Can't Hurt Me #3 Flashcards
/ˈspɑːrkl/ – verb | noun
Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight.
The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader.
The driver flashed his headlights.
► to shine brightly with small flashes of light*
blyštět se, třpytit se, jiskřit (se) (např. drahokamy, oči ap.)
◘ to be full of life, enthusiasm or humour
zářit, sršet, planout (nadšením ap.) [with sth]
also → perlit (víno ap.)
► a series of flashes of light produced by light hitting a shiny surface
třpyt, blyštění, jiskření (např. světlo na povrchu)
záblesk, (od)lesk
◘ the quality of being lively and original
životnost, energie, originalita
spark (n)
► a very small burning piece of material that is produced by something that is burning or by hitting two hard substances together
spark (v)
◘ to produce small flashes of fire or electricity
zažehnout, zapálit (jiskrou či výbojem)
◘ to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly
podnítit, vyvolat, rozpoutat [spark (off)]
- perlivý, šumivý (nápoj ap.)
- jiskřivý (hvězdy ap.)
- jiskrný, živý, sršící vtipem (osobnost ap.)
the tip of the spear
spear = oštěp, kopí (harpuna), nabodnout, napíchnout, probodnout (oštěpem)
being at the forefront or leading part of a group, often taking on the toughest or most important role
a person or group of people that is the first to do something considered difficult or dangerous, especially a group of soldiers, etc. who are the first to enter a battle area
lip gloss
Marble can be polished to a high gloss.
We’ll need a litre of gloss (paint) to cover the woodwork.
- lesklý (a hladký)
- (přen.) nablýskaný (často jen navenek), líbivý, (navenek) atraktivní
► a smooth, shiny appearance on the surface of something:
lesk(lá plocha) (nábytku ap.)
◘ paint that produces a smooth, shiny appearance on a surface:
lesklý nátěr, lesklá barva [=gloss paint]
◘ a substance used to make your lips, hair, or skin appear shiny:
lip gloss = lesk na rty
stigmatize (BrE - stigmatise)
(spol.) stigmatizovat, (přen.) ocejchovat (jako špatný)
to treat someone or something unfairly by disapproving of him/her/it
get the hang of something
to learn how to do something, esp. when it is not simple or obvious
přijít na kloub (začít umět)
This drawer is jammed.
► stuck, unable to move or function properly
zaseknutý (mechanismus)
► packed tightly with people: (full of)
ucpaný (auty ap.)
intervence, zásah, zákrok
intentional action to change a situation, with the aim of improving it or preventing it from getting worse
save face
opak: lose face
zachovat si tvář, uchránit si prestiž
to keep your reputation and avoid others losing respect for you
(anat.) nosní dírka, nozdra
- oblast, kraj, čtvrť (města)
- správní oblast, obvod, okres
an area of a country, state, or city that has been given fixed borders for official purposes, or one having a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas
He put his hands around her slender waist.
- štíhlý, útlý (pěkně) /thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive/
- nepatrný, malý, maličký, nevelký (naděje ap.) /small in amount or degree/
noun + verb
- řemen, řemínek (hodinek, kabelky ap.), pásek (hl. kožený)
ramínko (tašky, halenky ap.) - popruh (k držení - v tramvaji ap.)
*to hold or fasten something with a strap - přepásat, připásat, svázat (řemenem ap.)
*zpráskat (řemenem)
a narrow piece of strong material, esp. leather, used for holding or fastening something
[ʃrʌg] - (gg)
V: pokrčit rameny
N: pokrčení rameny
to raise your shoulders and then lower them in order to say you do not know or are not interested:
The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still.
*vrtět se (nervózně na židli ap.), kroutit se, svíjet se
(přen.) být (hrozně) trapně, (za)stydět se
noun: (za)vrtění se
wet the bed
počůrat (se), počůrávat se, pomočit (se)
wet osf, wet one’s pants - pomočit se, pomočovat se, počůr(áv)at se
to urinate in your bed by accident
[rɪˈflekt] – verb
•She reflected that this was probably the last time she would see him.
•”The movie reflects the struggles of young artists trying to make a living in a competitive world.”
