Cardiovascular System Flashcards
3 components of cardiovascular system
heart, vessels and blood
functions of Cardiovascular System
-distributes blood
-exchanges gases, nutrients, waste and hormones
-heat regulation
-modulating inflammatory response
pulmonary circuit
to lungs
-gas exchange
systemic circuit
blood to all other organs and tissues
superior and inferior vena cava
largest vein
apex of heart
bottom of heart
contractions spread from here then upwards
aortic valve
prevents blood going back in left ventricle
sends blood into systemic circulation
largest artery
blood enters systemic circulation
left atrioventricular AV valve
stops back flow from left ventricle to left atrium
-tricuspid valve
left ventricular myocardium
thicker than right side
interventricular septum
wall separating left and right side
pulmonary valve
sends blood into pulmonary circulation
pockets that fill with blood causing them to expand and close
lub dub
lub-AV valves closing
dub-aortic and pulmonary valves closing
heart murmurs
valves don’t close properly (valve regurgitation)
whoosing sound may be heard
heart arrhythmias
irregular heart contractions
cardiac muscle cells
-contractile and nodal
contractile cells
pumps blood through heart
-communicate between 2 cells using gap junctions
-ions from gap junction go to other cells then causes depolarization
nodal/conducting cells
spread electrical activity/AP through heart
self-excitable >make own AP
minimal actin and myosin
don’t contract
sim between skeletal myofibers and cardiomyocytes
Ca to contract
need ap
diff between skeletal myofibers and cardiomyocytes
Ca>SM-SR, CM- SR and extracellular fluid
mitochondria> more in CM than SM
need ap- SM-motor neuron CM use nodal cells
-single nucleated
-electrically connected through gap junctions
intercalated discs
helps connect cardiomyocytes
locked together by desmosomes (protein)
where gap junctions are found
gap junctions
allows Na, Ca and other small molecules together to allow communication
-on intercalated discs
nodal/conducting cells examples
AV nodes
SA nodes
Atrio-ventricular bundle
subendocardial branches
Ca-induced Ca-released
Ca comes in cell from extracellular fluid across plasma membrane through ion channels down concentrated gradient
-this helps release Ca from SR
HR in men and women
men- 80 beats/min
women- 70 beats/min
SA node
sinoatrial node
in upper right atrium
pacemaker determines heart rate
receives input from PSNS and SNS
intrinsic rate
100 AP/min
1 AP every 0.6s
remember depol vs repol
D- cell more positive and Na in
R- cell returns RMP, K out
nodal cells AP
no stable RMP
reaches threshold by Na and Ca moving in
keep K in-no leaking
SA nodal AP
slower AP release >don’t want to fast HR
Steps pace maker potential
1) positive charge/graded potential is created by Na and Ca entering cell using their own ion channels (Ca and Na in, K out)
2)Depol- caused by opening Ca channels at threshold
-Ca moves down concentration gradient
3)repol- K leaves cell through K channels
more negative
no hyperpolarization
what happens when SA node fails
AV node acts as pacemaker b/c it is the 2nd fastest AP creation
too low HR
dizzy, faint
max HR
HR lower than 100 bpm
ACh communicates with heart by binding to receptors on SA node cells/ muscarinic R
-slow HR decreases slop of pacemaker potential, >slower hit of AP
-when ACh binds to muscarinic R, decrease Ca and Na permeability (slower coming in), increase K permeability
HR increasing
adrenergic receptors bind with (nor)epinphrine
threshold hit fast to get quicker AP
increase Na and Ca coming in SA node
heart transplant
nerves of ANS don’t reconnect
-this causing higher resting heart and closer to intrinsic rate of SA node
-looks at electrical activity in heart
-using electrodes, APs moving through heart can be detected on surface of skin
-body fluid conducts electricity
p wave
result of depolarization of atria
QRS wave
result of depolarization of ventricles
larger than P wave b/c ventricles have a larger mass
T wave
result of repolarization of ventricles
atria repolarization
at same time as QRS wave
so small, masked by ventricles depolarization
period when cardiomyocytes are contracting
period when cardiomyocytes are relaxing
cardiac cycle
isovolumetric ventricular systole
ventricular systole
isovolumetric ventricular diastole
late ventricular diastole
atrial systole
isovolumetric ventricular systole
ventricles start contracting, blood isn’t being pumped out of heart
ventricular systole
ventricles are contracting
blood moves out of heart and into aorta or pulmonary artery
isovolumetric ventricular diastole
ventricles start relaxing and not filled with blood
late ventricular diastole
ventricles are relaxing and start filling with blood from atria
atrial systole
atria contracting and blood moving in ventricles
blood movement
high to low (pressure) blood will flow
isovolumetric ventricular systole graph
ECG: QRS> started at atrial contraction
Volume: no change
Valves: closed
Pressure: increase ventricular P
aortic P > vent P
ventricular systole graph
ECG: no new -QRS
Volume: decrease ventricular volume
Valves: aortic open, AV closed
Pressure: vent P > aortic P