Cardio TBL Flashcards
Areteriosclerosis =
Hardening of Arteries
• Atherosclerosis: large and medium arteries;
—Lipid deposition, accumulation of macrophages + myointimal cells —>
plaque formation
• Arteriolosclerosis: Hypertension induced
hyperplasia/trophy of smooth muscle cells (Media)
• Endarteritis Obleterans:
Response to inflammation (syphilis); INTIMA
• Arteritis: fibrinoid necrosis of arterial wall
Calcification of MEDIA
Areteriosclerosis Emphasis on Progression
• Intimal changes are persistent for decade(s), but then sclerosis can progress. Evidence shows lesions in same gross location, but different depth (in vessel wall) as individuals age.
Areteriosclerosis Presentation
• Presentation: 50 years of age
Arterial Structure Review Three Parts:
Arterial Intima:
Endothelium –> internal elastic lamella; contains myointimal cells in the sub-endothelial space
Arterial Media:
smooth muscle cells + Collagen I/III
Arterial Adventitia:
type I collagen + fibroblasts Vasa Vasorum not found in abdominal aorta –> more susceptible to athero.
- Platelet Microthrombi
* Fatty Streaks
Platelet Microthrombi -
Proposed theory because aggregates of plat are found incommon sites of athero
Fatty Streaks -
Subendothelial lipid (cholesterol/esters) + foamy cells
- –No hemodynamic change
- –Reversible (Lactating babies +, 4-5 y/o)
Bottom Line: Endothelial injury
↑permeability for lipids + ↑adhesions
Endothelial Injury occurs from:
• Hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolemia • HTN • Smoking • Diabetes/Metabolic Syndrome • Toxins/Viruses • Homocysteine Fatty streaks are reversible with lifestyle change. if not --> Fibrous (Fatty) Plaque
Areteriosclerosis Pathophysiology:
• Because Atherosclerosis = chronic endothelial dysfunction; any disease that causes endothelial injury can lead to it.
Three Consequence of endothelial injury:
- ↑Endothelial adhesion to leukocytes and platelets
- Passage of lipids (LDL) into subendothelial space (Fatty streak)
- DAMAGE –> endogenous activation macrophages–> ↑cytokines + ↑Macrophage presentation to T-Cells –> ↑T-Cell Inflammation
- ↑Endothelial adhesion to leukocytes and platelets leads to?
Adhesion Accumulation of macrophages, myointimal cells and monocytes (future foamy cells) in subendothleial space
- –Platelets on Fatty Streak –> ↑Cytokines –> ↑T Cell Activation
- **Cytokines–> Smooth muscle proliferation / ECM deposition (smooth muscle from tunica media –> tunica intima)
- Passage of lipids (LDL) into subendothelial space (Fatty streak) leads to?
- –LDL must be oxidized –> release inflammatory lipids
- –Can be modified by homocysteine (MI in Homocysteinuria)
- –Additional ↑Endothelial adhesion particles
- DAMAGE –> endogenous activation macrophages–> ↑cytokines +
↑Macrophage presentation to T-Cells –> ↑T-Cell Inflammation leads to?
—Inflammation –> ↑IL-6 –> ↑Acute Phase Proteins (SAA, CRP)
***CRP is best indicator of disrupted plaques; thus better than LDL for
predicting cardiovascular events
↑Endothelial adhesions leads to?
Macrophages and monocytes migrating: Lumen (L) to subendothelial space.
Once in subendothelial space,monocyte and macrophage ingests lipid –> Foamy Cell
Endothelial injury morphology?
• Fatty streaks: yellow streaks on
• streaks occur at points of bifurcation
—Turbulent flow, likely place for injury
FATTY STREAK leads to?
Proliferative lesion:
Monocyte, macrophage, myointimal cells proliferate===Intimal Thickening!
Fibrous Plaque =
• Amorpous central core: cholesterol + esters, acellular debris, foamy cells
• Fibrous cap: myointimal cells, collagen,
glycoproteins, PGs
—Provides stability
• Endothelium is intact (Continuous)
—But dysfunctional –> platelets!