•When one player behaves disgracefully, it reflects (badly) on the whole team.
to send back light, heat, energy, or sound from a surface
reflect off sth: odrážet se (paprsky ap.)
be reflected: odrážet se, zrcadlit se (ve vodě, zrcadle ap.)
to show, express, or be a sign of something
sth: odrážet, zrcadlit (postoje, situaci ap.)
to think carefully, especially about possibilities and opinions[I]
on sth: rozmýšlet, uvažovat, přemítat
uvědomit si, naznat
reflect on sb/sth (přen.): odrážet se/odrazit se (následky jednání ap.)
to affect other people’s opinion of sb or sth, especially in a bad way
[kriːk] – verb + noun
(za)skřípat, (za)vrzat (dveře, schody ap.)
skřípot, zaskřípění, zavrzání (dveří ap.)
floorboard, floor board
podlahové prkno, palubka
nahánět/nahnat hrůzu/strach, (vy)děsit
to frighten someone very much
adj - terrified: vyděšený, poděšený, vystrašený
(dis)approve [of]
verb – [əˈpruːv]
I approve
of your decision to study harder.
Parents should get the option to approve
or disapprove
a child’s online purchase.
The teacher approved
the essay after reviewing it.
► to have a positive opinion of someone or something
of sth - schvalovat, souhlasit (o činu ap.)
of sb - uznávat, [?!obdivovat]
► to accept, allow, or officially agree to something
╚ to say that something is good enough to be used or is correctRel. Noun: approval - příznivé mínění, uznání, přijetí, schválení
► to feel that something or someone is bad, wrong, etc.:
neschvalovat, nesouhlasit (o činu ap.), odsuzovat
◘ To officially reject or refuse something
odmítnout, zamítnout
Rel. Noun: nesouhlas, neuznání
tripwire (trip wire)
(voj.) nástražný drát (jenž odpálí nálož ap.)
set off = odpálit (bombu ap.), spustit, aktivovat (alarm ap.)
also: vyrazit/vydat se (na cestu)
noun + adjective
*a person who is not old enough to be considered an adult
(form.) mladistvý, nezletilý
*(bio) a young animal that is not yet fully grown
*silly and typical of a child (disapproving)
dětinský, nedospělý (chování ap.)
be in harm’s way
být ohrožen, být v nebezpečí
If someone is put in harm’s way, they are caused to be in a dangerous situation.
noun + adjective
(AmE) mezistátní dálnice/silnice (mezi státy USA)
mezistátní, (existující) mezi státy (federace) (hl. v rámci USA - silnice ap.)
amount to
The savings would amount to several thousand dollars per family.
Her actions amount to a betrayal.
to become a particular amount
činit, dělat kolik, rovnat se (celkem)
to be the same as sth, or to have the same effect as sth
v podstatě se rovnat, být v podstatě
not amount to much/anything/(a damn thing)
He’s lazy, and he’ll never amount to anything.
to not become successful or important
vivid (vividly)
[ˈvɪvɪd] – adj (adv)
colors X memories
Vivid descriptions, memories, etc. produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind
živý, barvitý (popis ap.)
very brightly coloured
jasný, svěží, intenzívní (barvy)
(velice) jasně, živě, barvitě
a page of acknowledgements
to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
přiznat, uznat (skutečnost), uznávat, oceňovat(sb as sth)
to tell someone, usually in a letter or email, that you have received something they sent you
kvitovat, potvrdit příjem (dopisu ap.), brát na vědomí (zprávu)
► a statement, especially at the beginning of a book, in which the writer expresses thanks to the people who have helped
poděkování (v knize ap.)
[ˈrekəgˌnaɪz] – verb
We recognize the problems you’ve faced and sympathize with you.
His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood.
► to accept that something is legal, true, or important:
uznávat (existenci, pravdivost ap.) [sth]
uznat (status ap.)
► show public appreciation for the achievements of someone, or a person or group:
ocenit (zásluhy ap.) [sb]
- to admit or to be aware that something exists or is true (acknowledge)
- to accept and approve of somebody/something officially
- recognized: generally accepted that it has a particular position or quality:
verb + noun
(out) - řvát, vyřvávat, vřískat (siréna, rádio ap.)
noun: (sg) řev, řvaní, ječení (rádia, sirény ap.)
EN: to make an unpleasantly loud noise
(-mm-) – verb (2) + adj (3+2)
He’s a nice guy, but a little dim.
sth - ztlumit (se), zaclonit, zeslabit (se) (světla ap.)
*zeslábnout, zkazit (se) (vyhlídky ap.), rozplynout se (city, naděje ap.)
not giving or having much light
1. tlumený, mdlý (světlo ap.)
2. tmavý, šerý, potemnělý (pokoj, chodba ap.)
something that you remember slightly, but not very well
3. nejasný, neurčitý, matný (vzpomínka, pojem)
not likely to succeed
4. pesimistický, pochmurný, špatný (vyhlídky ap.)
/inform/ not very clever; /literary/ if your eyes are dim, you cannot see very well
swelled | swollen or swelled
verb /3 - up, with sth/, noun, adjective
- sth - zvýšit (se), zvětšit (se), rozšířit (se) (počet ap.)
