Capítulo 2, Model 2 Las descripciones Flashcards
Triste (trees-teh)
sad, melancholy, gloomy, miserable, meager
Alegre (ah-leh-greh)
happy, cheerful, bright, lively, tipsy
Simpático/a (seem-pah-tee-koh)
nice, likeable, friendly, pleasant,
Antipático/a (ahn-tee-pah-tee-koh)
unfriendly, unpleasant
Perezoso/a (peh-reh-soh-soh)
lazy, lazybones, slothful
Pobre (poh-breh) (masc o fem)
poor, poor person, beggar, poor thing
Rico/a (rree-koh) This word must be preceded by the definite article in the sense shown in the plural noun. (mas o fem)
Rich, tasty, yummy,
Fuerte (fwehr-teh)
strong, sturdy, heavy, loud, bright big
Débil (deh-beel)
weak, feeble, dim ,faint
Listo/a (lees-toh)
smart, clever, ready, finish
Tonto/a (tohn-toh)
stupid, idiot, fool
Joven (hoh-behn) (mas o fem)
young, youthful, young person, youths
Mayor (mah-yohr)
bigger, largest, oldest elder, eldest, older
Viejo/a (byeh-hoh)
This word must be preceded by the definite article in the first sense of the plural noun.
Old, pal, buddy mate, mom, dad
Casado/a (kah-sah-doh) (mas o fem)
Soltero/a (sohl-teh-roh) (mas o fem)
La pierna (lah-pyehr-nah) (humans)
El pie (el pyeh)(human)
La pata (lah- pah-tah) (animals y furniture)
Leg y foot
Amarillo/a (ah-mah-ree-yo/ah)
Yellow, fried swee plantain (caribbean, etc)
Rojo/a (rroh-hoh)
Blanco/a (blahn-koh)
White, fair, blank, target, object, white whine
Azul (ah-sool)
Verde (behr-deh)
Green, unripe, nasty
Marrón /claro (mah-rrohn klah-roh)
Gris (grees)
Grey, overcast, moody
Rosado/a (rroh-sah-doh)
pink, rosy
Morado/a (moh-rah-doh)
purple, bruise
Anaranjado/a (ah-nah-rahn-hah-doh)
Negro/a (neh-groh)
Black, tanned, dark
Café (kah-feh)
Brown, coffee, coffee shop
Carmelita (kahr-meh-lee-tah)
Castaño/a (kahs-tah-nyoh)
Brown, chestnut
Parado/a (pah-rah-doh)
Naranja naranja(nah-rahng-hah)
The adjective “naranja” is invariable, which means its form does not change according to the gender or number of the noun it describes.
Rosa (rroh-sah)
pink, rose