Cap 8 - Canon Flashcards
Definición simple de canon:
If a melodic idea in one voice is duplicated in a second voice that begins before the first has finished, the result is called a canon.
The first voice in a canon is known as the “leader,” while the imitating voice is called the “follower.”
True canon VS canoninc imitation
-True canon: la imitación es consistente
-Canonic imitation: la imitación para, luego de que cada voz ha expuesto la idea principal.
Intérvalo armónico e intérvalo de tiempo
Son las dos variables de la escritura canónica.
Intervalo harmónico: es la distancia vertical entre la primera nota de la voz lider y la primera nota de la voz seguidora.
Intervalo de tiempo: es la distancia horizontal que puede ser de una nota a varios compases.
Nota: si el INTERVALO DE TIEMPO es muy corto, lo más probable es que el espectador no haya escuchado suficiente material de la voz lider como para reconocerla luego en la voz seguidora.
Si el INTERVALO DE TIEMPO es muy largo, el espectador podría tener dificultad en retener a la voz lider en su mente, hasta que el mismo material aparezca en la voz seguidora.
Canon a dos voces en unísono
Two-voice canons at the unison are rare, especially unaccompanied.
Intérvalos harmónicos en los que se cruzan los canons
In canons at the unison, crossing of the voices is inevitable, and it is likely to occur also in canons at such smaller intervals as the 2nd and 3rd.
Intervalos harmónicos comunes en escritura canónica.
The 4th, 5th, and 6th ali figure frequently as harmonic intervals in canonic writing. The 7th is also used, but more rarely.
The 12th is not uncommon as a harmonic interval
Canons a intervalos y la voz seguidora
In canons at intervals other than the octave or unison, it is usually necessary to change the inflections of certain notes in the follower to achieve unity of tonality.
At other times, even in canons at the octave or unison, accidentals may be added in order to imply desired harmonic progressions.
In any case, the canon is still considered “strict” as long as the basic pitches, apart from accidentals, conform to the canonic pattern.
Canon endings
The endings of canons are often free, in order to allow for a satisfactory cadence.
Canons a 9nas y 10mas
Canons at the 9th and 10th are somewhat easier to write than those at the 2nd and 3rd because crossing of the voices is not so likely to be present.
Intervalos raros
Canon a unísono, cano a 11na y canons a más de una 12na.
Uso de intervarlos aumentados y disminuídos (prohibido)
The use of diminished and augmented harmonic intervals in the style we are considering is normally out of the question because of the difficulties involved in preserving unity of key and reasonable chordal implications.