Cardiopulmonary System Flashcards
What is the amount of air moved during the inspiratory or expiratory phase of breathing
Tidal volume
What is the normal range of tidal volume
0.4-1.0L per breath
What is amount of air you can take in after TV inspiration
Inspiratory reserve volume
What is the normal IRV
What is the amount of air you can exhale after TV expiration
Expiratory reserve volume
What is the normal ERV
What is the volume of air in the lungs after exhaling as deeply as possible
Residual lung volume
What is the normal RLV for women
What is the normal RLV for men
True or False:
RLV decreases with age
What does the RLV allow for
Uninterrupted exchange of gas between the blood and alveoli to prevent fluctuations in blood gases during phases of breathing cycle
What is the RLV+FVC
Total lung capacity
What does the functional vital capacity equal
Does TV increase or decrease overtime with exercise
As TV increases during exercise what happens to ERV and IRV
They decrease
Why do ERV and IRV decrease during exercise
Because TV increases using part of these reserves
What percent of the total lung capacity does TV use during exercise
About 50%
What percent of the total lung capacity does the TV use at rest
About 10%
What is the average minute ventilation
What is the amount of air taken in over a period of time
Minute ventilation (Ve)
What is the normal respiratory rate
12 bpm
How do you calculate minute ventilation
Breathing rate*TV
How can you increase minute ventilation
Increasing breathing rate or TV or both
What can breathing rate increase to during strenuous exercise in healthy young adults
35-45 bpm
What can breathing rate increase to during strenuous exercise in elite endurance athletes
60-70 bpm
True or False:
TV for trained and untrained individuals rarely exceed 60% of the VC
What is the volume of air that includes the ERV and RLV
Functional residual volume
True or False:
To increase minute ventilation it is more effective to increase breathing rate
What is the portion of air reaching the alveoli and participating in gas exchange
Alveolar ventilation
How much of the 500mL of air that is inspired is mixed with existing alveolar air
How much of the 500mL of air that is inspired makes up the anatomical dead space
What is the space of air that is inspired but not used in respiration
Anatomical dead space
What is the ratio of alveolar ventilation to pulmonary blood flow
Ventilation-perfusion ratio (V:P)
How many liters of air ventilates the alveoli each minute at rest
About 4.2L
How many liters of blood flow through the pulmonary capillaries
About 5.0L
What is the average V:P
What does a ventilation perfusion rate of 0.84 mean
For every liter of blood 0.84L of air enter the blood
What is the V:P during light exercise
About 0.8L
What is the V:P during intense exercise
What describes the ratio of minute ventilation to oxygen consumption
Ventilatory equivalent
How do you solve for ventilatory equivalent
What is the ventilatory equivalent for healthy young adults during submaximal exercise
What does a ventilatory equivalent of 25L equate to for VO2 max
About 55%
What is the ventilatory equivalent for children
Ventilatory equivalent determines what
How hard a person is working
What is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in and used
VO2 max
What does VO2 max measure
Maximal ability to work aerobically or aerobic capacity
What is the normal VO2 max for men and women
Men: Mid 40L
Women: Upper 30L
What is the VO2 max for athletic men and women
Men: Low to mid 90L
Women: Mid 80L
True or False:
O2 consumption plateaus or increases slightly with additional increases in exercise intensity
What initiate and modulate exercise alveolar ventilation
Combined effects of several chemical and neural stimuli
What are the phases of minute ventilation in exercise and recovery (3)
Phase 1: Neurogenic stimuli from cerebral cortex and feedback from active limbs stimulate medulla to increase ventilation abruptly
Phase 2: After a short plateau Ve rises exponentially to reach steady state
Phase 3: Fine tuning of steady state thru peripheral sensory feedback
Phases of minute ventilation in exercise and recovery dumbed down version (3)
Phase 1: Start thinking about exercise brain tells you to increase breathing
Phase 2: Trying to reach a balance of O2 available and O2 recovered
Phase 3: Body constantly adjusts requirements to meet demands of exercise level
What does the abrupt decline in ventilation when exercise ceases reflect (2)
- Removal of the central command drive
2. Sensory input from previously active muscles
What happens when we stop exercising
Continue to breath deeper, but slower to make up O2 deficit
What does the slow recovery phase result from (2)
- Gradual diminution of the short term potentiation of the respiratory center
- Reestablishment of the body’s normal metabolic, thermal, and chemical millieu
True or False:
During light to moderate exercise ventilation increases linearly with oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production
What is the amount of air for each liter of oxygen consumed
During light to moderate exercises ventilation increases with what
Mainly through increases in tidal volume
During higher intensity exercises what causes increases in ventilation
Breathing frequency
What happens to Ve during intense sub maximal exercise
Moves sharply upwards and increases disproportionately in relation to oxygen consumption
During intense sub maximal exercise what can the ventilatory equivalent equal
What describes the highest O2 consumption or exercise intensity achieved with less than 1.0mM increase in [blood lactate] above pre-exercise levels
Lactate threshold
What does OBLA stand for
Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation
What does OBLA signify
Signifies when blood lactate concentration systematically increases to 4.0mM
What 4 factors could result in a threshold of lactate appearance
- Imbalance between the rate of glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration
- Decreased redox potential (increased NADH relative to NAD+)
- Lower blood oxygen content
- Lower blood flow to skeletal muscle
What is the point where respiration increases exponentially
Ventilatory threshold
What provides a submaximal exercise measure of aerobic fitness that relates to the beginning of anaerobisis in active muscles
True or False:
OBLA occurs without significant metabolic acidosis or sever cardiovascular strain
Does improved endurance performance with training more closely relate to training induced improvement in exercise level for OBLA or VOs max
True or False:
Intense exercise leads to an imbalance between the glycolytic and aerobic system
What does imbalance between glycolytic and aerobic system cause
Excess production of H+ in the extracellular fluid and plasma
What does increased [H+] stimulate
Respiratory center to increase alveolar ventilation
What does increased alveolar ventilation cause
CO2 to blown off (exhaled)
What are increases in ventilation directly proportional to
Increase in oxygen consumed
At extremely high intensities what happens
Ventilation increases disproportionately to VO2
During high intensities the disproportional increase in ventilation compared to VO2 parallels what
The abrupt nonlinear increase in serum lactate and VCO2
True or False:
Ventilation is regulated more by the need to remove CO2
During submaximal exercise ventilatory levels may be reduced by how much
During maximal exercise maximal minute ventilation may increase by what
True or False:
We do not change the volume of or lungs we just improve how efficient we are at getting oxygen to muscles and other tissues
True or False:
Blood lactate levels throughout submaximal levels are reduced secondary to training
How much can maximal oxygen consumption increase by with moderate endurance training
What regulates pulmonary ventilation (2)
CO2 levels and CNS
How does pulmonary ventilation respond to exercise
Change depth and rate of breathing
True or False:
At high intensity exercises we have a disproportionate rate of breathing
True or False:
At light to moderate intensity exercises we are able to get our O2 requirements from increasing tidal volume
Do trained individuals have more efficient or inefficient metabolism
More efficient