cardiovascular system - regulation of blood flow Flashcards
blood flow is controlled by…
widespread constriction leads to…
increase in peripheral resistance and BP
types of blood flow control
blood flow control due to LOCAL factors
blood flow control by factors OUTSIDE the organ, often capable of overriding intrinsic system
intrinsic blood flow control
-myogenic response (response to stretching)
-vasodilator metabolites
-endothelial factors
-autocoids (local hormones)
-in skin: temperature
metabolic hyperaemia
-lactic acid
= all increase blood flow
intrinsic hyperaemia
-after exercise, blood flow to muscle remains elevated considerably for a few minutes
-this is due to built up vasodilator metabolites, prostaglandins and nitric oxide (NO)
structure/nature of NO
-nitric oxide is a diatomic free radical
-lipid soluble + very small, so easy passage between cell membranes
-short lived, usually degrades or reacts within seconds
-natural form is a gas
synthesis of NO
-synthesised from L-arginine
-reaction catalysed by eNOS (nitric oxide synthase)
endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation
-endothelium-relaxing derived factor (ERDF) stimulates guanylate cyclase (GC) of the smooth muscle
-resulting in cyclic GMP activating relaxation
-strong evidence suggests ERDF is nitric oxide and its precursor is L-arginine
smooth muscle relaxation by NO
-shear stress stimulates endothelial NO production
-oestrogen up-regulates endothelial NO synthase
-inflammatory mediators (e.g. cytokines, bradykinin) increase NO synthesis
extrinsic blood flow control
=mostly vasoconstrictory (e.g. sympathetic)
=vasodilatory nerves found in few tissues
(e.g. cerebral + coronary arteries, salivary
glands, GI tract, genitalia, bladder etc.)
=vasodilatory nerves are parasympathetic
smooth muscle contraction
-mechanical stretching
-electrical depolarisation
=L-type + Ca^2+ channels
=angiotensin II
=endothelin-1 (autocoid)
=thromboxane A2 (autocoid)
=serotonin (autocoid)
=leukotrienes (autocoid)
smooth muscle characteristics
-actin + myosin loosely arranged around periphery of cell (held in place by protein dense bodies)
-arrangement of fibres cause cell to become globular when contracting
-myosin can slide along actin for long distances w/o encountering the end of a sarcomere
-smooth muscle myosin has hinged heads all along its length