Can't Hurt Me #5 Flashcards
The carcass
of a deer lay near the road.
► the body of a dead animal, especially a large one that is soon to be cut up as meat or eaten by wild animals:
mršina, zdechlina
mrtvé zvíře, poražené zvíře (hl. vykuchané)
► the frame of an old or broken object, car, ship, etc.:
vrak (auta ap.), trosky (domu, lodi), kostra (nábytku, stroje ap.)
bait (the trap)
Do you have any stale cheese that I can bait the mousetrap with?
► to place food on a hook, in a trap, etc. in order to attract or catch a fish or an animal
dát návnadu
► to deliberately try to make somebody angry or to hurt them by making cruel remarks
škádlit, dobírat si, trápit
◘ a small amount of food on a hook (= curved piece of wire) or in a special device used to attract and catch a fish or animal:
návnada, vnadidlo
◘ a person or thing that is used to attract somebody in order to catch them or make them do what you want
(přen.) lákadlo, vábnička, návnada
They were trapped in the burning building.
► a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape:
past, léčka, nástraha (na zvěř ap.)
a clever plan designed to trick somebody, either by capturing them or by making them do or say something that they did not mean to do or say
◘ an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape [usu. S.]
◘ a mouth: (as in “shut your trap”).
(slang.) huba, klapačka
◘ If a person traps animals or birds, he or she catches them using traps.
chytit do pasti
◘ If you trap someone into doing or saying something, you trick them so that they do or say it, although they did not want to.
(lstí) dostat, nachytat, lstí přimět [sb into doing sth]
╚ To trap someone, especially a criminal, means to capture them.
◘ to put somebody in a dangerous place (or situation) that they cannot get out of
(přen.) uvěznit (znemožnit uniknutí) [sb/sth swh]
► an area of land that has not been used to grow crops or had towns and roads built on it, especially because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad earth:
pustina, divočina, planina, poušť
╚ an outside area in which plants are left to grow naturally or untidily:
canister & tank
/ˈkænɪstər/ – [tæŋk]
► a firm container, usually made of metal and often round or cylinder-shaped, for holding food or chemicals:
dóza, piksla (na mouku, kávu ap.)
► a metal container, usually cylinder-shaped (valcovitá), for holding gases under pressure:
(plechová) nádoba, plechovka, bomba (na plyn ap.)
TANK = nádrž(ka), cisterna, jímka (na vodu, plyn ap.)
fumigation mask
fumigace, vykuřování, dezinfekce (kouřem, plynem)
exhaust / fume(s)
My car needs a new exhaust.
I saw her a week after they’d had the argument and she was still fuming.
► waste gases that come out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine
výfukový plyn, zplodiny (z motoru) [unc]
exhaust gases/fumes = spaliny, výfukové plyny
► the system in a vehicle through which exhaust gases come out
exhaust (pipe) (BrE) = výfuk
→ tailpipe = koncovka výfuku, výfuk(ová trubka)
◘ to make someone extremely tired:
◘ to use something completely:
[ plural ]
► strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke:
= výpary, kouř, dým
to fume
► to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it:
soptit, zuřit, být dopálený
insecticide / pest(icide)
[ɪnˈsektɪˌsaɪd] – [ˈpestɪˌsaɪd]
insekticid, prostředek na hubení hmyzu [mass]
pesticid (k hubení hmyzu) [mass]
pest = (drobný) škůdce (hmyz, hlodavec ap.), škodlivá rostlina, plevel
(cock)roach(es) + rodent + moth + fly
[ˈkɒkˌrəʊtʃ] - [ˈrəʊdənt]
- šváb
- hlodavec
- můra (noční motýl)
- moucha, muška
stick / stuck
(pt&pp stuck) – verb | noun | adjective
He stuck a stamp (znamka) on the envelope.
The key has stuck in the lock.
The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.
Stick your bags down there.
The problem is, my mother can’t stick my boyfriend.
They decided to stick with their original plan.
Paul’s ears stick out a little.
► To make something stay in place, often with glue or something sticky.
(při)lepit [sth to sth]
(při)lnout, (při)lepit se [to sth]
╚ If a name sticks, it continues to be used: (become accepted)
uchytit se, ujmout se (název, přezdívka ap.)
