Can't Hurt Me #4 Flashcards
(hovor.) pohodový, uvolněný, klidný (osoba)
not tending to get anxious about behavior or things that need to be done
noun /2?/
pýcha, hrdost (pocit sebeuspokojení; unc)
*smečka (lvů)
[saɪ] – verb (2/3 -literary) + noun
(za)vzdychat, vzdychnout (si), povzdechnout si
*sth - říct s povzdechem
*(kniž.) kvílet, skučet, sténat (vítr) /soft sound as it moves through trees/
noun: (po)vzdech, povzdechnutí
saviour (AmE -savior)
[ˈseɪvjə] – n
zachránce, spasitel
*the Saviour = Spasitel, Vykupitel (Ježíš Kristus)
carport (car port)
přístřešek pro auto
parkovací místo vedle domu pro jedno či dvě auta kryté plochou střechou podepřenou sloupky
[praɪ] – verb /2/
to try to find out private facts about a person
slídit, strkat nos, vyzvídat (zvídavě) /into sth/
*pry sth (open) = vypáčit (silou otevřít), sth off/away odpáčit
grade school
(= elementary school)
(AmE) základní škola
(age 6-11) then middle school (3) and high school (4)
student 1. ročníku, prvák
high school, college, or university
student 2. ročníku, druhák
high school, college, or university
třeťák, student třetího ročníku
high school, college, or university
(be two years sb’s junior = být o dva roky mladší než)
čtvrťák, student posledního ročníku
[əˈfeə] – noun /3-4/
What I do in my spare time is my own affair (= a private matter).
Their wedding was a pretty boring affair.
► a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered; a matter
záležitost, věc, otázka (o čem se již hovořilo)
╚ a matter or situation that causes strong public feeling, usually of moral disapproval
(publ.) kauza, aféra
► a sexual relationship, esp. a secret one
(milostný) poměr, aférka, pletka
◘ an event:
break the news
to tell someone about something bad that has just happened and may have an effect on them
[ˈʃeɪdɪ] - adj /2/
sheltered from direct light from the sun; having or giving shade
* stinný, (jsoucí) ve stínu (chráněný před sluncem)
* stín vrhající/poskytující
dishonest or illegal
* pochybný, podezřelý (aktivity, skupiny ap.)
[frɔːd] – noun /2/
- (práv.) podvod (hl. finanční)
- (hovor.) podvodník
tax/insurance/credit fraud = daňový/pojišťovací/úvěrový podvod
en: the crime of getting money by deceiving people
[ˈspuːkɪ] – adj
strange and frightening
(hovor.) strašidelný, děsivý
pull (sth) off
2 + 2 (vehicle)
To succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected.
dokázat, uspět, zvládnout, zandat
Take something off quickly.
sundat (si), shodit ze sebe (oděv, boty ap.)
Steer a vehicle off the road. //pull off the road - stop by the side of the road//
sjet ze silnice (k motelu ap.), zastavit (u krajnice)
If a vehicle pulls off, it starts moving. (=pull away)
vyrazit, vyjet, rozjet se (auto ap.)
pull in
The driver pulled in to the side of the road to check the map.
The train pulled in to the station right on time.
He pulled in to the gas station to refuel.
To drive a vehicle into a specific location or parking space and stop.
zastavit (se), přijet, vjet (dopravní prostředek)
* To move to the side of the road or place you can stop. (often to park or stop temporarily)
zajet ke krajnici
[ˈməʊʃən] – verb + noun /4/
to make a signal to someone, usually with your hand or head
dát pokyn, pokynout, kývnout (naznačit pohybem)
- pohyb, chod (věcí)
- návrh, podnět (k projednání ap., formální)
- (BrE, med.) stolice, vyprazdňování (střev)
- posunek, gesto (rukou)
[dɪˈstɜːb] – verb /3/
Please don’t disturb Jimmy – he’s trying to do his homework.
Some scenes are violent and may disturb younger viewers.
