Capter 11 Flashcards
Emancipation Proclamation
An executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, freeing the slaves in all regions behind Confederate lines
Habeas Corpus Act of 1863
An act that takes away a citizen’s right to a speedy trial
Northern Democrats who wanted peace; They came from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
- From May 1-5
- May 1, Hooker brings men in and takes on Lee
- Lee is outnumbered by Hooker
- Lee attacks Hooker, and Hooker panics
- Lee forces Hooker into retreat mode on May 3
- Lee wins the Battle
- Lee’s last victory of the war
- Stonewall Jackson shot by his own man
- Lee, “I lost my right arm”
Robert E. Lee
- Great Student
- Was approached by Lincoln to lead the Union
- Declined due to his strings attached to Virginia, which was a Confederate State
- Went home, and then was approached to lead the Confederates and accepted the offer
U.S. Grant
- Horrible student, always trying to get kicked out of his school
- He fought in the West for the Unions for the Battles of Fort Henry, Donelson, and Shiloh, where he made a big mistake, and was relieved of his duties for an indefinite amount of time
- He was successful at the Battle of Vicksburg
- Made a plan for Vicksburg that made it a successful Battle of Vicksburg by going from Louisiana to Mississippi and skipping marching through the marshes
Was nicknamed the “Slaughter Pen” due to the Union soldiers marching through a large plot of land to get into position, while the Confederates were shooting at them from a high position
Leaving the Union Soldiers as “Sitting Ducks”
Grant came back as commander of the West for the Union, and decided to take the City of Vicksburg; However, marshland made it difficult to get to, so they went into Louisiana into Mississippi into Vicksburg
- Left his extra supplies and live off of the land
- Grant takes Vicksburg and cuts off the whole city from traders, travelers, etc. on May 18
- On July 4, 1863, Vicksburg was starving to death, and after 47 days, they surrender
- Leaving 1/3 of the Confederates dead, and making the Federal Government to pay for a Cemetery
- Lee is forced to do something due to Vicksburg, and moves in Pennsylvania
- On June 30, Confederate Soldiers accidentally met up with Union forces, and they both went to planning for a battle
- The Union takes a stronger and higher position on Cemetery Ridge
- Meade is the leader replacing Hooker
- Confederates outnumbered the Union 2:1
- Lee ordered Longstreet to attack Cemetery Ridge and advance to Seminary Ridge
- Lee sees an opening, and moves
- On July 3, the Confederates did a “Suicide Run” through miles of open ground
- “Pickett’s Charge”
- 700 yards from Cemetery Ridge, cannons were shot
- Closer, there were musket fire
- Lee retreats and blames himself for the loss
Ways the North raised money:
- Raised Taxes
- Morrill Tariff
- Print $450 Million (Hold down Inflation) (“Greenbacks”)
- Sold Government Bonds (Buy for half the cost for x amount of years)
Ways the South raised money:
- Tried Tariffs (They don’t import enough)
- Tried Taxes (People refused to pay)
- Prints $1 Billion (Inflation is out of control)
Advantages the North had at the start of the War:
- More People
- More Industries
- More/Better Firearms
- More Railroad Equipment
- More/Better Transportation
Advantages the South had at the start of the War:
- Geography
- Better Generals (Only in the beginning)