Athlete Burnout Flashcards
What is the definition of Burnout?
- “…a physical, emotional and social withdrawl from a formerly enjoyable sport activity. This withdrawl is characterised by: o emotional and physical exhaustion o reduced sense of accomplishment o sport devaluation…” (Gould and Whitley, 2009)
What does it mean by personal accomplishments, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, outside of sport?
Personal Accomplishments
- feelings of competence and successful achievement
Emotional exhaustion
- feelings of being emotionally over-extended and exhausted
- unfeeling and impersonal
What was Plog, Dorresteun & Keebler (2003) looking at in their study on healthcare profession?
types of stresses in the work place
What was results of Plog, Dorresteun & Keebler (2003) study on healthcare profession?
- puts that reported high work overload, or high autonomy, insufficient financial rewards and poor relationships reported higher levels of emotional exhaustion, depolarisation and reduced sense of accomplishment.
- the higher the level of stresses the more likely they were to drop out of their profession.
What was the aim, methods and results of Taylor et al. 1990 study on Referees?
- Aim: Longitudinal study – the level of stress at the beginning and 9 months later.
- Methods: Looked at symptoms of burnout at beginning and end
- Results: Those who were more stressed at the beginning were more likely to burn out.
What was the aim, methods and results of Telly et al. 1999 study on tennis coaches?
Aim: relationship between the symptoms of burn out and hardiness
- level of coaching issues – not enough time to dedicate to each individual athlete or not enough time to dedicate to their personal life.
- Also looked at gender, the competitive levels they were working at, their leadership style and their anxiety levels.
Results: Coaches who had higher levels of coaching issues, anxiety and stress reported higher levels of feelings of emotional exhaustion etc.
What does it mean by personal accomplishments, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, inside of sport?
Personal accomplishment: sporting abilities and their achievements
Emotional Exhaustion: over exhausted feeling due to training and competition level
Depersonalisation: negative attitude towards their participation
Who conducted the study on the signs of athlete burnout in rugby players?, and what was their methods?
Cresswell and Eklund (2004)
- Professional rugby union players (n=199, age 19-23) completed ABQ and possible early signs of burnout inventory that psychologists were looking out for.
- results separated into 3 categories: physical and emotional exhaustion, low professional efficacy and sport devaluation.
Draw Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout - stressed based model
see flashcards
What does Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout show?
an analysis of situation demands and resources = where the athletes weighs up the demand’s of their support and the resources they have to deal with that.
What does cognitive appraisal in Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout mean?
meaning and consequence of the participation in sport
What does physiological responses in Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout mean?
increased arousal, increased anxiety, increased muscle tension and fatigue
What does coping and task behaviours in Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout mean?
coping strategies they want to implement and their task behaviours
What does burnout in Smith’s 1986 cognitive-effective model of burnout mean?
- demands of situation outweighed - not enough reward
- when they cognitively appraise the demands - feel overloaded
- causes anger, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue
- suboptimal pattern of behaviour to withdraw from sport
Draw Silva’s 1990 model on negative training response model of burnout
see flashcard