Where does campaign money go
on people and publicity
What do you need to spend money on in a campaign
political strategists
open offices across US
Air miles state to state
Buying ads
What is the main problem facing campaign reform
very little regulation to restrict donations
Advantages of self funding
No influence from donors
No accusations of corruption
No restrictions apart form disclosing funds to federal election committee
Disadvantages of self funding
Encourages us politics is an activity for the wealthy
voters shun a candidate finding them arrogant for trying to buy votes
what is hard money
Money donated by supporters to an individual candidate
What act limits individual donations
Bipartisan campaign reform act 2002
What does the Bipartisan campaign reform act 2002 do
No individual can donate more than 2.8k to candidate or 35.5k to a party
What are political action committees (PACS)
Candidate supports groups
Can donate up to 5k to a candidate
What is soft money
Money spent indirectly to promote candidates or to attack opposition
Whats one criteria for soft money
Super PACs or other groups must not formally coordinate with a candidate or party
All major candidates have what
Super Wealthy PACs supporting them
Is federal funding for campaigns significant
Did biden or trump accept state funding
in elections where did money follow
the likely winner
What would people who don’t want campaign finance reformed say
that in the first amendment the right to freedom of political expression covers donations
whats an argument for greater campaign reform
Promotes political corruption
“there is no such thing as a free lunch”`
Arguments that us campaign finance should be reformed
Election expenditure has got out of control
emphasis on funding distracts candidates from their actual job
Heightens the elitism of us politics
The ussc decisions such as citizens united have added to problem
emergence of super PACs are loopholes to overspending
Arguments that US campaign finance shouldn’t be reformed
2016 saw slightly less spent in 2008 and 2012
campaign reform is unnecessary as candidates will still listen to a wide range of views not just the rich
fundraising and donations are democratic - shows peoples favourite candidates
Political donations part of free markets
ussc simply upheld first amendment when striking down campaign laws