Cardiac Anomalies Flashcards
< 80-100 bpm sustained
Poor prognosis with ❤️ defects or hydrops
Fetal ❤️block ventricle slow rhythm.
> 180-200 bpm sustained
Treated with digoxin
Ectopic beats
1/10 beats abnl off beat. Irregular.
Affected by alcohol caffeine and nicotine
MC ❤️anomaly
Interruption of echoes in ventricular septum
Hard 2 ID bc of foramen ovale
Seen in holt oram absent thumb syndrome
AV Septal Defect / AV Canal / Endocardial Cushion Defect
Strong assoc with trisomy 21
VSD, ASD, Common valve (1 valve leaflet)
Poor prog
Hypoplastic ❤️ Syndrome
Hypoplasia of ventricle, atrium, AV valve, and great vessel of side affected.
MC on left = Hypoplastic Left ❤️ Syndrome
May have contralateral hyperplasia
See 1 side of ❤️ in 4ch view
Small ventricle and atrium of affected side
Enlargement of unaffected side
Tetralogy of Fallot
Large VSD
Overriding aorta: aorta goes into RV instead of LV
Pulmonary stenosis
Right ventricular Hypertrophy
Assoc trisomy 21
Ebstein’s Anomaly
Tricuspid valve displaced Inferiorly
Atrialized right ventricle
Large right atrium
Assoc with lithium use, pulmonary atresia, AV canal, transposition of great vessels, tetralogy of Fallot, coarctation of aorta, arrhythmia
Transposition of the Great Vessels
Complete is MC
Aorta rises from RV, pulmonary artery from LV
Outflow tracts run parallel
Assoc: VSD, ASD, patent ductus Arteriosus
Corrected Transposition
Ventricles reversed. ID in autopsy
Truncus Arteriosus
Fail to separate into AO and PA (fused), overrides both ventricles
Assoc VSD, GU, situs inversus, asplenia
Univentricular Heart / Double Inlet Single Ventricle
2 atria & 1 ventricle
Coarctation of Aorta
Structure along aortic arch
Enlg rt ventricle
Assoc turners syndrome
Double outlet right ventricle
Both great vessels arise from right ventricle
Assoc with septal defects