- swell (up) - otéct, natékat, napuchnout, (z)duřet
- with sth - (kniž.) kypět, dmout se, být plný (pocitů ap.)
n: vzdouvání, vlnění (moře)
adj: (AmE hovor.) parádní, bezva(dný), super
[ˈswəʊlən] – adjective
zduřelý, oteklý, nateklý, opuchlý
*rozvodněný (řeka), vzedmutý (hladina)
larger than usual
fortune cookie
koláček štěstí
v čínské restauraci podávaná taštička s lístkem s předpovědí budoucnosti osoby ap.
[ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑːd] – verb + noun
He told us to disregard everything we’d learned so far and start again.
to ignore something:
ignorovat, nebrat v úvahu/zřetel, nedbat
unc, for sth = nevšímavost, lhostejnost
[səˈspekt] – verb
➀ We had no reason to suspect (that) he might try to kill himself.
➁ The police suspect him of carrying out two bomb attacks.
to think or believe something to be true or probable:
mít dojem, domnívat se (že), mít podezření,
to think that someone has committed a crime or done something wrong:
sb of (doing) sth = podezírat, podezřívat
[ˈsʌspekt] – adjective + noun
- podezřelý, podezřelá osoba /N/
- podezřelý, pochybný /ADJ/
[dʌmp] – verb
► to put down or drop something in a careless way:
(po)hodit, položit (nedbale)
► to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not allowed to be:
vyhodit, odložit, zbavit se (nepotřebného)
► to suddenly end a romantic relationship you have been having with someone:
dát kopačky, pustit k vodě
attend + attendant
► to go to an event, place, etc.:
(z)účastnit se, být přítomen
► to go officially and usually regularly to a place:
navštěvovat, chodit (do), docházet (school..)
► someone whose job is to be in a place and help visitors or customers:
obsluha, služba (člověk), hlídač
[ˈnɑːstɪ] – adjective
► bad or unpleasant, mean or unkind, rude/neslusny,hruby/ or offensive:
hnusný, ošklivý, strašný; zlý, nesypatický; sprostý, nestydatý
[drɪp] – (-pp-) – verb + noun
She dripped paint on the carpet.
► to fall in drops, or let liquid fall in drops:
(na)kapat, odkapávat, ukápnout
► a drop of liquid:
► the sound or action of liquid falling in drops:
kapání, odkapávání
be dripping with something
Literal: “After the run, she was dripping with sweat.”
Figurative: “Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.”
to have a lot of a particular quality, often in an exaggerated or overwhelming way, typically a quality that might be perceived negatively
[ˈdrɪbəl] – verb
The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.
► to (cause a liquid to) flow very slowly in small amounts:
(na)kapat, odkapávat, stékat
► to have liquid slowly coming out of your mouth:
► driblovat, kličkovat (s míčem)
1. troška, kapka, krapet (tekutiny)
2. uncslina (u pusy)
[ˈvɪʃəs] – adjective
► (of an act) intending to hurt badly, or (of a person or animal) likely to be violent
○ krutý, brutální, surový (osoba, čin)
○ zlomyslný, jízlivý, uštěpačný (poznámka, řeči)
viciousness ➜ krutost, brutalita, surovost
[ˈɪgnərəns] – noun
Public ignorance about the disease is still a cause for concern.
Her ignorance about world history was evident.
Ignorance is bliss.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
► lack of knowledge, understanding, information (awareness) about something:
neznalost, nevědomost, nevzdělanost
[ɪmˈbærəs] – verb
► to cause someone to feel anxious, ashamed, or uncomfortable:
uvést do rozpaků, uvést do trapné situace
▭ed = v rozpacích, trapně se cítící, rozpačitý (osoba)
▭ing = trapný, nepříjemný (situace ap.)
▭ment = rozpaky, pocit trapnosti, stud, ostuda
in, of, or like the countryside:
vesnický, venkovský, rurální
What a pity/shame!
Shame on you!
► If something is described as a shame, it is disa’ppointing or not satis’factory /MISFORTUNE/ :
škoda, smůla (výraz politování)
► an uncomfortable feeling of guilt or of being ashamed because of your own or someone else’s bad behavior:
stud, ostuda, hanba
wind /up/
V1: wind /waɪnd/ - V2 & V3: wound /waʊnd/
I forgot to wind up my watch last night.
The river winds through the valley.
◘ to turn or cause something to turn:
otočit, roztočit
► If you wind (up) a clock or watch, you cause it to work by turning a key, handle, or other device.
natáhnout, natočit co (hodiny ap.)
