Using the ACARS TLR have the student identify the following
- Flap setting
- V-speeds
- Bleed setting
- N1 setting
- Flex or Normal thrust
- Single engine departure procedure
Using the manual manifest weight and the LOFT 3 TLR have the student determine the following for runway of APDs choice:
- Max temperature
- Flap setting
- V-speeds
- Bleed setting
- N1 setting
- FLEX or NML thrust
- Anti-ice on or off
- Rolling or static takeoff
Have student explain how to fly the standard EFP for any runway on LOFT 3 Refer to LOFT 3 release
Have the student explain how to fly the simple special EFP for any runway from LOFT 3 Refer to LOFT 3 release
If a heading is listed under VIA what altitude will the turn be commenced?
50 feet AFE. If above 50 feet AFE commence turn immediately upon engine failure
Have the student show you where complex special EFPs can be found Company Charts in Jeppesen FD pro / Company section
On a simple special departure procedure in IMC conditions in a non-radar environment to what altitude must the procedure be compiled with?
Must comply with the simple special until 3000 AFE if not in radar contact.
After 3000 AFE proceed on course.
On a simple special departure procedure in VMC conditions, in a non-radar environment to what altitude must the procedure be compiled with?
1000 AFE in VMC conditions with no radar
Where is LAHSO information found if available?
- ATC is responsible for providing available landing distance via ATIS
- Published US terminal procedures
- Special notices section of the airport/facility directory
What value must be used to calculate landing distance if the reported RCCs are 4/3/5?
3, the most restrictive must be used
What is the definition of a dry runway?
Neither wet nor contaminated
What is the definition of a wet runway?
More than 25% of the runway surface area is covered by any visible dampness or water up to ⅛ inch
What is the definition of a contaminated runway?
More than 25% of the runway surface area is covered by more than ⅛ inch of standing water or its equivalent in slush, wet snow, dry snow or any depth of ice or compacted snow
What is the minimum cleared width for the CRJ 200?
75 feet (runway)
What does the minimum cleared width mean?
Represents the portion of the runway that must be usable
When a runway is reported as wet and the same runway has an RCC of 3 which do you use to determine landing distance?
RCC is first priority
If there is a discrepancy between the braking action PIREP and an RCC, which report shall be used to determine landing distance?
Whichever is more conservative
How is the required landing distance determined when RCC values are not available?
When RCC values are not available, contaminant type and braking action shall be used
If a FICON notam with RCCs is available at the time of takeoff, how is the RCC applied to the takeoff?
RCCs are not used for takeoff, contaminant type and depth are used
With crosswind components greater than 10 knots, what RCC values prohibit takeoffs and landings?
RCC of 1 or 2, or BA poor
What limitations are imposed for RCC less than 1 or snow over ice?
Operations are prohibited