence decreases
Hanton et al. 2004 study?
Aims: In relation to time leading up to the competition how does the intensity, direction and frequency of cognitive and somatic anxiety change?
- competitive athletes (n=82, age 19-25, male) from differing team sport backgrounds at differing skill levels.
- Competitive state anxiety inventory-2 (CSAI-2) to determine the intensity, direction and frequency of cognitive and somatic anxiety as well as self -confidence.
o 27 item questionnaires.
o 9 items per construct (cognitive, somatic, self-confidence).
o Intensity: Rate how much they agree with the statements ranging from 1-4.
o Direction: +3 to -3
o Frequency: same items used on a scale from 1-7
- Time frame – 1 week, 2 days, 1 day, 2 hrs, 30 mins prior to competition.
intensity = no significant main effect of skill level. increase in anxiety lead to a decrease in self confidence
direction = national skill level found cognitive and somatic anxiety effects are more facilitative than at club level
frequency = time spent thinking about cognitive and somatic increased prior to performance (not dependent on skill level)
Who conducted a metanalysis of of 47 different studies on anxiety and performance, and what did they find?
Woodman and Hardy (2003)
found that cognitive anxiety leads to a decrease in performance and this is found across all sports, genders and competitions.
What is the definition of stress?
“… a substantial imbalance between demand and response capability, under conditions where failure to meet that demand has important consequences” (McGrath et al., 1970).
What are the two types of stressors?
situational and personal
what is a situational stressor?
event importance
What is a personal stressor?
have self-doubt, doubt about levels of training prior to competition, fears of injury or error.
What was Lazarus (1999) theory called?
Transactional Model of stress
what is the transactional model of stress?
is a framework for processes of coping with stressful events (help develop the athlete)
What are the 4 parts of the transactional model of stress?
- primary appraisal
- relational meaning
- secondary appraisal
- coping efforts
What does the primary appraisal of the transactional model mean?
- Evaluation of the significance of the stressor.
- circular between the individual (training leading to competition) and environmental factors (the situation, i.e. pressure of coach)
- demands on them, resources they have
What does the relational meaning of the transactional model mean?
- The personal significance of this event and its consequences.
- Could it harm the athlete?
- Does it pose a threat (position on leaderboard)?
- Does it promote challenge?