cardiovascular Flashcards
Angiotensin converting enzyme (Ace) inhibitors
- method of action
- uses
- side effects
- contraindications
- examples
Method of Action: Inhibit the enzyme to prevent production of Angiotensin 2 in the lungs, limiting the release of Aldosterone from the adrenal glands
Uses: Hypertension (first line) and all associated cardiovascular conditions
Side effect: Dry cough, candida, fatigue, hyperkalemia
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, impaired kidney disease
- Caution when prescribing with NSAIDs, ARBs, anticoagulants and cyclosporine
Example: Lisinopril, Ramipril (Ends with –Pril)
Angiotensin 2 Receptor blocker (arbs)
- method of action
- uses
- side effects
- contraindications
- examples
Method of Action: Blocks the angiotensin 2 receptors that would otherwise cause vasoconstriction and release of aldosterone
Uses: Hypertension (first line) and all associated cardiovascular diseases
Side effect: Dry mouth, hyperkalemia
Contraindications: Don’t prescribe to people taking oral NSAIDs, people with bilateral renal artery stenosis,
Example: Losartan, valsartan (ends in –Sartan)
- •Method of Action:
- •Uses:
- •Side effect:
- •Contraindications:
- •Example:
- Method of Action: Interfere with iodine oxidation so reduce T3/4 production
- Uses: Hyperthyroidism
- Side effect: Rash, joint pain, dizziness, feeling unwell
- Contraindications: Hepatic disorders
- Example: Carbimazole
calcium channel blockers
- Method of Action:
- Uses:
- Side effect:
- Contraindications:
- Example:
- Method of Action: Block calcium channels so smooth muscle constriction is reduced and vasoconstriction is reduced lowering blood pressure
- Uses: Hypertension, arrhythmias (class 1 antiarrhythmic), disorders of the smooth muscle such as achalasia
- Side effect: Gingival hypertrophy (nifedipine)
- Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, hypotension
- Example: Nifedipine, amlodipine (Ends in –Ipine)
potassium sparing diuretics
- Method of Action:
- Uses:
- Side effect:
- Contraindications:
- Example:
- Method of Action: Block aldosterone and sodium channels
- Uses: Hypertension or conns disease
- Side effect: Hyperkalaemia, low sodium, dry mouth, hyperglycaemia
- Contraindications: Patients who are taking potassium supplements, people who suffer from conns disease
- Example: Spironolactone
thiazide like diuretics
Method of Action:
Side effect:
- Method of Action: Act on the kidney to increase sodium excretion leading to increased water loss, also dilates smooth muscles
- Uses: Hypertension, treatment of oedema (such as from alcoholism or heart failure)
- Side effect: Hypokalaemia
- Contraindications: hypotension, hypersensitivity, renal failure
- Example: Chlorothiazide
Method of Action:
Side effect:
- Method of Action: increase vasodilation to the coronary artery so the heart gets enough blood
- Uses: Angina
- Side effect: Hypotension, burning or tingling in mouth, headache, nausea
- Contraindications: Hypotension, bradycardia, right ventricle infarction
- Example: Trinitroglycerin (GTN) spray
beta blockers
Method of Action:
Side effect:
- Method of Action: Bind to beta adrenergic receptors to prevent their action, reducing the rate and strength of heart contractions
- Uses: Hypertension, arrhythmia (class 2 antiarrhythmic), palpitations in anxiety
- Side effect: Beta adrenergic surge leading to rebound tachycardia if therapy is suddenly stopped, dry mouth, dry skin, fatigue, dizziness
- Contraindications: Symptomatic bradycardia, asthma, atrioventricular block
- Example: Atenolol (Ends in –Olol)
inotropic drugs
Method of Action:
Side effect:
- Method of Action: Alter the contractile force of the heart, increasing its efficiency
- Uses: Heart failure
- Side effect: Arrhythmia, raised myocardial oxygen demand
- Contraindications: Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- Example: Dobutamine (Ends in –Amine)
Method of Action:
Side effect
- Method of Action: Reduce cholesterol by inhibiting action of HMG-CoA reductase
- Uses: Ischaemic heart disease, general reduction of cholesterol
- Side effect: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, rash
- Contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, active hepatic diease, people taking amlodipine
- Example: Simvastatin (End in –Statin)
Method of Action:
Side effect
- Method of Action: Relieved tissue hypoxia
- Uses: Any respiratory or cardiovascular emergency
- 15L/min of 100% oxygen is typical dose
- Side effect: Drowsiness, dry nose
- Contraindications: People with poor ventilation
Method of Action:
Side effect
- Method of Action: Block the Na+/K+ pump on the membrane of cardiac cells affecting contractibility, also stimulates the vagus nerve
- Uses: Arrhythmia (typically atrial fibrillation)
- Side effect: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting
- Contraindications: Previous MI, severe bradycardia, severe heart failure
•Derived from the foxglove plant
potassium channel blockers
Method of Action:
Side effect
- Method of Action: Block potassium channels to alter cell membrane potentials
- Uses: Arrhythmia (Class 3 antiarrhythmic)
- Side effect: Perioral paraesthesia, light-headedness, nausea, anxiety and epigastric distress.
- Contraindications: Xerostomia and formation of a new arrhythmia
- Example: Amiodarone and Dofetilide
Describe what the P wave of the cardiac cycle marks
This marks atrial depolarisation, so atrial contraction. Here the blood is forced into the ventricles.
Describe what the QRS complex of the cardiac cycle marks
This marks the depolarisation and contraction of the ventricles.
Here the mitral and tricuspid valves are closed and the pulmonic and aortic valves are open leading to blood leaving the heart.