Capítulo 1 , Module 7+8 Academic life y activities Flashcards
Siempre (syehm-preh)
Todos los dias (toh-dohs lohs dee-ahs)
Todos los meses (toh-dohs lohs meh-sehs)
Every month
Todas las semanas (toh-dahs lahs seh-mah-nahs)
Every week
Muchas veces (moo-chahs beh-sehs)
Often, many times
A veces ( ah beh-sehs)
Veces (beh-sehs)
Nunca (noong-kah)
Bailar (bay-lahr)
To dance, to be loose
Buscar (boos-kahrr)
To look for, seek, look up, pick up , fetch
Caminar (kah-mee-nahr)
To walk, to work
Comprar (kohm-prahr)
To buy, purchase, buy off, shop
Conversar (kohn-behr-sahr)
To talk, converse, chat
Escuhar (ehs-koo-chahr)
To listen to, hear,
Estudiar (ehs-too-dyahr)
To study, examine
Llegar (yeh-gahr)
To arrive, to come, get here/there, to go
Mirar (mee-rahr)
To look at, to watch, be careful about, to make sure,
Montar (mohn-tahr)
To ride, mount, sew, assemble, put up/on, stage, set up
Necesitar (neh-seh-see-tahr)
To need
Participar (pahr-tee-see-pahr)
To participate, to share, have a share, inform
Practicar (prahk-tee-kahr)
To pratice, play, perform, do
Sacar buenas (sah-kahr bweh-nahs noh-tahs)
To get good grades
Malas notas (mah-lah noh-tahs)
To get bad grades, bad note
Tomar apuntes (toh-mahr ah-poon-tehs)
To take notes
Tomar notas (toh-mahr noh-tahs)
To take notes, write down, note down
Trabajar (trah-bah-hahr)
TO work, mix, sell, knead, stock
Usar (oo-sahr)
To use, wear
Deportes (deh-pohr-tehs)
el maratón, la maratón (mah-rah-tohn) (fem o masc) Maratones (plural)
Química (kee-mee-kah)
Todos (toh-dohs)
All,everyone, the whole of, all of them, everybody, we all, all of us
Preparo (Yo conj)
I preporo