Carbon Cycle Flashcards
Tell me everything you know art carbon
found in all living things - NO CARBON = NO LIFE
plus in non-living things (e.g. ocean)
4 electrons in outer shell, therefore, capable of bonding wt almost any other element
constantly moving - doesn’t stay in 1 place long
What are some carbon stores?
dead matter
fossils + fossil fuels (peat, coal, oil)
How do plants utilise carbon?
plants use CO2 from atmosphere to photosynthesis
therefore, becomes part of plant (stored food)
light + CO2 + H2O ——-> glucose + O2
How does carbon reach consumers?
when organisms consume plants, carbon is then in & becomes part of their body
plants = foundation of food chain
therefore, rest will receive it
when organisms die - carbon moved through decomposition (carbon released into atmosphere) or not fully decomposed (fossil fuels)
What are the process involved in the carbon cycle?
incomplete decomposition
Draw the carbon cycle
wWeeEELll dDoonneE SssiiisSsyYy!!!
How is carbon incorporated in aquatic ecosystems?
carbon in form CO2 will dissolve wt H2O
= carbonic acid (H2CO3)
dissolved CO2 & H + CO3 ions absorbed by autotrophs
H+ ions increases acidity / decrease pH
CO2 + H2O —> H2CO3 —> H+ + (HCO3)-
What are the main conditions for peat formation?
organic matter not fully decomposed
acidic / anaerobic conditions
water-logged soils
note: extremely effective carbon sink (550 Gt of world’s carbon), burns easily
How is peat formed?
organic matter digested by saprotrophs in soil
saprotrophs assimilate some carbon for growth & release CO2 in aerobic respiration (needs O)
waterlogged soils are an anaerobic environment
therefore, saprotrophs & methanogens are inhibited
organic matter partially decomposed (therefore adds to acidity & previous step)
Large quantities of partially decomposed matter build up
compression = PEAT!
How are other fossil fuels formed?
e.g. petroleum & natural gas:
300 -400 mil. years ago - sea animal & plants die & curried @ sea floor
50 - 100 mill. years ago - remains buried deeper by enormous heat & pressure (due to sand & silt) turned into oil & gas
today - drill through layers of silt, sand, rock to reach rock formations wt oil & gas deposits
How are fossils and limestone formed?
some animals recreate calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
- why? protection (e.g. mollusc shells, hard coral exoskeleton)
death = soft body parts decompose + CaCO3 remains to form deposits
deposits buried & compressed to form limestone
imprints of hard body parts in rocks = fossils
How is CO2 produced by combustion?
biomass & fossilised organic matter heat to ignition temp. + O2 = COMBUSTION!!
How is methane incorporated into carbon cycle?
CH4 produced by:
organic matter + anaerobic conditions + methanogenic archaeans
e. g. wetlands - H2O covers soil = anaerobic cold. –> methanogenic achaeans = abundant —> produce CH4 by decomposing organic matter —-> high levels of CH4 in soil = some diffused wt atmosphere
e. g. ruminants —> methanogens —> CH4 in atmosphere
then released into atmosphere
in atmosphere:
CH4 —-oxidation by hydroxyl radicals—-> CO2 + H2O
How is carbon measured?
not possible to measure size of carbon sinks & fluxes btw them
estimates based on diff. measurements often published wt large uncertainties as a result