Cardio 2 Flashcards
What is the difference between fast and slow AF
Fast AF = >100bpm
Slow AF = <60bpm
first line mx angina
aspirin + atorvastatin
beta blocker /non DHP CCB + GTN
what are non-DHP CCB
e.g. diltaziem, verapamil
what is second line mx angina
beta blocker + DHP CCB + GTN
what are DHP CCB
the usual named ones
e.g. nifedipine
what typeof CCB must you never give with BB and why
never give NON DHP CCB with BETA BLOCK
because they can cause complete heart block
causes of secondary HTN
Renal - RAS, PKD, CKD, chronic glomerulonephritis
Endocrine - hyperthyroid, cushings, conn’s, phaeo, CAH
CV - aortic coarctation
when do you treat HTN
if >140/90 and UNDER 80yo and with end organ damage, CVD, renal disease, diabetes, Qrisk >10%
what is the target BP for <80yo with HTN
Target for <80yo: <140/90n
what is the target BP for >80yo with HTN
Target for over 80yo: <150/90
how do you manage resistant HTN (after ACEi/ARB + CCB+ TLD)
if K+<4.5: spironolactone
if K+>4.5: alpha/betablocker
what patients must you give ATORVASTATIN 80mg in
so if known IHD, CVD, PAD (not if just high Qrisk)
how is a pericardial rub audible
on left lower sternal edge, with patient leaning forward on inspiration
what do you need to monitor with unfractionated hepain
what does QRISK measure
your 10 year risk of developing cardiovasc disease
what should you be given if Qrisk <10%
lifestyle modification
what should you be given if Qrisk >10%
high dose statin (20mg atorvastatin)
causes of cardiac tampoinade
vascular: MI, rupture, aortic dissection
infection: pericarditis
trauma: includes iatrogenic
cause a pericardial effusion
when is it appropriate to do a PCI after the reccomended time priod of 12h from sx onset?
when patients have persistent ischaemia following fibrinolysis (e.g. at a nonPCI centre)