The cat jumped onto the table and disturbed all the neatly arranged books.
to interrupt what someone is doing
to cause someone to be worried or upset
rozrušit, zneklidnit
to move or change something from its usual position or arrangement
narušit, porušit (polohu ap.), zpřeházet (papíry ap.)
[ˈfɜːnɪʃ] – verb /2/
Furnished with a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a day’s hiking.
zařídit, vybavit (byt ap.)
(sb) wit sth - vybavit, dát, poskytout
[griːv] – verb
He is still grieving for/over his wife.
It grieves me to see all this food going to waste.
- to feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies
(for/over) truchlit, rmoutit se, cítit zármutek - to make you feel sad and angry
(sb) rmoutit, trápit, zarmucovat
[ˈiːgə] – adjective
overeager - too eager
dychtivý, (celý) nedočkavý, nažhavený
en: wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable
[fɪəs] – adjective
physically violent and frightening /determined, person, animal/
divoký, zuřivý
strong and powerful /intense natural phenomena/
nelítostný, krutý, prudký
urputný, úporný, naprostý
adjective – [mɪə]
pouhý (nevýznamný vzhledem k situaci)
[ˈkɒkɪ] - adj
Let’s not get too cocky—things could still go wrong.
very confident, usually in a way that is slightly annoying
(hovor.) domýšlivý, namyšlený, suverénní (sebejistě vystupující)
[bleɪz] – verb /2/ + noun /2-3/
Isaac’s eyes suddenly blazed with anger.
plát, planout, plápolat (plameny - jasně)
(kniž.) hořet, zářit, plát (oči nadšením, hněvem)
NOUN: (publ.) (velký) požár, oheň (ničivý), plameny /a large, strong fire/
záplava (světla, barev ap.), výsluní (slávy, publicity ap.)
[blɑːst also AmE blæst] – verb /3/ + noun /4/
They blasted the old building to make way for new construction.
The car’s horn blasted as it sped past.
The car’s engine made a loud blast.
We had a blast at the party last night.
to explode or destroy sth/sb with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force
odstřelit, trhat, utrhnout (výbušninou)
(za)střelit, odprásknout (člověka)
blast (out): to make a very loud and unpleasant noise, or to make something do this
řvát, ječet (na plné pecky) (hudba ap.)
»on full blast = na plné pecky, na plno
to criticize strongly
an explosion
(silný) výbuch, odstřel(ení), odpálení (nálože)
výstřel, rána (z pušky)
a sudden strong blow of air
závan, poryv (větru ap.)
a sudden loud noise
řev, rámus, troubení
an exciting and enjoyable experience
/ˈen.trəns/ - noun /3/
- vchod, vstup, vjezd
- příchod, příjezd, vstoupení
- (div.) vstup, příchod, nástup (herce na jeviště)
[ˈkɜːfjuː] – noun
- zákaz vycházení (v noci, ve válce, ..)
- večerka (dokdy musí být dítě doma)
[ˈrɒdʒə] - exclamation + verb
used in radio communications to mean that a message has been received and understood
rozumím, příjem potvrzen (do vysílačky)
(BrE, slang.) ojet, přefiknout (dívku)
verb + noun
procházet se, courat se, jít na procházku (pomalu, volně, na pohodu)
n: a slow relaxed walk, especially for pleasure /(pomalá) procházka/
hanging or dropping down to a lower level
povadlý, zplihlý, povislý (břicho, svaly ap.);
vytahaný, prověšený (stará matrace ap.)
verb + noun
to drop down to a lower level in the middle
prohýbat se, být prověšený, prověsit se
být povislý/svěšený, ochabovat, povisnout (ztratit na pevnosti)
to become weaker
(přen.) ochabovat, oslabovat (měna, nadšení, zájem ap.)
a movement or position in which something has dropped down to a lower level
průvěs, průhyb
a reduction in something
pokles (cen ap. - přechodný)
- volný, plandavý (oblečení)
- vytahaný (kalhoty ap.)
