cardiovascular Flashcards
contrast and compare skeletal muscle cell vs contractile myocardial cell
similarity: striated,has mitochondria, requires C2+ to contract
sksletal are cylindrical cells, motor neuron AP
contractile are branched and electrically connected
pathway that AP travel throughout the heart
- sinotrial node depol
- atrial muscle
- atriovencular node (aV)
- bundle of His
- Bundle branches 9L & R)
- Purkinje fibre
- ventricular muscle
resting heart rate
70 beats / min
how to calculate max heart rate
how PSNS change heart rate
Ach binding its recep will:
< K+ permeability (more K+ leaves)
bt > Na+ ^& Ca2+’s (less them leaving)
how SNS affect heart rate
NE (norepinephrine) bidns to receptor will:
< Na+ & Ca2+ permeability
=> release epinephrine to heart
how heart rate goes up (100 -> 130) and down (100 -> 70) if one is on a run
- controlled by SA node, intrinsic rate
RUN: 100 beats/min -> sympathetic activates -> beats 130
REST: 100 beats/min -> parasympathetic ativates -> 70
describe 1st phases in the cardiac cycle
atrial systole
ECG: [ wave occurs before
atrial pressure oincreases
valves open
ventricular vol increase
describe 2nd phase in cardiac cycle \
early ventricular systole (isovlumetric)
- QRS wave before
ventricular p increases (exceed atrial [P bt lower than oartic)
all valves closed
no vol change
describe 3rd phase in cardiac cycle
ventricular systole (rapid ejection period)
- ventroicular P < (higher than aortic and atrial)
aortic valves open
ventriuclar vol >
describe 4th phase in cardiac cycle
early ventriuclar diastole (isovolumetric)
- ECG: T waves before
- ventricular P decrease
- all valves closed, no vol change
5th phase in cardiac cycle
late ventricular diastole
ventricular P decrease
AV valves open
ventricular vol increase
how PSNS & SNS affecgt stroke volume
PSNS release ACh to innervate cardic contractile cells
=> >Cà+ permeability which > weaker contraction & less SO
SNS: via the release of NE / epinephrine to innercate vemtroci;ar ,isc;e ce;;s
=more Ca comes in whihc stronger contraction & more SO
describe the 3 layers in arteries and veins
tunica externa = of fibrous connective tissue
-> tunica media = smooth muscle and eleastic fibres
-> tunic interna endothelial cells
3 differences btw aorta + arteries vs arterioles vs capillarie vs venules
1/ large diameter 2/ small diameter 3/ smallest
1/ thin walls to 2/ thick walls 3/ very thin walls
1/ has very high BP 2/ drop in bP 3/low BP & lsmall dro in bp