- Untreated fatty streaks allow ↑Lipid deposition + ↑Leukocyte adherence to dysfunctional endothelium
- ↑Foamy Cells
- ↑Stress –> ↑Smooth muscles changes –> ↑Myointimal cells
Veins and Pulmonary Circulation
* Same with pulmonary circulation, EXCEPT IN PULMONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS (DDx: Pulmonary Hypertension)
Morphology: “Fibrofatty Plaque”?
- Gross: elevated lesions at points of turbulent flow
- Micro: (image) see foamy cells (F) (in and out of core), fibrous cap, and central core (necrotic material and cholesterol crystals)
Complex Atheromatous Lesions
Complex Atheromatous Lesions Maintains Components of Fibrous Plaque
- Necrotic debris
- Cholesterol deposits
- Foamy cells/fibrous cap
Complex Atheromatous Lesions + New Process:
• Calcification (breaks off with pulse flow) • Hemorrhage (capillary ingrowth) • Ulceration/Fissure (abdominal aorta) • Ruptured Plaque (Coronary Syndrome) • Luminal Thrombosis (platelets) Progression from Fibrous Plaque --> Complex Lesions is NOT mandatory
Complex Atheromatous Lesions Pathophysiology:
- Again, lack of treatment/intervention allows fatty streak –> fibrous cap –> addition of new process
- Recall abdominal aorta is more susceptible to atherosclerosis because lack of vasa vasorum
Myocardial Infarction from CAD requires?
100% occlusion
Most patients with CAD have?
Multiple plaques along their entire coronaries
Because ATHEROsclerosis =
Intima of CA is thickened
Effect of Pre-Existing Collaterals:
• Men have ↑↑ collateral circulation
• Premenopausal women have ↓collaterals, but ↓atherosclerosis
• Immediately post-menopausal women CA occlusion = DEVESTATING
—Enter “accelerated atherosclerosis” and have ↓collateral circulation
Coronary Artery Disease Etiology:
• Coronary arteries especially at risk because intimal thickening naturally takes place at points of bifurcation (turbulent flow)
Coronary Artery Disease Areas at Risk
• LAD: anterior LV, IV-Septum, Apex
• Circumflex A: Wall of LV
• RCA: Posterior wall of LV, IV septum,
RV, and Right wall of Heart
Coronary Artery Disease Pathophysiology:
- 80% of lumen can be narrowed without myocardial necrosis
- Recall from acute coronary syndrome that endothelial dysfunction –> atherosclerosis, but damage does not occur until plaque ruptures
- Acute episode (plaque rupture, fissure, hemorrhage, thrombosis) —-> dislodge plaque + expose endothelium –> platelets aggregate (thrombus) —> TXA2 = VASOCONSTRICTION
Stary’s Classification of Coronary Artery Disease
- Type 1: Adaptive Thickening
- Type 2: Macrophageic Foam Cells
- Type 3: Extracellular Lipid = preatheroma
- Type 4: Necrotic Core = atheroma
- Type 5: Fibrous cap = fibroatheroma
- Type 6: Atheroma + addition = complicated lesion
Myocardial Infarction =
100% Occlusion of Coronary Artery
Myocardial Infarction Area of Risk vs. Area of Necrosis
• Area of risk: area irrigated by coronary
artery if occluded for long time
• Area of Necrosis: area of actual tissue
Big Point: quicker perfusion occurs –>
less area of necrosis
Myocardial Infarction: 10 hours:
no gross/micro change
Myocardial Infarction: 10-20 hrs:
Dead cells (white) cell surrounded by hypereosinophilic + some edema +/- PMN (Coagulative necrosis)
Myocardial Infarction:1-3 days:
↑eosinophilia, pyknosis, karyorrhexis, ↑edema + ↑PMNs
Myocardial Infarction: 4-7 days:
Macrophages + PMNS remove dead cells –> risk for rupture; granulation tissue begins to form around necrotic area