(of clothes) hanging loosely because of being too big or having been stretched
lock eyes with someone
to look at someone who is looking at you
verb /3/
She refused to accept that she was wrong and stalked furiously out of the room.
to follow an animal or person as closely as possible without being seen or heard
sb/sth: sledovat (osobu, zvěř), plížit se (kořistí)
plíživě, potají sledovat a kradmo se blížit - ke kořisti ap.
to illegally follow and watch someone over a period of time
sb: (přen.) pronásledovat, obtěžovat (bývalého partnera, známou osobu ap.)
to walk in an angry or proud way
swh: (v)kráčet, (v)pochodovat (hrdě, rozzlobeně ap.)
call on someone
They’re calling on all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army.
also call upon: to ask someone in a formal way to do something
vyzvat, vybídnout
AmE: To call on someone in a group is to ask that person to speak
vyvolat (žáka ap.)
[geɪz] – verb + noun
at sb/sth: zírat, hledět, civět (dlouze, zaujatě ap.)
(upřený) pohled
en:to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or admi’ration, or because you are thinking about something else
smyčka, oprátka, oko (na laně ap.)
one end of a rope tied to form a circle that can be tightened round something such as a person’s neck to hang (= kill) them
on/for sb: soucit, slitování, soucítění
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
(pt blew, pp blown) – verb /6/ + noun /3/
He blew his chance to get the job.
Her death at twenty was a terrible blow to her parents.
I thought that after a few days the argument would blow over.
To move or be moved by air
foukat, vát; sfouknout, vanout, odfouknout (blow away=moved, carried by wind,down=fall/destroy by air)
to make a sound by forcing air out of your mouth and through an instrument
zatroubit, foukat, (za)pískat
To blow (one’s nose)
smrkat, vysmrkat se
To destroy something in an explosion or to be destroyed in this way
blow /up-also nafouknout (balon, pneumatiku)/, vyhodit do povětří, zničit
to become damaged or destroyed as a result of an electrical overload
» spálit (pojistky)
To blow a sum of money is to spend it in a foolish way
utrácet, rozhazovat, rozfofrovat, prošustrovat
To lose an opportunity
pokazit, zpackat, promarnit
blow over
to pass by or to end:
pominout, přejít, přehnat se (problémy ap.)
A hit with a forceful impact
úder, rána (pěstí, zbraní ap.)
A shock or emotional hit
rána osudu, šok (negativní dopad)
an act of blowing
závan, fouknutí, zavanutí (větru)
blow sth/sb off
“He blew off the meeting.”
“I had blown off all accountability for my entire career.”
To avoid doing something you are expected to do
(He skipped the meeting.)
To treat something as unimportant
(I had ignored my responsibilities and treated them as unimportant.)
!!! To remove or clear something by blowing air; also used idiomatically to mean avoiding something* or treating it as unimportant*.
console (& consolation)
[kənˈsəʊl] – verb; [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃən] – noun
If it’s any consolation, I feel the same way.
► to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better, usually by giving them comfort or sympathy
► something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better:
= útěcha, utěšení
[səˈspend] – verb /3/
She was suspended from school for fighting.
It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air.
to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently
pozastavit, odložit, přerušit (dočasně)
A person who is suspended from a job, school, or an activity is not allowed to be involved in it, usually as a punishment
suspendovat, dočasně zbavit funkce, vyloučit (žáka)
to hang down from something
viset, být zavěšen
the skin on the top of a person’s head where hair usually grows
kůže na temeni (hlavy), vlasová pokožka
skalp (válečná kořist indiánů)
to cut off the scalp of a dead enemy
withdrew | withdrawn – verb /3-4/ – [wɪðˈdrɔː]
This credit card allows you to withdraw up to £200 a day from ATMs.
The UN (OSN) has withdrawn its troops from the country.
After the accident, he withdrew into himself and refused to talk to family or friends.
To remove or take something out
stáhnout (se), ustoupit, odejít
vybrat, vyzvednout (z účtu)
To stop participating in an activity or leave a place
odejít, odstoupit, vystoupit
(in)to sth (form.) odebrat se, odejít (do jiné místnosti), vzdálit se
To become socially or emotionally detached (stop talking to other people and start thinking thoughts that are not related to what is happening around you)
uzavřít se, stáhnout se
To take back a statement or an offer
(vzít zpět, odvolat)
[nʌm] – adjective /1-přen. -2/
When she first heard the news, she was numb with disbelief.