► (of a road, path, or river) to follow a route that turns repeatedly in different directions:
vinout se, klikatit se, točit se (řeka, silnice ap.)
◘ to wrap something around an object several times or twist it repeatedly around itself:
obtočit, ovinout, omotat (cívku ap.)
wind up
phrasal verb – waɪnd – waʊnd – waʊnd
If he keeps doing stuff like that he’s going to wind up in prison!
◘ To end or finish something
skončit, zakončit, ukončit (činnost, řeč, schůzi ap.)
► To end up in a particular situation /condit./, esp. bad one and often unexpectedly
*skončit (kde/jak), dopadnout (v nemocnici..)
◘ To annoy or irritate someone
vytáčet, rozčilovat
[ʌpˈset] – adjective, verb – pt&pp upset
She was upset when she failed the test.
He was upset because his friend canceled their plans.
► worried, unhappy, or angry:
rozrušený, znepokojený, naštvaný
► (of the stomach) feeling bad:
rozhozený (žaludek, neovlnost)
► to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry:
rozrušit, znepokojit, znervóznit
[dræg] – verb, noun
Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!
I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
She’s always dragging sex into the conversation.
The case has dragged on for years.
► to move something (heavy) by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground:
vléci, vláčet, táhnout
► To drag someone away/out is to persuade someone to leave or do something when the person does not want to do it:
přinutit (ode)jít, dostat, vytáhnout
přimět se (jít), dokopat se (s přemáháním)
► If something such as a film or performance /event/ drags, it seems to go slowly because it is boring:
táhnout se, vléci se (nudná přednáška ap.)
◘ to move something on a computer screen using a mouse
(výp.) přetáhnout co (myší)
drag out - protahovat, prodlužovat, natahovat co (proces ap.)
drag on - táhnout se, vléci se (jednání ap.)
- real time length
drag into - vtáhnout, vtahovat, zatahovat, tahat koho do čeho (do diskuse, problému ap.)
drag in - tahat/zatahovat/plést/zaplétat do toho co (téma do hovoru ap.)
US informal: (main) drag - a street or road (esp. a main street of town or city)
fyz - (aerodynamický) odpor
[meə] – noun
starosta, primátor (představitel města)
oblivious (& oblivion)
[əˈblɪvɪəs] – adj + noun
She was often oblivious to the potential consequences of her actions.
These toys will be around for a year or two, then fade/slide/sink into oblivion.
► not conscious (aware, noticing) of something, especially what is happening around you:
nevnímající, nevšímající si, netečný
► the state of being completely forgotten by the public:
zapomnění, zapomenutí, neznámost
╚ the state of being completely destroyed:
into ob- = naprosto (rozbombardovat ap.), k nepoznání
► the state of being unconscious:
into - do (úplného) bezvědomí (opít se ap.)
[əʊ] – verb
Don’t forget – you owe me ten dollars.
I owe a lot to my parents, who have always supported and encouraged me.
► to have the responsibility to pay or give back something you have received from someone:
dlužit, být dlužen
► to be grateful to someone or something because of what the person or thing provided or made possible:
vděčit, (moci) děkovat
convince (& conviction)
[kənˈvɪns] – verb, [kənˈvɪkʃən] – noun
He has no ability to communicate his convictions.
► to cause someone to believe something or to do something:
přesvědčit [sb of sth]
► a strong belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your beliefs are right:
přesvědčení, nevyvratitelný názor
jistota, sebevědomí, (sebe)důvěra (v projevu ap.) [unc] [with, lack, carry]
► the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty: [→convict] {the process and the outcome; (What happened in court & What exists after the court’s decision.)
usvědčení, uznání vinným, odsouzení (ze spáchání trestného činu ap.)
convincing - able to make you believe that something is true or right:
[kənˈvɪkt] – verb, [ˈkɒnvɪkt] – noun
There might not have been enough evidence to convict him.
► to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime:
usvědčit, uznat vinným, odsoudit [sb of sth]
► someone who is in prison because they are guilty of a crime:
odsouzenec, trestanec, vězeň, odsouzený
[pəˈsweɪd] – verb
If she doesn’t want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her.
► to cause people to do or believe something, esp. by explaining why they should:
přesvědčit, přemluvit, přimět [sb to do sth]
persuasion - přesvědčování, přemlouvání
persuasive - přesvědčivý, vemlouvavý [making you want to do or believe a particular thing:]
[ˈmætə] – noun
Could I talk to you about a personal matter?
What’s the matter? Why are you so upset?
Critics were upset by the subject matter of the book.
