CanMEDS Flashcards
CanMEDS roles
Communicator. Professional. Scholar. Health advocate. Leader. Collaborator. Medical expert.
Aspects of medicine (C2LEO)
Cultural communication.
Health advocate. Acces to health care
Individuals are morally equal and equally worthy of respect.
Consider need and potential benefit.
Equality rights are recognized in section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Canadian health system
Constitution (1867). Provinces have primary responsabililties for health care.
The national Canada Health Act framework leverages the use of conditional federal-provintial transfer payments to achieve specific aims among provinces.
Canada Health Act
Passed in 1984. Provinces must establish a publicly administered health care insurance program that provides universal, comprehensive, portable and accesible coverage.
Collaborator - health system
provinces and territories administer hospital and medical services through a universal single payer system, remunarate physicians through billing schedules negotiated with the provincial medical association.
health care team.
Collaborator- Conflicts - factors
Physician: attitudes (insecurity, burnout, time pressures, uncertainty); conditions (contextual stressors, health issues, lack of sleep, exhaustion, mental health concerns); knowledge (lack of medical knowledge, limited knowledge of patient condition)
Skills: lack of communication skills, easily frustrated
Patient: behavioral issues; conditions (substance abuse, chronic pain syndromes, low literacy, multiple medical issues per visit, functional somatic disorders, previous abuse); psychiatric diagnosis (personality disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders).
Collaborator- conflicts- the calmer approach
Catalyst for change Alter thoughts to change feelings. Listen and then make diagnosis Make an agreement Education and folllow up Reach out and discuss feelings
Communicator. SPIKES protocol
S- setting up the interview P- assesing patients perception I- obtaining patients invitation K- giving knowledge and information to patient E- addressing patients emotions S- strategy and summary
Communicator. Eliciting information.
Questioning techniques (open ended, directed, multiple choice, yes/no) Questions to avoid (leading questions, rapid fire questions, jargon questions) Facilitating responses. (encouragement, silence. repetition, paraphrasing).
Communicator. Written communicacion.
patients have a right of access to health information, including the contents of the medical record.
Communicator. Communication with third parties.
infectious disease reporting to public health officials often constitutes mandatory disclosures of health information. It is usually desirable to notify the patient about the required disclosure. In the abscense of legislation requiring otherwise, medical staff members need not report gunshot wounds, stabbings, admitted use of illegal drugs, or injuries suffered during the commission of a crime. Such information may be obtained by a police officer with a valid court order.
Leader. prudent use of clinical resources and obligation to seek patient best interests.
Cost constraints should not interfere with clinical care. Cost constraints are no defense against negigence.
Professional. Accountability to self
Preofessionalism requires achieving balance and equanimity in both clinical and personal matters. Impairment occurs when personal factors interfere with the professional practice of medicine.
Professionalism. Accountability to patient.
patient physician relationship: fiduciary relationship. Physician bound to serve the patients interest with due care and diligence, refrain from conflicts of interrests and resolve conflicts of interest in patients favor.
Physicians must provide continous and accesible care, and never abandon their patient.