If a part of your body is numb, you are unable to feel it, usually for a short time
znecitlivělý, necitlivý, zdřevěnělý, zmrtvělý (končetina ap.)
not able to feel any emotions or to think clearly, because you are so shocked or frightened
(přen.) ochromený, strnulý, paralyzovaný (šokem ap.)
verb: (přen.) otupit, ochromit, paralyzovat (šokem, citově ap.)
to feel strong hate, dislike, or disgust for someone or something
mít odpor, nenávidět, nesnášet
noun /6/
- kmen, peň (stromu)
- (lodní) kufr, bedna, truhla (na šaty ap.)
- chobot (sloní)
- (AmE) kufr, zavazadlový prostor (auta)
BrE= boot - trunks plavky (nohavičkové), sportovní trenýrky, (BrE) nohavičkové slipy
- (anat.) trup (tělo bez končetin)
[ədˈmɪt] – verb /3/
to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
připustit, uznat (pochybení, mistake)
to allow someone or something to enter
(v)pustit, povolit vstup
to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care
přijmout (do nemocnice ap.), hospitalizovat
admittance = permission to enter a place:
[ˈʃætə] – verb /3/
The defeat shattered her confidence.
to (cause something to) break suddenly into very small pieces
(roz)tříštit (se), rozbít (se), rozletět (se) (na kusy)
to end or severely damage something
rozbít, zcela zničit, zhatit (dreams, hopes, or beliefs)
shatter sb = otřást, šokovat (událost)
call someone out
If he did anything wrong, I’d be the first to call him out on it.
We had to call out a doctor.
to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions
/challenge them - „vytknout někomu něco“ nebo „konfrontovat”/
TAKY: přivolat, zavolat, povolat (na pomoc) = to ask someone to come in order to do a job, especially when it is an emergency
*call sth out = to say something in a loud voice (vykřiknout, zakřičet)
adjective (adverb) – [rɪˈlʌktənt]
neochotný, zdráhající se
not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
► reluctance = an unwillingness to do something
go out of one’s way
They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome.
to try very hard to do something, especially for someone else /make a special effort to do it/
[sɪˈvɪljən] – noun + adjective
- civil(ista)
- civilní (ne vojenský)
[ɔːgˈzɪljərɪ or -ˈzɪlə-] - adjective + noun
In the sentence “she has finished her book”, “has” is an auxiliary.
giving help or support, esp. to a more important person or thing
pomocný (zaměstnanci, vojsko ap.) -
a person whose job is to give help or support to other workers
pomocná síla, asistent, pomocník (jako zaměstnanec ap.)
(AmE) přidružená organizace (obvykle charitativní)
auxiliary (verb) = (ling.) pomocné sloveso
“Am I boring you?” she asked anxiously.
nudit, otravovat, jít na nervy
en: to talk or act in a way that makes someone lose interest
[trænˈsend] – verb
The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.
přesahovat, překračovat (meze) (jít za hranice, být nadřazený)
to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit
[ɪnˈlɪst] – verb
to join the armed forces
narukovat, vstoupit do armády; naverbovat (na vojnu)
*.to ask for and get help or support from someone
získat, nabrat (na výpomoc ap.)
the military
the armed forces (= ozbrojene sily)
[ˈemfəsɪs] – noun – (pl. -ses)
I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
důraz, zdůraznění, zaměření
put/place/lay emphasis on
(ling.) přízvuk, důraz, emfáze
break free /of sth/
collocation (swh also break loose)
I need to break free of my family and start a new life.
to use force to remove things such as ropes, chains, or walls that limit your movement
osvobodit se, odpoutat se, uvolnit se
to stop being affected by something that limits what you can do
vymanit se
His confidence was badly dented when he didn’t get the job.
důlek, promáčklina, promáčknutí
*promáčknout, udělat důlek (úderem ap.) /to make a small hollow mark in the surface of sth/
*otřást, podrýt (sebedůvěru ap.)