When the police failed to catch her son’s murderer, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
► a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered:
záležitost, věc
[matters] věci, situace (běh událostí)
► the reason for pain or worry, a problem:
◘ physical substance in the universe:
matter as “a thing to consider” and affair as “a situation or event.”
[as a matter of fact]
► used to add emphasis to what you are saying, or to show that it is the opposite of or different from what went before:
[subject matter]
► the things that are being talked or written about, or used as the subject of a piece of art, etc.:
téma, námět, tematika (knihy, pojednání ap.)
[take matters into one's own hands]
► To handle a problem yourself because others failed to.
[ʌnˈliːʃ] – verb
At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.
► to suddenly allow something powerful, like a force, emotion, or event, to happen or be felt, which, once it starts, cannot be controlled
uvolnit (energii ap.), rozpoutat, spustit
leash (uk
- lead):
◘vodítko, šňůra, řemínek (na psa ap.)
◘dát na vodítko, držet na vodítku
piss sb off
phrasal verb (also pee sb off)
He never helps with the housework and it’s starting to piss me off.
► to annoy someone and make them feel angry:
srát, nasrat, lézt krkem
piss off: to leave or go away; used especially as a rude way of telling someone to go away:
Jdi do prdele!, Odprejskni!
If she could only channel all that energy into something useful.
A lot of money has been channeled into cancer research.
► to direct money, feelings, ideas, etc. towards a particular thing or purpose
soustředit, vkládat (energii, emoce)
◘ to send money, help, etc. using a particular route
směrovat, posílat (peníze, zdroje ap.)
◘ to carry or send water, light, etc. through a passage(průchod, kanál)
[streɪn] – verb, noun (physical – emotional – muscle)
The dog strained at the leash, pulling his master along.
I was straining (my ears) (= listening hard) to hear what they were saying.
You’ll strain your back carrying those heavy suitcases.
► a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes causing damage:
nápor, (nadměrná) zátěž, tlak
(tech) zátěž, napětí, zatížení (působící síla)
► something that causes anxiety, worry, or difficulty:
vypětí, stres, zátěž, napětí
stresující situace, nápor
◘ an injury caused by working the muscles too hard:
natažení, namožení (svalu)
◘ to push hard against something; to pull hard on something
napnout, zatlačit, přitáhnout (provaz, tělo ap.)
◘ to separate solid pieces from a liquid by pouring it through a utensil (like a sieve) with small holes at the bottom of it or through a cloth:
(pře)cedit, scedit, slít vodu (z brambor ap.)
to make an effort to do something, using all your mental or physical strength
(na)šponovat, napínat (napínat uši - snažit se slyšet)
snažit se (všemi silami), [sth] namáhat si, napínat
► to try to make something do more than it is able to do
přepínat, přetěžovat, zatěžovat (systém ap.)
◘ to cause an injury by working the muscles too hard:
namoci si, natáhnout si (sval)
[ˈvʌlnərəbəl] – adjective
I felt very vulnerable, standing there without any clothes on.
► able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked:
náchylný, citlivý (na nemoc) [to sth]
[ˈʃæləʊ] – adjective
She told her children to stay in the shallow end (of the swimming pool).
I thought the film was pretty shallow.
► having only a short distance from the top to the bottom:
mělký, plytký, nehluboký (jáma, voda ap.)
► not showing serious or careful thought:(lacking depth)
(přen.) povrchní, plytký (myšlenkově)
shallow breathing = povrchní dychani (ne hluboke)
the shallow(s) - mělčina
/ˈɪntərsekʃn/ – noun
The accident occurred at the intersection of Mulholland Drive with Canyonback Road.
► a place where two or more roads, lines, etc. meet or cross each other
(úrovňová) křižovatka, křížení
(geom.) průsečík
protnutí, protínání
[ˈkɒntemˌpleɪt or -təm-] – verb
I’m contemplating going abroad for a year.
► to spend time considering whether and how to take a future action
zvažovat, uvažovat [doing sth]
► to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way: /subject, idea/
rozjímat, uvažovat [sth]
◘ to look at somebody/something in a careful way for a long time
pozorovat, prohlížet si, hledět na (dlouze) [sb/sth]
There will be no more shouting, period!
‘What do you have next period?’ ‘French.’
► the symbol . used in writing at the end of a sentence or at the end of the short form of a word
(AmE ling.) tečka (za oznamovací větou) [BrE= full stop]
╚ said at the end of a statement to show that you believe you have said all there is to say on a subject and you are not going to discuss it any more:
► in school, a division of time in the day when a subject is taught:
hodina (vyučovací ap.), (vyhrazená) doba
A period is a block of time in the school day, and during that time, you attend a class for a specific subject.
point blank
He asked me to work at the weekend, but I refused point-blank.
