Cardiac Cycle Flashcards
What is the first phase of the Cardiac Cycle?
Atrial Contraction
What effect does ACont have on SV?
Increases it by 15-20%
What happens during Isovolumetric Contraction?
Pressure shoots up. Volume stays the same.
What happens during Atrial Contraction?
Blood fills the right ventricle.
What causes the ventricular ejection?
Ventricular pressure exceeds Aortic Pressure.
What causes the closing of the isovolumetric relaxation?
Aortic pressure overcomes Ventricular pressure and aortic valve closes. Ventricle elaxes.
What is different in mitral valve prolapse or leaky aortic valve?
Pressure does not drop as low. LV needs to work harder. Less relaxation
What is another word for Right Atrial Pressure?
Central Venous PRessure
What regulates RAP?
Ability of heart to pump blood out of RA -TC valve function -RV Function -Pulmonary arterial Funct. Venous return
What are common causes of increased CVP?
Heart failure
Tricuspid valve disorder
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
What do the waves of the Jugular venous wave form mean?
A- Atrial Systole
X- Fall in RA pressure
C- Vent Contraction TV Closure
X- Atrial RelaXation (descent of cardiac base
V- Veous filling of RA
Y-Rapid Ventricular filing- RA EmptYing
H-Cont. Filling of the Right atrium during diastole.
What is the relationship between Internal jugular vein and RA?
Very similar pressures. Able to guage RA pressure in Int. Jugular
What does a large A wave in Jugular pressure mean?
Reduced RV compliance
Elevated RV end-diastolic pressure. Narowed valve or HEART BLOCK
What does a C-V wave on the Jugular pressure chart mean?
Ventricularization of RA pressure in tricuspid valve regurgitation.
What is the Cause of S1 S2 split?
Mitral and Tricuspid S1
Aortic and Pulmonic close
Split widened during inspiration