[ˈfræntɪk] – adjective
Where on earth have you been? We’ve been frantic with worry.
Things are frantic in the office right now.
to live at a frenetic pace
almost out of control because of extreme emotion, such as worry
with bez sebe, šílený (obavami), zoufalý (volání, pokus)
done or arranged in a hurry and a state of excitement or confusion [hectic] [= frenetic ?]
*frenetický, zběsilý, horečný (činnost)
move in /with sb/
*Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold.
nastěhovat se, přistěhovat se /k někomu/
on sth/sb *come closer to them in order to attack or take control of them:
[sʌb] – verb
short for: substitute and submarine
*zaskakovat (za jiného hráče) /sport./
*to do a job temporarily when someone else cannot do it
(hl. BrE sport.) náhradník (ve fotbale ap.)
(hovor.) ponorka
[ˌriːˈsɜːfɪs] – verb
to appear again after not being seen or heard
znovu se vynořit/objevit (myšlenky, problémy ap.)
to put a new surface on a road - dát/udělat nový povrch (silnice)
doširoka rozevřený (tlama ap.), zející (rána, díra ap.) /large, open wide/
GAPE /v/:
* civět, zírat, čučet (s otevřenými ústy) //n- vyjevený výraz//
* zet, rozvírat se, otevírat se (díra ap.)
[wuːnd] – noun
- zranění, rána, poranění (hl. způsobené zbraní)
- the wounded: zranění (lidé)
- (přen.) rána, jizva, trvalé poznamenání (duševní)
zranit, poranit (hl. úmyslně - zbraní ap.)
pull up
A car pulled up outside my house.
She’s always pulling me up for/on/over my bad spelling.
When a car or someone driving a car pulls up, the driver stops the car, often for a short time /& close by/
pull someone up - to tell someone that they have done sth wrong
*kárat, opravovat
OVERALL feel: move or address sth directly
verb + noun
His arm was badly crushed in the car accident.
Norway is crushing the Winter Olympics.
► to press something very hard so that it is broken or its shape is destroyed
(roz)drtit, rozmáčknout, rozmačkat
► to upset or shock someone badly
být zdrcen (kritikou,..)
◘ to defeat someone completely
(tvrdě) potlačit, zlikvidovat, potřít (povstani)
◘ to do extremely well in a particular situation, competition, etc.:
a crowd of people forced to stand close together
nával, tlačenice, mačkanice
*zamilovanost (jednostranná)
[kræʃ] – verb /3+2 informal/ + noun
I was so tired I crashed out on the sofa.
I’ve come to crash on your floor for a couple of nights.
If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged and someone is hurt
havarovat, nabourat (se), narazit
to hit something, often making a loud noise or causing damage:
prásknout, třísknout, narazit
suddenly fail or become unsuccessful
zhroutit se, krachnout, zkrachovat
► to sleep at someone else’s house for the night, especially when you have not planned it: [(out)]
přespat u někoho (neplánovaně)
to go to a party or other event without an invitation: [syn. gatecrash]
vetřít se na oslavu/akci bez pozvání
pozvat se sám, nasomrovat se (na večírek ap.)
an accident involving a vehicle, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged or someone is hurt
havárie, srážka, nehoda
a sudden loud noise made when something breaks or falls
rána, třesk, rachot
a sudden loss of value of investments, or a failure of a business
krach (na burze), zhrouceni
venkovský buran/balík, vidlák
běloch z nižších tříd na jižanském venkově
a poor, white person without education, esp. one living in the countryside in the southern US, who is believed to have prejudiced (= unfair and unreasonable) ideas and beliefs
The word likely stems from the physical reality of rural, manual labor, especially in farming communities where workers spent long hours outdoors. Their necks, exposed to the sun, would often become sunburned, turning red.
