Abnormal Fetal Abdomen Flashcards
Esophageal Atresia / TE fistula
Fluid filled esophagus
Absent stomach
May see st with fistula
Fluid can’t pass through esophagus
Assoc with trisomy 21, aneuploidy, vacterl
Situs Inversus
Partial poor prognosis
Complete good
Total or partial reversal of thoracic and abd organs
Duodenal Atresia
Obstruction of duodenum
Assoc with trisomy 21
Double bubble sign
Seen around 24wks
Fetal ascites
Fluid in fetal abd
Assoc with hydrops, bowel perforation, bladder outlet obstruction, ❤️ fail, infection, tumors, twin twin transfusion
Meconium Peritonitis
Fetus perforates bowel in utero
Ascites, poly, meconium pseudocyst, bright Echogenic mass, ca+ around liver
Assoc with cystic fibrosis, bowel obstruct
Colon Obstruction
Colon > 23mm
Assoc with imperforate anus, anal atresia, Hirschsprung’s Disease
Hirschsprung’s Disease
Blockage of colon due to improper muscle movement in bowel. Hard to poop.
Echogenic Bowel
Bowel Echogenic as bone
Assoc with TORCH, aneuploidy, cystic fibrosis, IUGR
Urachal cyst
Midline. Embryonic reminant urachus
Mesenteric cyst
Midline. Between bld & st