Myocardial Infarction: 7-10 days:
Gross yellowish color; ↑collagen + granulation tissue
Myocardial Infarction: 11-21 days:
Dead cells gone (macro w/ lipofuschin); granulation tissue
Myocardial Infarction: 4-10 weeks:
Granulation tissue —> non-contractile scar
Post-MI Complications Reperfusion Injury:
• Fibers at edge of MI are hypereosinophilic bands with distortion, pyknosis, and interstitial edema ===Contraction Bands • During MI, ↑Ca++ accumulation. • When reperfused --> massive sustained contraction • Also free radical damage
Post-MI Complications Pathophysiology:
During reperfusion post MI, lots going on:
- Mitochondria come back, but not quick enough to stop ROS
- pH is changing drastically (back up)
- Ca++ overload
- Inflammation
Myocardial Hypercontracture –>
↑Pores in Mito. Membrane = DAMAGE
Reperfusion ↓Infarction size, but do it after cardioprotection to prevent cardiac hypercontracture:
- Rx preventing mitochondrial membrane pore formation
* Rx activating reperfusion injury salvage kinase (RISK) pathway
Post-MI Complications Mural Thrombosis
Area over infarct thickens and is
abnormal –> attracts platelets
Post-MI Complications Consequences Mural Thrombosis
- Embolism
* Occupy LV volume —> ↓CO
Post-MI Complications Ventricular Aneurysms
Ventricular Aneurysms
• Common in transmural infarcts
• While scarred area has ↑strength, during contraction it remains
stationary and healthy myocardium contracts, creating an anuerysm
Ventricular Aneurysms
Common in transmural infarcts
Ventricular Aneurysms Mechanism:
While scarred area has ↑ strength, during contraction it remains stationary and healthy myocardium contracts, creating an anuerysm
Myocardial Rupture Occurs
Days 4-7 (max removal of tissue)
—60% during this time period; 30% in 24 hr
Myocardial Rupture Risk Factors:
- Hypertension
- Diabetics
- Women in early menopause
- Psychiatric Patients
Myocardial Rupture Pathophysiology - Two Required Conditions
• Transmural infarct - full thickness of wall must be necrotic — Makes sense, or else blood would not seep out
• ↑↑ intraventricular pressure — Push blood out, dissecting through the wall
Rupture pushes blood into pericardial sac (TAMPONADE) or can rupture a papillary
Septal Rupture
Acquired A-V Defect Less common than rupture of the free wall.
Free wall > septal > papillary
Aneurysm =
Sac formed from dilation of vascular wall (cardiac, arterial, venous) —Call venous aneurysm “Varicose / Varices”
Thoracic aneurysms =
Dissecting unless proven otherwise.
Abdominal aneurysms =
Atherosclerotic unless proven otherwise.
Aneurysms Morphological Classification:
Fusiform, Saccular, Cylindrical, Fistula
Laplace’s Law :
Tension = (Pressure)(Radius)/(2xHeight)
• Dilation –> ↑Radius –> ↓Wall Thickens (↓H) –> –>
What causes symptoms of aneurysms?
- Compression of surrounding organs
- Ischemia distal to aneurysm
- Hemorrhage due to rupture
Dissecting (Thoracic) Aneurysm =
Intimal tear in Aorta –> Blood in MEDIA
• Intimal tear ~ 6cm from aortic valve.
Dissecting (Thoracic) Aneurysm Etiology:
• Poorly controlled hypertension*** • Marfan’s Syndrome (presents early) • Bicuspid Aortic Valve • Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Syn • Coarctation of Aorta (HTN proximal) • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Type IV) • Loey’s Dietz Syndrome (TGF B) • Iatrogenic (catheters, surgery) • Turnuer’s Syndrome (coarctation) Ascending/thoracic aorta has > 30 elastic lamella, it has vasa vasorum blood supply.