► saying something very clearly in very few words, without trying to be polite or pleasant:
? - natvrdo, bez obalu - no sugar-coating
(by) chance
It was pure chance that we were both there.
náhoda (náhodou)
*šance, naděje, možnost
/kɔːrs/ – noun
I enrolled in a ten-week online course
A traditional British main course
consists of a meat dish with potatoes and other vegetables.
“The course
of history is shaped by significant events.”
“What’s the best course of action
in this situation?”
► a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification:
kurz, kurs (vyučovaný), cyklus přednášek [in/on sth]
studijní program (plán)
► an area of land or water used for a sports event:
(sport.) dráha, trať (závodní), závodiště
hřiště (na golf)
► a part of a meal that is served separately from the other parts:
chod (jídla)
► the direction in which a vehicle, especially an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship, moves, or the path along which a river flows:
kurz, kurs, směr (letu ap.)
tok (řeky)
► the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of doing something:
postup (v určité situaci) [(of action)] series of actions that you can do in a particular situation
(prů)běh (událostí ap.), cesta, dráha (života ap.) the way that events develop
class can also mean - hodina (vyučovací), přednáška, …
obstacle course - prekazkova draha (vojenska, zavodni)
[fliː] – verb - (pt&pp fled)
► to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear:
utéci, (u)prchnout, prchat
[rɪˈzentmənt] – noun
He harbours (chovat, mit) a deep resentment
against his parents for his miserable childhood.
She could not conceal the deep resentment
she felt at the way she had been treated.
► A feeling of anger or unhappiness about something you think is unfair, often arising when you feel forced to accept something you do not like.
rozhořčení, roztrpčení, popuzení, vztek;
zášť, nevraživost
"this wasn't fair, and now i have to deal with it"
resent: ◘ to dislike or be angry at something or someone because you have been hurt or not treated fairly:
nesnášet, cítit odpor, nelibě nést
resentful:◘ feeling bitter or angry about something that you think is unfair
dotčený, rozhořčený, naštvaný, roztrpčený
[ˈdʒeləs] – adj
He had always been very jealous of his brother’s good looks.
They are very jealous of their good reputation (= they do not want to lose it).
Her parents used to keep a jealous watch over her when she was young.
► feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else
žárlivý, žárlící [of sb]
► feeling angry or unhappy because you wish you had something that somebody else has
závistivý, závidějící [of sth/sb]
◘ extremely careful in protecting someone or something (because it makes you feel proud):
envious = wishing you had what another person has:
// prep. followed by noun; conjuction - connects two clauses (= věty)
verb / noun / conj / preposition – (also save for)
Everyone went to the party save for
he admit his mistakes, he will face consequences. (no s - subjunctive mood - hypotheticals, wishes, conditions)
► but or except for:
(form.) kromě, mimo, s výjimkou
[ɪkˈsept] – prep / conjuction / verb
Nothing more to do except wait.
I was ready to go, except I couldn’t find my keys.
► not including; but not:
až na (případy kdy), kromě toho
► but, however
(hovor.) jenže, ale
anything but
nothing but
She was anything but
friendly the last time I saw her.
The story sounded dark and depressing but I’m happy to say I found it anything but.
Money brought nothing but
[anything] ► definitely not; not at all or not in any way; used to mean the opposite of the stated quality:
určitě/vůbec ne, ani zdaleka jaký; všechno jen ne co
[nothing] ► only; no more/less than
nic než, pouze, jen
nothing if not- He’s nothing if not charming.
velice, nesmírně, skutečně
but also means except: Nobody but John was willing to talk to her.
I would have crashed the car but for your warning. (nebyt tveho varovani, kdyby nebylo)
(Peníze nepřinesly nic než potíže.)
/ˈmɪzrəbl/ – adjective ([ˈædʒɪktɪv])
These people live in miserable
How can anyone live on such a miserable
► *very unhappy or uncomfortable
nešťastný, zkroušený, utrápený
► making you feel very unhappy or uncomfortable (unpleasant)
skličující, deprimující, depresivní
mizerný, hnusný (počasí ap.)
► (of a person) always unhappy, unfriendly and in a bad mood /only b4 n./ (disapproving)
nabručený, nevrlý
► too small in quantity, value, quality
bídný, ubohý (zdaleka nedostačující)
miser — ubohý, žalostný, bídný (politovanihodny)
/ˈnesəseri/ – adjective
I don’t think that kind of language is necessary in a show that kids could be watching.
This is a necessary consequence of progress.