flunk (out)
[flʌŋk] – verb /mainly US informal/
to fail an exam or course of study:
rupnout, propadnout, neudělat (u zkoušky)
(out)to have to leave school or college because your work is not good enough: /repeatedly/
vyletět ze školy kvůli neúspěchům
[dreɪn] – verb /+noun/
to allow or cause liquid to flow away from something:
odtéct/kat, odvodnit, odvést vodu, vypustit, odčerpat
/glass, cup/ - you drink all the liquid in it
To use up energy(make you very tired) or resources
vyčerpat, vysát
*A pipe or channel for liquid to flow away – odtok or kanál
*A gradual reduction in something valuable, like money or energy – odliv, vyčerpání /drain on sb/
*In sports or gaming slang, to ‘drain’ can mean to score a perfect shot /nailing it/
[ˈrɪəˌlaɪz] – verb; /uk-realise/
to become aware of or understand a situation:
uvědomit si/uvědomovat si, pochopit
to achieve things you hope for or plan for:
zrealizovat, uskutečnit,
realize one’s potential - uplatnit svůj potenciál
*to be sold for a particular amount of money:
[dɪsˈgʌst] – verb + noun
adjective - ing,ed
to make you feel extreme dislike or disapproval:
(z)hnusit se, znechutit, budit odpor
noun: /in-, with-/ -znechucení, zhnusení, odpor
[dɪsˈmɪs] – verb
- Let’s not just dismiss the idea before we’ve even thought about it.
- The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.
- He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.
- Josef K. decided to dismiss Dr. Huld, believing he could take control of the case on his own.
► to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering:
zavrhnout (nápad), nebrat v úvahu, neuvažovat
╚to put thoughts or feelings out of your mind
pustit z hlavy, zapomenout
► to formally ask or order someone to leave:
(pro)pustit, rozpustit (schůzi ap.)
► to officially remove someone from their job, (especially because they have done something wrong):
propustit (z práce), zbavit funkce, odvolat (z pozice ap.)
[dɪsˈmɪsɪv] – adjective
He’s so dismissive of anybody else’s suggestions.
► showing that you think something or someone is not important and not worth considering:
přezíravý, pohrdavý, lhostejný, odmítavý
way of showing indifference (lhostejnost) or disregarding sth without proper consideration
on track
idiom (also on-track)
We were behind schedule on this job, but we’re back on track now.
► making progress and likely to succeed or achieve a particular thing; developing as expected:
na dobré cestě, podle plánu
off track - not making good progress and possibly in danger of failing:
/ˈfæst træk/ – verb
“The detective was able to track the suspect’s movements through the city.”
She is on the fast track to promotion.
► to follow something that moves or changes by noticing marks or signs that it has left behind:
sledovat, stopovat (zvíře ap.), jít po stopě
❒ to follow or monitor something or someone
▪ stezka, cesta, pěšina (vyšlapaná spíš než vybudovaná)
▪ track(s): (žel.) koleje, trať
▪ (sport.) (závodní) dráha
▪ tracks
: stopy, otisky, šlépěje (v hlíně ap.)
○ fast track [n] = nejrychlejší cesta/způsob k dosažení
○ fast-track [adj] = rychlý, urychlený (směřující co nejrychleji k dosažení cíle)
[ˈkʌbəd] – noun
► a piece of furniture or a space for storing things, with a door or doors and usually with shelves:
▪ skříň (s policemi), kredenc
▪ (BrE) komora (na harampádí, AmE= closet)
[ʃɪə] – adjective
It was sheer coincidence that we met.
► used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except:
čirý, naprostý, vyložený (zdůraznění)
◙ extremely steep; almost vertical:
strmý, kolmý, příkrý (útes ap.)
Air Force
► the part of a country’s military forces using aircraft
vzdušné síly, letectvo (vojenské)
[ˈreskjuː] – verb
► to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation:
zachránit, vysvobodit
Pararescue ✘ Pararescuemen (PJs)
PJs =Pararescue Jumpers
A specialized military unit focused on search and rescue missions, providing support and emergency medical care.
Individual members of the pararescue unit, trained in rescue techniques, emergency medicine, and survival tactics.
on the fly
This new rule seems to have been created on the fly.
za chodu(behu), bez přípravy, automaticky
[dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] – verb /+noun/
More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years.
Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory.
