Cardiovascular Flashcards
Roth Spot:
Retinal hemmorhages surroundoing Pale white spots seen in bacterial endocarditis
Raynaud’s Phenomenon:
Artiriolar vasospasm in response to cold or stress secondary to underlying Autoimmune disease
Janeway Lesions:
Painless erythematous lesions on palms and soles suggestive of infective endocarditis
Splinter Hemmorhages in fingernails:
asscociated with Bacterial endocarditis,
Staph Aureus
Situs Inversus / Dextrocardia associated with Kartagener’s Syndome (ciliary dysmotility)
Osler Nodes:
Painful raised erythematous lesions on pads of fingers/toes suggestive of infective endocarditis
Clubbing of fingers:
Eisenmenger syndrome
Notching of the ribs:
Coarctation of the aorta
Hemosiderin laden macrophages:
Hart failure cells, Prussion blue stain
Sign of LHF and result of pulmonary edema
Nutmeg liver:
Result of RHF
Clinical feature of congestion
Presents with painful hepatosplenomegaly
Aschoff body:
Granuloma with giant cells
nodules found within the hearts of indiviuals with Rheumatic fever
Anitchkow cells:
enlarged Macrophage with ovoid, wavy, rod like nuclei
Associated with Rheumatic fever
Superficaial nodular thrombophlebitis:
Assoc w/ Buerger disease, a medium vessel vasculitis
inflammation of superficial veins, presents as a painful induration with erythema,
linear or branching configuration forming cords.
Pressure Volume loop: Aortic Stenosis