CAGOD Cell-cell communication Flashcards
Cell-cell communication:
How do cells and tissues “know” how to develop?
Proteins made by a cell that alter behavior and differentiation of adjacent cells
Response to signals at the molecular level. The events within the cell that occur in response to a signal.
Induction and competence
Paracrine factors
Signal transduction
Cell-cell communication:
the signaling molecule
the molecule to which the *** binds, may be located on the plasma membrane
receptor protein
What determines the type of cell signaling? (2)
How far signaling molecule from receptor
Where receptor is located
Types of cell signaling (4)
Cell targets itself
Cell signals nearby cell
Cell signals distant cell
Cell targets neighboring cell through gap junction
Types of cell signaling (4)
Autocrine signaling
Paracrine signaling
Endocrine signaling
Direct signaling
Types of binding:
_____What type of signaling does it occur?
Identical adhesion molecule at an adjacent cell
non-identical adhesion molecule at an adjacent cell
Types of binding:
Juxtacrine signaling
Homophilic binding
Heterophilic binding
Types of receptors:
_____ Found in the CYTOPLASM, they respond to ____ molecules which are able to travel across the plasma membrane. The proteins usually act as regulators of mRNA synthesis to mediate gene expression.
_____ Found in the PLASMA MEMBRANE, they respond to _____ molecules to perform ____ where an extracellular signal is converted into an intercellular signal
Types of receptors:
Internal receptors, hydrophobic ligand molecules
Cell-surface receptors, hydrophilic ligand molecules
Signal transduction
Types of receptors (subclasses):
ion channel that opens in response to a ligand
receptor is an enzyme that is activated by ligand
A G-protein (bound to GTP) assists in transmitting the signal
Types of receptors (subclasses):
Channel linked receptors
Enzymatic receptors
G protein-coupled receptors
Three stages of signal transduction (3)
_____ of extracellular signal by cell
_____ of signal from outside of cell to inside
_____ response is initiated/occurs within cell
Three stages of signal transduction (3)
Cellular response
Development depends on the precise arrangement of tissues and cells.
_____ Interaction between two or more cells with different properties
______ the tissue that produces the SIGNAL: that changes cellular behavior of the other tissues
______ tissue being induced; the target tissue
______ competence of a cell to respond to a signal
Induction - vertebrate eye development:
_____ from the brain make contact with the _____ which causes the development of the eye
______ (tissue thickening) induced in head by contact with neural tissue, this structure then induces brain to form _____ which is the pigment layer and neural retina
Optic vesicles
Surface ectoderm
Lens placode
Optic cup
Competence factors:
During lens induction _____ is expressed in the head but not anywhere else, thus it is a competence factor
Proven in experiment with rats with development in ____ but not the ____, caused by incompetent surface ectoderm
Wild type rats
Pax6 mutant rats
There are usually multiple inducers.
The first inducers are likely the ____ and ____
The second inducers is _____
Pharyngeal endoderm
Heart-forming mesoderm
Anterior neural plate
Optic vesicle inducers:
______ (_____)
- ______ and ____
those (sub*)inducers along with Pax6 activate the lens-specific _____ gene
BMP4 (Bone Morphogenic protein 4)
- Sox2 & Sox3
Fgf8 (Fibroblast growth factor 8)
- L-maf
What stage does the endoderm develop?
What stage does the cardiac and mesoderm develop?
What stage does the retina develop?
Inductive interactions:
______ (loosely packed cells) plays an instructive role to _____ (sheets or tubes of connected cells originating from any germ layer)
epithelial cells
Mouse lens - reciptocal induction:
A structure does not need to be fully differentiated in order to have a function
The optic vesicle induces before it becomes ____
The ____ reciprocates by inducing the optic vesicle before the lens forms its characteristics fibers
lens placode
Types of interactions (2)
a signal from the inducer is REQUIRED for initiation new gene expression, cell not capable of differentiating
Tissue has already specified but needs environmental change to allow expression of differentiated tissue
Instructive interaction
Permissive interaction
Permissive example, tissues need to develop in _____
_____ source of the mesenchyme determines the structure of the epithelial derivative
Regional specificity
Epithelial derivatives (5)
Mammary glands
Sweat glands
_____ epithelial response is limited to genomic capability
____ and ____ discovered that mesenchyme induces epithelial structures.
Also performed transplantation of tissues leading to _____ which is an organism made up of two or more indivs
_____ epithelial response is limited to genomic capability
Genetic specificity
Hans spermann
Oscar schotte
What are the inducer molecules called? _____ or _____
Paracrine factors OR Growth and DIfferentiation Factors (GDF)
Types of Paracrine Factor families (4):
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
Hedgehog family
Wingless gamily
TGF-B superfamily
____ common way to change activity of a protein
_____ enzyme that adds a phosphate to a protein
_____ enzyme that removes a phosphate from a protein
Protein kinase
Signal Transduction pathways (2)
____ critical in developmental processes like migrating neural crest cells, controlled by _____
_____ controlled by ____ and _____ which is facilitated by multiple pathway activators. Bone growth
RTK Pathway
JAK-STAT Pathway
Janus kinase
Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription
Signal Transduction pathways (2)
_____ critical in limb and neural differentiation. Important part is the _____ to form the _____
_____ Fusion from the drosophila name and the vertebrate homologues ____
Hedgehog pathway
Patched protein
Wnt (Wingless-related integration site)/ B-catenin pathway
_____ active durign development but should be repressed when youre an adult
Types of hedgehogs (3)
_____Sertoli cells of the testes
_____Gut and cartilage
_____Important in embryo development
Desert hedgehog
Indian hedgehog
Sonic Hedgehog
____ are involved in the formation of numerous vertebrate organs, incredibly important receptors in the nervous system
Regulate which cells become optic ____ and which become _____
Notch proteins (NOTCH1-NOTCH4)
optic neurons
glial cells
Three things that notch signaling regulates
Cellular proliferation
From the mesenchyme, ____ go to the ____
inductive signals
____ of inductions can generate different structures from the same responding tissue
In ____ the response to an inducer is determined by the ___ of the responding tissue
Regional specificity
Genetic specificity
How are the signals between inducer and responder transmitted?
Paracrine factors or Growth and Differentiation factors (GDF)
Components necessary of a signal/ response system must include (4):
1) A signal
2) A receptor for that signal
3) A mechanism to translate and/or transport the signal
4) A mechanism to translate the signal to a stimulation (or repression) of gene expression
Context of the environment at which cells develop (3):
- their immediate cellular neighborhood
- their tissue identity
- their position in the body.
WNT 1 - Active in inducing the ___ of the somites to become ___ and is involved in the specification of the ____ cells
____ is necessary for kidney development and for female sex determination
____ critical in establishing the polarity of the insect and vertebrate limbs, as well as the promotion of the proliferation of stem cells
dorsal cells
Wnt proteins
Wnt/β-catenin Pathway:
(tumor suppressor)
- targets β-catenin for degradation
- prevents β-catenin dissociation
APC - adenomatosis polyposis coli
GSK-3 - Glycogen synthase kinase 3