What is a learning diary?
It’s a daily notebook where ceiling myself becoming a scientist. I observe and take notes, and analyze my own study practice.
So I can notice the progression, what works and what does not.
What is a good approach for Math and Science?
1) Try to answer a question. (active recall)
2) Then focus on what you missed or not understood.
How did Benjamin Franklin improve his writing?
1) Take a very good writer.
2) Write down few keywords from a paragraph.
3) Rewrite the paragraph with his own words.
4) Compare with the original.
5) Repeat.
Why is good to change place when we study ?
Because our attentional octopus, if we study always in the same environment trough all our senses get in use to it. And link a bit of the new neural pathways to it.
We may have a bad performance when we change environment.
So it’s good to change environment when we study, or change setting.
Why it’s so important to SLEEP for the learning process?
- new dentritic spines can grow and other gets bigger.
- if we don’t do ACTIVE recall the janister clean the new dendritic spines.
- the mind rehearse the material.
- the new neurons move from the hyppocampus to the cerebral cortex. CHECK THIS
- new neurons born in the hyppocampus. CHECK THIS
- the neurons shrink allowing the toxins that are produces while not sleeping to be washed away.
What does it mean EAT YOUR FROG FIRTST?
To start from the most challenging topic.
- new things while studying
- hard questions during tests.
The opposite is rote learning (learning through repetition)
Why is important to set a quitting time?
Because it allows to focus more during the working time.
And so we have more free time later.
What should I track about my test results ?
1) test name
2) what I did right
3) what went wrong
4) which parts did I do well ?
5) how did I study those parts ?
6) what/how can I do better next time ?
How can I improve my brain sets through dreams?
I can do a brief active recall before sleeping.