Career development Flashcards
Trait and factor matching theory 
EG Williamson based on his knowledge of Frank Pearson’s, the father of guidance. Relies on test and assessments to match traits, aptitude, and interest with a given occupation. 
John Hollands six personality and six work environment courier typology is
Visually depicted with a hexagon, if that includes six personality type/work environment (RIASEC). Congruence between the person and the job is the size. Person is categorize using three digit code such as SEC :
- realistic as in shop worker or dog walker
- investigative as in researcher or chemist,
- artistic as in singer or book author
- social as an teacher or a counselor
- enterprising as in sales personal or business owner
- conventional such as secretary or file clerk. 
Donald Supers, self-concept and developmental stage theory 
Also referred to as a life span, life space model. Self-concept as well as career/vocational maturity, influences one’s career throughout the lifespan. His life rainbow helps clients conceptualize their roles as a child, student, leisure, right, citizen, worker, spouse, homemaker, parent, and Pensioner. Super initially didn’t believe he created a theory, but felt his work might be the basis for segments of future theories. He felt mislabeled. 
Anna Roe’s early childhood needs theory approach 
Vocational choice is related to personality development at a young age. Is the client person oriented or non-person oriented? Wrote influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis, doctrines, as well as Maslow‘s. Rose work has generated a wealth of research. Cities do not totally support this approach, however, it is extremely difficult to control the longitudinal variables involved. The vocational interest inventory, and the career occupational preference system makes use of Roe’s field and levels taxonomy 
John Krumboltz, learning theory of career counseling, LTCC
Initially dubbed as a social learning theory.
Four factors can be used to simplify the career development process:
- one genetic endowment and unique abilities
- two environmental conditions and life events
- three learning experiences, either Pavlovian, social theory,
- four task approach skills, like problem-solving, cognitive responses and emotional patterns.
Research validates that the original social learning theory , but additional studies are needed to back up the newer learning theory of career counseling. 
Ginsberg, Ginzberg, Alexrad, and Herma’s developmental approach.. aka the Ginzberg group
Created by an economist, psychiatrist, sociologist and psychologist.
The developmental approach to occupational choice.
The developmental stages are
-ages 11 and under fantasies,
- ages 11 to 17 tentative
- age 17 into early adulthood realistic.
Original hypothesis was that career choice was irreversible was later dropped 
Mark Savickas career construction post modern theory
Mark, who worked with Donald super, is critical of the most traditional theories. His work is heavily rooted in narrative therapy in which his clients life is viewed. As a story he or she has constructed, and interventions focus on reoccurring theme to reauthor the story.
Social cognitive counseling theory SCCT 
Focuses on how one’s belief system impact career choice 
Linda Gottfredson’s theory of circumscription
- Phase 1: rule out certain jobs, not acceptable for gender, stereotypes, and social class and compromise
- phase 2: change mind, major, etc. if career path is not truly realistic.
This is a developmental approach, taking one’s childhood into account. Social space refers to the zone or territory of jobs where he or she fits into society 
Edgar H schein’s eight career anchor theory 
Courier, anchors manifest, proximately, five or 10 years after person begins work and guide future career choices. Career anchors are based on the self-concept, abilities, and what the person is good at. Originally he identified five anchors but now eight are used to:
1. autonomy/independence,
2. security/civility,
3. technical/functional competence,
4. general managerial competence,
5. entrepreneurial
6. creativity
7. service/dedication to the cause,
8. peer challenge, and lifestyle. 
Lifestyle and career development have been emphasized 
Since the beginning of counseling in guidance movement, and are still major areas of concern 
What is true of dual career families?
Do a career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family, in which only one partner is working 
The treat and factor career counseling approach is associated with
Parsons and Williamson
Edmond  Williamsons, work purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instrument such as 
Minnesota occupational rating scales 
The trait and factor approach fails to take in blank into account 
Individual change throughout the lifespan 
Where was the first cruise specialist utilize a two dimensional system of occupational classification utilizing
Field and levels 
All of the following are examples of and roads fields, except: service, science, arts and attainment or unskilled