► needed in order to achieve a particular result:
nutný, potřebný, nezbytný
► used in negatives and questions to show that you disapprove of something and do not think it should be used or done:
► that must exist or happen and cannot be avoided /only b4 noun/
nevyhnutelný (následek ap.)
[sɪˈvɪə] – adjective
The family faced severe challenges when he lost his job.
The president is currently facing severe criticism.
► causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious; extremely bad
vážný, těžký, kritický (problém ap.)
drsný, krutý (podmínkami)
╚ extreme or very difficult:
► not kind or showing sympathy; not willing to accept other people’s mistakes or failures, harsh:
přísný, tvrdý (trest, výchova)
◘ (disapproving) completely plain and without any decoration
strohý, prostý (stylem)
[sɪˈriːn] - adjective
► peaceful and calm, or (of a person) not worried or excited:
klidný, poklidný, nevzrušený (člověk), nerušený (místo ap.)
[ˈɒnɪst] – adjective
They were honest, hard-working people, trying to farm their land.
He gave an honest answer to a difficult question.
► always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating; do not try to deceive people or break the law
čestný, poctivý
► not hiding the truth about something
upřímný, otevřený (i v nepříjemných věcech)
showing an honest mind or attitude -honest face….
(of work or wages) earned or resulting from hard work….
Teachers have a tough row to hoe
in today’s schools.
řada (věcí, lidí), řádek (plodin na poli ap.)
◘ to move a boat through water using oars (= long thin straight pieces of wood with flat ends)
(sport.) veslovat; rowboat = veslice, veslový člun
have a hard/tough/long row to hoe
a difficult situation to deal with:
mít to těžké, mít před sebou těžký/náročný úkol
wage ✘ salary
[weɪdʒ] ✘ [ˈsælərɪ]
an amount of money that is paid to an employee, esp. for each hour worked:
mzda (hodinová)
a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month:
(stálý) plat
We lease all our computer equipment.
The building’s 60 units are currently leased to students of the university.
Parts of the building are leased out to tenants (= nájemník).
► to use or let somebody use something, especially property or equipment, in exchange for rent or a regular payment
(pro)najmout (si) [sth from sb]
dát do pronájmu [sth (out) to sb]
(pro)nájem, smlouva o (pro)nájmu (věci či nemovitosti)
rent = nájem(né), činže; (pro)najmout si; pronajmout (rent out)
affluence & affluent
[ˈæflʊəns] – [ˈæflʊənt]
► the state of having a lot of money and possessions:
bohatství, blahobyt [unc; form.]
► having a lot of money or possessions; rich:
bohatý, majetný, zámožný (člověk)
the affluent
boháči, zámožní (lidé), bohatí (lidé)
[ˈsʌbsɪˌdaɪzd] – adjective (from to subsidize)
Basic services such as electricity and schooling were heavily subsidized.
► paid for partly by the government or another organization:
subvencovaný, dotovaný
► to pay part of the cost of something; to give money to somebody or an organization to help pay for something; to give a subsidy
subvencovat, přispívat, dotovat (vládně)
subsidy = (ekon.) dotace, subvence (státní firmám ap.)
[dəʊl] – noun – (AmE = welfare = sociální dávky)
Young people on (= receiving) the dole are often bored and frustrated.
► the money that the government gives to people who are unemployed:
podpora (v nezaměstnanosti)
be on the dole
= být na podpoře (v nezaměstnanosti), pobírat podporu
thick-skinned ✘ thin-skinned
*have thin/thick skin
I don’t worry about what he says - I have a very thick skin.
[thick]► not easily hurt by criticism
otrlý, (přen.) mající hroší kůži (člověk)
[thin]► easily hurt by criticism or easily made unhappy
choulostivý, přecitlivělý, nedůtklivý (=urážlivý), (hovor.) háklivý (pokud jde o kritiku ap.)
to be easily/not easily upset by criticism:
[stɒmp] - /stɑːmp/ - verb
She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.
► to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you are annoyed:
dupat, pochodovat, mašírovat (těžce našlapovat)
╚ to put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise, often to show anger:
stave off
“to stave off hunger”
We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.
► to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily:
zabránit, odvrátit, zažehnat
[ˈdaɪəl or daɪl] – noun + verb
Can I dial
this number direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
► the part of a machine or device that shows you a measurement of something such as speed or time:
ciferník, číselník, číselnice (hodin ap.)
► a device on an instrument that you move in order to control it or make changes to it:
číselník, kruhová stupnice, regulátor (nastavovací, ladicí ap.)
