Carbonyl Group Flashcards
What is a carbonyl group
A carbonyl group is a compound that has a carbon connected to an oxygen by double bond. C= O
What is an aldehyde
An aldehyde is a carbonyl group that is connected to at least 1 hydrogen atom H(2)-C=O
What is a ketone
A ketone is a compound that contains a carbonyl group attached to at least 2 carbons.
Properties of aldehydes and ketones
- They are polar.
- Have a dipole-dipole attraction.
- Do not have hydrogen bonds.
- Only small aldehydes and ketones can be soluble the more carbons you add the less soluble they become.
- Their boiling points are lower than other alcohols.
What are the reactions of aldehydes and ketones
Controlled oxidation
What is a controlled oxidation reaction
Primary alcohol + oxygen = aldehyde + water
Secondary alcohol + oxygen = ketone + water
Aldehyde + H-H + catalyst/heat & pressure = primary alcohol
Ketone + H-H + catalyst/ heat & pressure = secondary alcohol
How to name an aldehyde
1- longest carbon chain including cabin of carbonyl group
2- drop “-e” add “-Al”
How to name a ketone
1- longest carbon chain including carbonyl group’s carbon
2- number the carbons so the carbonyl group can have the smallest possible carbon number
3- add “-one” instead of “-e”