calcium channel blockers Flashcards
types of angina
1) “Classic”, “Stable”, or “EffortInduced”
• 2) “Unstable”
• 3) “Variant”, “Rest”, “Vasospastic”, or
• 4) “Acute Coronary Syndrome”
• 5) “Mixed
Classic Angina
Most common form of angina • Caused by a fixed coronary artery obstruction (generally atheromatous)Classic Angina • The pattern of pain remains stable. “It always starts to hurt on the 3rd or 4th fairway
Classic Angina
• Pain is relieved by
rest or NTG
Pain at rest or with increasing frequency,
duration, severity, or as the result of less
• Pain not relieved by NTG or prolonged
(>20 minutes) rest.
Prinzmetal Angina
Pain is episodic and unrelated to exertion.
• Although patient might have
atherosclerosis, angina is the result of
arteriospasm and unrelated to exertion or
rest. Treated with NTG or
Calcium Channel Blockers
Acute Coronary Syndrome
• Atheromatous plaque ruptures • Inflammatory cells and mediators are activated • “Lipid Pool” forms • Thrombus forms and propagates • Vasoconstriction occurs Vascular occlusion occurs • Cardiac muscle sickens and dies • Characteristic MI “biomarkers” are released
Characteristic MI “biomarkers
Mixed Angina
Patients have angina during exertion
and at rest.• Caused by a fixed obstruction combined
with vasospasm &/or endothelial
Two Angina Rx Strategies
1) Increase O₂ delivery
• 2) Decrease O₂ demand
The heart is already an 0₂ “sucker” and
75% of oxygen delivered to it
at rest.
• Arterial blood pressure determines how
myocardial wall stress is necessary to overcome that resistance and pump blood. So…arterial (overwhelmingly arteriolar) tone determines SVR ~~systolic wall stress.
Venous (capacitance) tone determines
how much blood can be “stored” in the
venous blood delivery system before it’s
returned to the heart. So venous tone determines
~~diastolic wall stress
Organic Nitrates and Nitrites
Cause rapid decrease in my0₂cardial demand and
prompt relief of stable,unstable, and variant
Organic Nitrates and Nitrites all work
similarly and differ in their onset
and duration of action.
most commonly used
nitrate/nitrite and one you will become
most comfy with.