Dissecting (Thoracic) Aneurysm Presentation
• Age: 50-70; males > females (2:1); >50% mortality
• Pain to back b/c adventitia is stretched (has pain receptors)
Dissecting (Thoracic) Aneurysm
Fate of Dissection
• Rupture —> hemorrhage OR false lumen (↑BP)
• Re-entry (best prognosis)
• No rupture —> thrombosis of false lumen (note normal BP)
• Collapse of Aorta
–hemocardium –> cardiac tamponade with retro-grade flow only
Dissecting (Thoracic) Aneurysm Morphology:
• Dissection occurs and blood flows to specific location
• 80% have Cystic Medial Necrosis
—No cysts; pools of PG (cystic) displacing smooth muscle and elastic
lamellae (necrosis) in media (medial) = Creates points of weakness
Vasa vasorum penetrates?
Adventitia and divides ~1/3 way into media; at this junction (inner 2/3 from outer 1/3 of media) is least resistance path for
blood being forced through intimal tear
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm =
Weakening of Aortic Wall –> Leakage
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm Etiology:
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm Mechanism:
• Atherosclerosis ---> weakening of wall • ↑Dilation --> ↑Pressure (Laplace) • ↑Pressure --> Endo damage (↑ather) • Cycle continues; eventually endothelial damage ---> ↑Thrombus/Platelets • ↑Thrombus --> damage --> leakage
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm Presentation:
• 33% die <10 years
• Usually asymptomatic until late
∝ size + diagnosis + rate
Leakage/Rupture most common COD
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm
Consequence of Dissection
- Narrow/occlude renal and mesenteric arteries
- Pressure = ↑Bone Damage + ↑Viscera Damage + ↑Neuron Damage
- Rupture –> hemorrhage
Atherosclerotic (Abdominal) Aneurysm Morphology:
TONS of atherosclerosis and thrombi (mura/transmural)
Pseudoaneurysms (Thrombus)
Trauma induced bleed –> thrombus –>
dilation –> looks like aneurysm
Pseudoaneurysms (Thrombus) Presentation:
Knife, bullet wound, Carson Rider post-Wiz concert
Pseudoaneurysms (Thrombus) Morphology:
Hemorrhage –> clot –> dense fibrous tissue
Mycotic Aneurysm:
Bacterial Arteritis (Septic Emboli)
Vessel wall weakening from infection
Misnomer, caused more by bacterial
rather than from bacteria
Mycotic Aneurysm Presentation:
- Thrombosis +/- infarction
* Rupture
Most common cause of Sudden Cardiac Death?
Ventricle Fibrillation (1,000 Americans/day)
Ventricle Fibrillation most common in patients with?
MI + Heart Disease
Ventricle Fibrillation Treat with?
AICD (Automated Implantable
Cardioverter Defibrillator)
Ventricle Fibrillation Iatrogenic undetectable cause?
Most common cause of stroke?
Atrial Fibrillation (atrial stasis –> thrombus –> stroke)
Atrial Fibrillation Prophylaxis with?
Atrial Fibrillation interpret ECG?
• HR = 300 / (#Big boxes between peaks) = # total peaks x 6
• LV Hypertrophy: (V1 Depth of S-Wave) + (V5 Depth of R Wave) —If >35 mm = LV Hypertrophy
• Rhythm: look for normal P wave before each complex (normal~60)
• Axis: Determined by Lead I and aVF
+Lead 1 and +Lead aVF = normal
+Lead 1 and -Lead aVF = Left Axis Deviated (opposite is RAD)
-Lead 1 and -Lead aVF = Indeterminate Axis
Mechanisms Arrhythmia Types?
- Enhanced Automaticity
2. Re-Entry
Enhanced Automaticity Two things can change the slow depolarization?
Increasing rate of depolarization OR raising the threshold potential (less negative)
What causes ↑ In Phase 4 Slope?
↑SNS Tone / ↓PS Tone ↑CO2 / ↓O2 ↑Stretch ↑Digoxin ↓Potassium