► the disc with numbers on old-fashioned phones that you turn when you make a call
► to use a phone by pushing buttons or turning the dial to call a number
vytočit (telefonní číslo ap.), nastavit (na ovládacím číselníku)
oxf for clarity
[slæm] – (-mm-) – verb | noun
She slammed the lid (víko) shut.
A window slammed shut in the wind.
The car skidded (dostalo smyk) and slammed into a tree.
► to move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise, or to cause something to move this way:
(při)bouchnout (se), prásknout, zabouchnout (se) (dveře ap.) [sth]
třísknout, praštit (hlučně položit) [sth down]
► to criticize somebody/something very strongly
(publ.) setřít, rozcupovat, roznést na kopytech
► a sudden loud noise:
prásknutí, bouchnutí (dveří ap.)
shut = zavřít (se), uzavřít (dveře, pusu; shut/shut) | zavřený
(pt&pp burst) – /bɜːrst/ – verb | noun
He burst into the room without knocking.
That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.
The roads are bursting with cars.
With a burst of energy, they were able to finish the job before the deadline.
► to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make something break in this way (suddenly)
prasknout, puknout, roztrhnout se (vnitřním tlakem)
protrhnout (se) (přehrada)
rozletět se (dveře ap.), vystřelit, vyletět (zátka) [open]
vystoupit z břehů (řeka) [its banks]
► to go or move somewhere suddenly with great force; to come from somewhere suddenly
vpadnout, v(y)řítit se, v(y)razit (do místnosti ap.) [into, out of
◘ to be very full of something; to be very full and almost breaking open
být přeplněný, přetékat (něčím) [be bursting with
sth; emotion]
◘ to want to do something so much that you can hardly stop yourself
toužit něco udělat, být natěšený na něco [be bursting to do
► a sudden, brief increase in something, or a short appearance of something:
(přen.) výbuch (smíchu ap.), nával, (prudký) nápor, (přen.) záchvat
(náhlý, prudký a krátký projev jisté činnosti)burst of speed prudké/náhlé zrychlení
(voj.) dávka (palby, ze samopalu ap.)
clue & clueless
They were all utterly (totalne) clueless about what they could do about it.
► information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery:
klíč, vodítko (k řešení ap.) [to sth]
stopa, vodítko, indicie (k vyřešení případu)
nápověda (v křížovce ap.)
give sb a clue = napovědět (při hádání ap.)
not to have a clue (hovor.) nemít ponětí/tušení/paru
► having no knowledge of something, or of things in general:
(hovor.) nemající ani páru, (zcela) bezradný
ER ✚ doc ✚ hairdo ✚ doo-doo
A bird dropped doo-doo on him.
She had a very elaborate hairdo, all piled up on top of her head.
- (AmE) pohotovost (abbr - emergency room)
- (AmE, hovor.) doktor
- (hovor.) účes
- bobek, kakání
destiny ✘ fate
He wants to be in control of his own destiny.
The court will decide our fate/fates.
I believe there’s some force guiding us—call it God, destiny or fate.
the things that will happen in the future: (especially things that they cannot change or avoid)
osud, úděl (osoby, země ap.)
the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and is outside human control: [unc]
the things, especially bad things, that will happen or have happened to somebody/something
osud (lidský ap.), (přen.) smrt, pohromavyšší moc určující běh lidského života
the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed [unc]
to seal sb’s fate zpečetit čí osud
Destiny often implies a positive or neutral tone, suggesting a predetermined purpose or path
Fate, on the other hand, tends to have a more neutral to negative tone, often associated with unavoidable outcomes
The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt (zastavit).
You stupid jerk! You’ve just spilled beer all down my new shirt!
► to move or to make something move with a sudden short sharp movement
trhnout (sebou), škubnout (sebou), cuknout (sebou)
jerky - trhavý, trhaný, škubavý (pohyb)
◘ a sudden quick sharp movement
cuknutí, trhnutí, škubnutí
◘ a stupid person, usually a man:
(hovor.) debil, pitomec, hňup
◘ a quick movement in weightlifting, where the competitor lifts the bar from his or her shoulders to a position in which the arms are stretched above the head:
(sport.) nadhoz (zdvih činky z ramen nad hlavu)
The dog cocked its leg (= urinated) against a tree.
The cock crowed (zakokrhal).
► to move a part of your body upwards or in a particular direction:
(po)zvednout, vztyčit (hlavu ap.)
► to raise the hammer on a gun so that it is ready to fire
natáhnout kohoutek (pistole)
► an adult male chicken
(BrE) kohout (zvíře i korouhev) [AmE= rooster]
◘ a male of any other bird
(hl. BrE) sameček (ptáka)
◘ (taboo, slang) a penis
pták, péro (penis)