cardiff Flashcards
why dentistry?
how would you suit this course?
Invite 3 people to dinner (dead/alive) and explain your choices
What is your unique characteristic?
What would your spirit animal be?
- friendship- form friendships with colleagues- teamwork
- kind- empathetic dentist- link to WE- put patient trust in you
- put friends feelings first- prioritise patient wellbeing
- playful- can help diffuse stressful situation, make team feel less pressured
- tranquility- stay calm in stressful situations
- sociable- enjoy seeing people
What were the 2 most important things you learned from your work experience and why are they important?
Speak to your friend about their recent car crash
What would you do if you caught a colleague drunk at work?
Why do you think that you are suited to Dentistry?
Why do you want to live and study in Cardiff?
Which advancement in dental technology has interested you the most recently? Tell me more about it.
- talk about ortho WE scanning moulds onto digital images- itero scanner
- photorealistic 3D models
- fast
- captures every angle of teeth
- less discomfort/ more comfortable than impressions
- less messy than impressions
- cost
- complex to use
removes need for dental putty impressions
How have you developed manual dexterity skills?
- medical crafts club
loom bands, indirect vision - sewing & embroidery
- painting and art
- making jewellery
link: MD important for dentists to practice, need patience and work with fine tools, attention to detail
What are the ethical issues to consider if a patient refuses dental treatment?
- autonomy - must respect their choice
-informed consent- understand risks & benefits
- beneficence & non-maleficence - do whats in best interest for patient
- capacity- crucial to assess if patient can make informed decision
- cultural sensitivity- understand cultural background
Do you think that a person serving a
custodial jail sentence should be allowed
to study for a degree in dentistry?
custodial jail sentence- form of punishment where one is sentenced to spend time in jail or prison
- public safety- do they impose risk to safety
- their rehabilitation- education may aid this and help them reintegrate into society after their release
- severity of their crime- stealing vs killing someone
- rehab
- second chance & justice
- education helps rehab
- gives goal & can help rehab
- crime may not be severe e.g stealing
- relapse- risk to patient safety
- could affect patients trust & confidence in dentist
- crime may be sever e.g. murder
Your friend has a copy of exam questions
and offers to share them with you. What
are your thoughts on this? What do you
cheating- unfair to other candidates
would not accept their offer
talk to the friend and inform them cheating is unacceptable
report to the dental school