► to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or a law court:(from place or duty):
propustit, uvolnit (z armady, nemocnice) [neutral]
Someone who is discharged from a job is asked to leave it
► to send out a substance, esp. waste matter:
vypustit, vyloučit
to perform a duty, esp. an official one:
splnit, vykonat
discharge (a) debt
(formal, also discharge someone’s debt)
► to pay back or cancel a debt completely:
splatit, umořit (dluh)
*to shoot a gun – vypálit, vystřelit
*in electricity, releasing stored energy – vybít
[kɔːt] – noun
► the place where trials and other legal cases happen:
soud, soudní dvůr
► a rectangular area used as the playing area in some sports:
(sport.) hřiště (na tenis, volejbal ap.), kurt, dvorec
[ˈhændəl] – verb + noun
If you can’t handle the job I’ll get someone else to do it.
Always wash your hands before handling food.
► to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of:
vypořádat se, zvládnout, zvládat, řešit, mít na starosti, obstarávatinformal/sports: to control or skillfully move an object, esp a ball /e.g., handle the rock in basketball/
► to pick something up and touch, hold, or move it with your hands:
zacházet, manipulovat, brát do ruky
► a part of an object designed for holding, moving, or carrying the object easily:
klika, držadlo, madlo, rukojeť
(also gymnasium) – [dʒɪmˈneɪzɪəm]
► tělocvična, (hovor.) posilovna
○ (hovor.) tělocvik, tělesná výchova, gymnastika
[kreɪv] – verb
The neglected kids just crave attention.
Don’t give in to those food cravings.
► to have a very strong feeling of wanting sth:
toužit, dychtit, prahnout, mít hroznou chuť
► a strong desire for something
touha, (velká) chuť, bažení
[tʃɑːdʒ] – verb
The bull lowered its horns and charged.
His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.
► to ask for a price for something:
(na)účtovat si, (na)počítat si (poplatek za služby)
◘ to buy something and agree to pay for it later:
naúčtovat (nechat jej zaplatit?)
► to accuse someone of sth, esp. to officially accuse sb of a crime:
obvinit, obžalovat [sb with sth]
► to move forward quickly, esp. to attack:
vyrazit, (vy)řítit se (prudce - do útoku)
◘ to put electrical energy into a storage device such as a battery:
in charge
- being the person who has control of or is responsible for someone or something
řídit, vést, mít na starosti
► responsibility for controlling or caring for something (someone): /have a charge, take charge
starost, péče, dohled
verb + noun
You’ve got something in your eye - try blinking a few times.
mrknout, (za)mrkat (reflexivně ap.)
n: mrknutí, (za)mrkání (reflexivní ap.)
[tʌf] – adjective
Even tough guys need to cry sometimes.
It’s going to be a tough winter.
► Strong, resilient, or able to endure hardship or difficulty.
tvrdý, neústupný, neoblomný (povahou)
► difficult to do or to deal with:
těžký, obtížný (problém, úkol, otázka)
► Physically hard or durable; not easily broken or damaged.
tuhý, pevný, tvrdý (materiál)tough food is difficult to cut or eat:
► likely to be violent or to contain violence:
drsný, tvrdý, otrlý (člověk)
[rɪˈzɪlɪənt] – adjective
► able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened:
odolný, pevný, houževnatý
◘ able to quickly return to its usual shape after being bent, stretched, or pressed:
*resilient materials
[θrɒb] – verb
► to produce a strong, regular beat:
tepat, bušit, bít (srdce ap.)
◘ If a part of your body throbs, you feel pain in it in a series of regular beats:
*throbbing - pulzující, tepající (pravidelně)
[kjuː] – noun
► a signal for someone to do something:
signál, podnět, impuls (pro akci, ..)
► to give someone a signal to do something:
► as if planned to happen exactly at that moment:
(right / as if) on cue = jako na zavolanou, v (ten) pravý okamžik, ve správnou chvíli
verb – (-vv-)
to increase the speed of the engine of a vehicle while the vehicle is not moving:
rev (up) - zvýšit rychlost/otáčky, vytočit/vytáčet, (hovor.) (o)túrovat (motor auta ap.)