Cardio and Lymph 13% Flashcards
the heart averages about ?beats per minute ?mL of blood every beat
75, 70-80
superior corner of atrium (little ear)
right auricle
C shaped ridge in RA
crista terminalis
R auricle, crista terminalis, pectinate muscles
right atrium
O2 rich (from lungs), from four pulmonary veins, most of posterior surface/base of heart
left atrium
pumps to aorta, apex of heart, inferior surface, trabeculae carneae
left ventricle
most of anterior surface of heart, trabeculae carneae (ridges)
right ventricle
apex of the heart is in what intercostal space, near what
5th left, diaphragm
branches off the external carotid (save a lady falling out plane super man
superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular terminates: superficial temporal arteries and maxillary
branches off ascending aorta and aortic arch
coronary arteries, brachiocephalic (Rt Common Carotid and rt subclavian), left common carotid, left subclavian
branches off abdominal aorta
celiac trunk: left gastric, common hepatic and splenic. Superior mesenteric: goes to SI, middle, right and ilio colic. Inferior Mesenteric: left colic, sigmoid and superior rectal
intrapleural space in the thorax
first rib to sternal angle to T4-T5 disc
superior mediastinum
contents of superior mediastinum
SVC (up 1/2), arch of aorta, trachea, internal thoracic artery and veins, brachiocephalic a&v, left common carotid artery, subclavian, thoracic duct, esophagus, thyroid, vagus n, left recurrent laryngeal n, thymic remnants and phrenic n
location anterior to pericardium
anterior mediastinum
anterior mediastinum contents
thymic remnants (commonly in sup mediastinum), lymph nodes (few), fat and loose CT and sternopericardial ligaments
between right and left pleural cavities
middle mediastinum
middle mediastinum contents
heart, pericardium, ascending aorta, SVC (lower 1/2), right and left pulmonary arteries and veins, phrenic nerve, great vessels, arch of aygous vein and main bronchi
location posterior to pericardium between mediastinal pleurae
posterior mediatsinum (ducks and geese)
posterior mediastinum contents
esophagus, descending thoracic aorta, aygous and hemiazygous v, accessory azygous veins, thoracic duct, sympathetic trunk, splanchnic and vagus nerves
lymphatic organ, stores RBCs, produces lymphocytes and Abs, contains both RBCs and white pulp
part of immune system, organs include spleen, tonsils, thymus, bone marrow
aka perikaryon or soma, contains nucleus
cell body
impulse generator of nerve
NT stored here
terminal button
what mineral is needed to release NT
epithelial cells of skin and nervous tissue
epithelial cells that line the respiratory and digestive tracts
everything else (other than ectoderm and endoderm)
vertebral column embryo
muscle embryo
aka intrinsic NS subdivision of ANS
enteric NS
directly controls GI system embedded in lining
enteric/intrinsic NS