► To push or insert something into a surface
vrazit, zabodnout, zapíchnout [sth in(to) sth]
◘ (informal) to put something in a place, especially quickly or carelessly
(hovor.) strčit, šoupnout, dát [sth swh]
► to be fixed in position and unable to move:
uvíznout, zadrhnout se, zarazit se
be stuck = (zůstat) trčet (někde)
► To cause something to stay firmly in someone’s memory
ulpět, utkvít, utkvět (v paměti)
► To keep going through a difficult situation. [syn. stand]
◘ A thin piece of wood. - Hůl, klacek
stick out
► to go past the surface or edge of something: || to be very easy to notice:
vyčnívat, trčet, čnít
vystrčit, vypláznout (jazyk ap.), vysunout (hlavu ap.)
stick to sth
► to persist with a subject, activity, or plan, especially in the face of difficulties, or to continue using something without wanting to change it.
dodržet, splnit (smlouvu ap.), držet se (zásad ap.)
vytrvat, vydržet, držet se (tématu, práce ap.)
stick with sth/sb
► to continue with something or continue doing something || to stay close to somebody so that they can help you
vytrvat, vydržet, držet se [sth]
držet se [sb]
carrot and stick
Motivational approach using rewards (carrot) and punishments (stick) to encourage desired behaviors.
cukr a bič
adjective = uvíznutý, zaseknutý, zaklesnutý
stuck-up = (hovor.) namyšlený, (iron.) důležitý, domýšlivý
lepkavý, lepivý
sticky notes = lepící bločky, lepítka
noun | verb
He has a job bagging groceries at the local supermarket.
She studied so hard for the test that an A grade is in the bag.
► to put something in a bag:
dát do tašky/pytle/sáčku
(be) in the bag
► it is almost certain to be won or achieved (obtained)
mít něco v kapse
[ɪkˈstɜːmɪˌneɪtə or -məˌ-]
Once cockroaches get into a building, it’s very difficult to exterminate them.
Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War.
deratizátor, dezinsektor
/hubitel potkanů, myší a hmyzu/
► to kill all the animals or people in a particular place or of a particular type:
vyhubit, vyzabíjet, vyhladit (zvířata ap.)
What was the nature of his inquiry?
He is by nature inclined (tihne, ma sklon) to be lazy.
► the type or main characteristic of something:
podstata, přirozenost, základní vlastnost [of sth]by its (very) nature
= svojí podstatou, ve své podstatě
► a person’s character:
povaha, charakter, nátura (člověka)
varsity & junior varsity
/ˌdʒuːniər ˈvɑːrsəti/ – (abbreviation JV)
► the main team
that represents a college or high school
, especially in sports competitions
◘ a sports team at a school or college that is at the second most skilled level of play
, below a varsity team
the varsity (AmE) = (reprezentační) školní/univerzitní tým
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) + special ops (operations)
A U.S. volunteer group supporting the Air Force with emergency services, aerospace education, and youth cadet programs.
sp. ops:
High-risk, strategic military missions carried out by elite, specialized forces.
patrol = phlídka, stráž (v pohybu), obchůzka (hlídání)
cadet = kadet, žák (vojenské školy ap.)
+grade & class (both three mean. here)
A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F
“I am in Class 10B”
“I have a math class in the second period”
abbr for grade-point average
- a number that is the average mark a student received for all the courses they take, and shows how well the student is doing:
- usually on a scale of 1 to 4.0, with 4.0 being the best
a level of quality, size, importance, etc.:
kvalita, jakost, třída (výrobku ap.)
a number or letter that shows how good someone’s work or performance is:
známka (školní)
a school class or group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age or ability:
(AmE) třída, ročník (školní)
► a group of students who are taught together
třída (školní)
► an occasion when a group of students meets to be taught
hodina (vyučovací), přednáška, kurs
╚ a series of classes on a particular subject (syn. course, usually plural)
► a group of people within society who have the same economic and social position:
třída, vrstva (společenská ap.)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a test used to determine eligibility and job placement in the U.S. military.
vocational - pracovní (školení ap.), profesní
aptitude - vlohy, talent, šikovnost, dovednost
Seals are sometimes hunted for their valuable fur.
Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL, the initial training program for U.S. Navy SEAL candidates.
Sea, Air, and Land; elite special operations forces of the U.S. Navy.
= tuleň (earless), lachtan (eared)
ploutvonožec z čeledi tuleňovití (Phocidae) či lachtanovití (Ottariidae)
Naval, Navy, reserv(e/ist)
The branch of the U.S. military that operates at sea, focusing on naval warfare, defense, and maritime operations.
námořnictvo (vojenské), námořní síly, válečné loďstvo
Related to a navy, its ships, personnel, or operations.
námořní, lodní, námořnický (hl. o válečném námořnictvu)
reserve + reservist:
* (voj.) záloha, rezervisté
* (voj.) záložník, (hovor.) záložák