Cardiovascular Development Flashcards
When does the primary heart field develop?
Week 3
What does the truncus arteriosus become?
Aorta and pulmonary trunk
What does the bulbus cordis become?
Right ventricle and outflow tract
What does the primitive ventricle become?
The left ventricle
What does the primitive atrium become?
The right and left atria
What does the sinus venosus become?
Coronary sinus, oblique vein, smooth part right atrium
After heart folding what is the proximal part of the outflow tract?
Conus arteriosus
What is the distal part of the outflow tract after heart folding?
Truncus arteriosus
What is the function of foramen ovale?
Allow blood flow from right to left side of the heart
What does the sinus venosus become?
The sinus venarum in the right atrial wall
What do the vessels that come in and out of the sinus venosum become?
How do the Pulmonary veins develop?
As a single vein at week 5 that will divide twice to give 4 veins that feed into a single pulmonary vein. Openings become integrated into left atrium
Where and when does the formation of the first blood cells occur?
In mesoderm of yolk sac in week 3
What cells are made form the yolk sac mesoderm?
What do hemangioblasts become?
Haematopoeitic stem cells and endothelial precursor cells
How are blood vessels formed?
Mesoderm of yolk sac become blood cells. Hemangioblasts from same mesoderm and become stem cells. Stem cells surround blood cells and form blood vessel
What is the name for the process of converting hemangioblasts to a blood vessel?
When does bone marrow begin hemaotopoeisis?
10.5 weeks but the liver still min RBC source till birth
What is the inflow tract to the embryonic tract?
Sinus venosus
What is the outflow tract of the embryonic heart?
Aortic sac
What do the cardinal and umbilical veins and vitelline veins drain into?
Ductus venosus
What does the 3rd aortic arch become?
Common carotid artery and internal carotid arteries
What does the 4th aortic arch become?
Aortic arch on left
What forms the Braciocephalic trunk?
The aortic sac
What does the 6th aortic arch form on the left?
Distal pulmonary trunk and initial arteries, ductus arteriosus
What do the intersegmental arteries supply in the embryo?
The neck
What forms the right subclavian artery?
7th intersegmental, 4th aortic arch and dorsal aorta
What forms the left subclavian artery?
The 7th intersegmental artery
How is the vertebral artery formed?
The 7 cervical intersegmental arteries on each side extend and anastamose and lose their horizontal connections
Which arteries supply the yolk sac?
Vitelline arteries
What do the vitelline arteries become?
Arterial supply to foregut, midgut, hindgut
What do the intersegmental arteries in the thoracic region become?
Intercostal arteries
What do the intersegmental arteries in the lumbar region become?
Lumbar arteries
What do the intersegmental arteries become in the sacral region?
Lateral sacral arteries
What are the 3 parts of the embryonic venous system?
Vitelline, umbilical, systemic
What happens to the vitelline veins in week 4?
Liver bud grows and engulfs them so embedded in developing liver. They expand and form hepatic sinusoids and hepatic portion of the IVC
What is the effect of liver growth on embryonic venous drainage?
Means blood has to pass from the umbilical vein to the liver so the left vein takes over from the right. Then the ductus venosus forms to connect the left umbilical vein to the sinus venosus for drainage.
What happens to the vitelline veins in month 2?
They remodel and form the portal vein
What does the left umbilical vein form after birth?
Ligamentum teres
What are the systemic veins?
Anterior and posterior cardinal veins
Which vein drains th head and neck?
Anterior cardinal vein
How is the left Braciocephalic vein formed?
From anastomoses of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins