Canada & US Flashcards
What are similarities between Canada and US?
- Rank among the worlds more highly developed countries
- Leaders in the World
- Abundance of natural resources that have been converted to affluence (wealth)
- 75%of pop. live in cities or towns
- Known as mobile societies
What are the 3 major ages?
- Agriculture and Rural Life
- Industrial Rev.
- Post-Industrial
What occurred in each of the major ages?
- Townships and range methods to divide up land
- Urbanization
- Become globalized
What are the components of the Canadian federal government?
- Follows the model of the British parliamentary system
- Queen - ceremonial
- House of commons
- -> Elected
- Senate
- -> Appointed
What is a plural society?
-Ethnic groups can practice there own culture
What issue arose in Canada due to being a plural society?
- Has regional bilingualism
- English and French
- Quebec wanted sovereignty
How is population in the US and Canada?
- Scattered population in the US
- Majority of Canada’s pop. lives within 200 miles of US border
- US has 10 times population of Canada
What is population density?
-a measure of certain amount of ppl per total land area
What is CDR?
-Crude Death Rate # of death per year for every 100 people
What is CBR?
- Crude Birth Rate
- # of births per year for every 100 people
What is NIR?
- The natural increase rate
- Does not include emigrants or immigrants
What does a Demographic Transition Model represent?
-Graphs the CBR and CDR of a population
What is Stage 1 of Demographic Transition Model?
- Hunter Gather society
- Low growth rate
- Ppl born the same rate as dying
What is Stage 2 of Demographic Transition Model?
- Industrial Rev
- High Growth Rate
- Smaller families
- Invention of medicine and vaccinations
What is Stage 3 of Demographic Transition Model?
- Rural to Urban
- Moderate Growth Rate
- Ppl. are choosing not to have as many children