CA End-of-lab Questions + Abnormal Faces Flashcards
best method of temperature for babies under a year?
if you exclusively breastfeed a baby, do you need additional supplements?
yes - Vit D
newborn looks crosseyed - will it stay this way?
no, this is a disconjugate gaze and will go away by 6 months
daughter has breast buds - how long until she gets her period?
1.5-2y later
average age of a boy’s first ejaculation?
can you give honey to a baby under 1y?
when can you not use sunscreen on a baby and why?
less than 6 months - increased exposure to chemicals
what type of formula should you use?
brand names
powder over liquid
is a breast pump covered by Obamacare insurance?
pacifiers in kids: good or bad?
good - decreased risk of SIDS
pros and cons of circumcision?
pros: lower risk of UTI, penile cancer, HPV, HIV/STDs, prevents paraphimosis, better hygiene
cons: bleeding, local infx, surgical trauma, not medically necessary, may not be covered by insurance
is bed-sharing okay?
is it normal for a 2 month old to spit up a lot?
is it normal for a new baby to poop only once a week if breastfeeding?
yes, as long as baby is growing
what does breastfeeding poop look like?
dijon mustard covered in cottage cheese
how’s that for a visual
when does a kid need oral fluoride supplement?
when they drink well water
when should you start tummy time?
how long should tummy time be?
start the day the baby gets home
start with a few minutes, work up to an hour a day by 3 months
does MMR vax cause autism?
fucking no
how to care for a newborn’s bellybutton stump?
keep clean and dry (no tub baths)
when will bellybutton stump fall off?
1 week
when will baby start sleeping longer thru the night?
by 4-6 months
concerned about a peanut allergy - when should you introduce it into baby’s diet?
18 months in small doses
at what fever do you call a doc for age 30d - 3mos?
rectal temp of 100.4
at what fever do you call a doc for age 3-36months?
greater than 102.2
at what fever do you call a doc for age 36months+?
greater than 103.1
when can a baby go into public?
at any time
how can you tell if baby is getting enough breast milk?
monitor wet diapers (should be 8-10/day) and weight gain
face with small, round head, a flat nasal bridge, small/low-set ears, and a large tongue
Down syndromef
face wiht bulging frontal bones, decreased nasal bridge, rhinitis, circumoral rash with fissuring, mucus inflammation
congenital syphilis
face with short palpebral fissures, a wide/flat philtrum, and thin lips
fetal alcohol syndrome
increased growth, face with staring eyes and a neck goiter
congenital hyperthyroidism
face with one-sided drooping
facial nerve palsy
face with open mouth, allergic shiners, allergic salute
allergic rhinitis
face with coarse features, low hair line, sparse eyebrows, and a large tongue
congenital hypothyroidism
face with bruises and cuts
battered child syndrome