C8: BoD across countries Flashcards
economic classification of countries (+ example countries)
high income countries (eg. Australia, USA, Japan)
upper middle income countries (eg. China, Mexico, Cuba, Fiji)
lower middle income countries (eg. India, Nepal, Pakistan)
low income countries (eg. Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Sudan)
subsistence farming
self sufficient farming usually done in low income countries to provide for themselves and their family
economic characteristics of high income countries
Lower levels of poverty
Wide range of industries –> high income countries have range of industries like mining, healthcare, technology, education
– low income countries have a limited range of industries usually around farming
Opportunity for global trade – a wide range of industries –> goods are generated –> increases ability for trade on the global market
– low income countries –> limited range of industries –> global trade revolves around 1 resource (eg. food) –> events like drought can impact the resource and therefore trade –> impacts global trade
High average incomes
– low income countries lack knowledge + production capabilities to produce range of goods on global scale –> prevents these countries from growing –> lower average incomes
lack of access to resources as a result of lack of money
Social characteristics of countries
Gender equality
HI countries – greater opportunity + choices in education, employment, community participation in high income countries –> increased female participation in paid employment and society –> gender equality
LI countries – limited education + paid employment opportunities for women in low income countries –> women work at home or in the fields
Birth and population rates
LI countries – higher birth/population rates in from lack of access to contraceptives, proper family planning, education –> reduced ability for parents to meet child’s needs.resources for life + government to provide services for its citizens
Education and employment rates
HI countries – increased choices about education level and career type + government contributes more funds for a more developed education system
LI countries – underdeveloped education system –> limited education + career choices, families have to pay more for child schooling since government contributes less
Social security systems
HI countries – high levels of economic development + stable political system –> increased gov. ability to provide social security payments for those in need –> improved population h+wb
LI and MI countries – gov. has less funds to provide social security assistance to those in need –> furthers cycle of poverty
Health systems
HI countries – public health systems that provide basic healthcare regardless of ability to pay –> improved population h+wb
LI and MI countries –> underfunded health systems –> reduced population h+wb
Access to technology
HI countries – more economic resources, infrastructure, education –> tech is more accessible –> increased opportunities for trade, furthering education, treating conditions
LI countries – reduced access to tech –> reduced ability to gain education + income
Legal systems
HI countries – strong political + legal systems –> increased ability to uphold human rights –> improved h+wb
LI countries – unstable gov. + political unrest –> increased risk of civil conflict –> reduced ability to uphold human rights –> reduced h+wb
Environmental characteristics of countries
Safe water and sanitation
MI and HI countries – greater access to safe water + sanitation compared to LI countries –> improved h+wb
Food security
HI countries – greater access to quality food supply that isn’t significantly impacted by natural disasters
LI countries – unsteady food supply whose food availability is significantly impacted by natural disasters since they lack means to afford food in emergency situations
adequate housing
LI countries – inadequate housing –> urban slums – poor ventilation, lack of heating/cooling, lack of resistance to disease-carrying organisms + protection from natural elements
Adequate infrastructure
HI countries – adequate road, transport, sweage, telecommunication systems, compared to LI countries, which lack these especially in rural areas
Carbon dioxide emission levels
HI countries – wide range of industries –> increased carbon dioxide emissions but they have enough money to effectively deal w the climate change effects
LI and MI countries – limited range of industries –> reduced carbon dioxide emissions but they don’t have enough money to effectively deal w the climate change effects
Identify the factors contributing to similarities/differences in HS and BOD globally
access to safe water
global distribution + marketing of tobacco, alcohol and processed foods
access to safe water
- water consumption is needed for function of cells in body for survival
- clean water is needed to wash harmful pathogens that can lead to disease from food products for cooking
- maintaining personal hygiene through washing hands + body to get rid of harmful pathogens
- clean water is needed to produce food and other items like clothing
access to sanitation
- provision of facilities/services for safe disposal of human waste + maintenance of public hygiene conditions (eg. garbage collection)
- sanitation requires access to a working toilet to remove waste products, which can otherwise seep into + contaminate water sources that people drink from and will become ill
no toilets at home
–> weakened immune system from diarrhoea –> greater risk of other diseases –> higher infant mortality
–> teenage girls are discouraged from school due to lack of private toilets + children stay home due to infectious diseases –> reduced education levels –> reduced ability to earn income + reduced sanitation knowledge, putting them at greater risk of other diseases
all of these impacts result in the poverty cycle continuing for individuals
link between poverty and government actions
lower average income –>less tax –> reduces government ability to provide clean water, sanitation, health services, education –> higher mortality + communicable diseases rate in LI and MI countries
Link between poverty and nutrition
unable to afford nutritious food –> undernutrition –> poor immune system –> increased risk of infection, premature death especially among children in LI and MI countries
link between poverty and sanitation
lower average income –>less tax –> reduces government ability to provide clean water, sanitation –> increased infectious diseases –> increased mortality in LI and MI countries
link between poverty and education
can’t afford to send child to school + child isn’t able to attend school due to ill health from poor living conditions –> reduced ability to gain employment –> lower income in LI and MI countries
link between poverty and healthcare
LI and MI countries don’t have universal healthcare schemes –> reduced access to treatment + medication bc they can’t afford it –> more likely to die from conditions
link between poverty and housing
inadequate ventilation –> increased indoor air pollution –> increased respiratory diseases rate contributing to BoD in LI and MI countries
lack of protection from mosquitoes –> increased malaria rate in LI and MI countries
lack of electricity –> reduced access to tech and education
lack of insulation –> overheated homes –> increased risk of death from pre-existing conditions as body tries to maintain body temp.
cause of inequality in HS
inability to access resources like education, employment and healthcare –> high rates of depression/anxiety, premature death, assault
link from discrimination to inequality
discrimination –> unable to access education, employment and healthcare due to fear of judgement or societal laws –> inequality in HS
racial discrimination
racial discrimination –> social exclusion –> reduced ability to participate in society regarding education, employment, healthcare access, community participation
- Indigenous + minority ethnic groups face the most ethnic discrimination
impact of racial discrimination on HS
- increased stress –> strain on cardiovascular system –> hypertension + heart disease
- increased rates of mental disorders
- may become displaced and forced to flee –> may live in new environment lacking resources like food, clean water, employment –> increased rates of illness + mortality
- reduced life expectancy
- reduced ability to access healthcare –> increased rates of illness + disability
Religious discrimination
–> inability to participate in the community in relation to accessing education, healthcare and employment
- some people are injured/killed for their religious beliefs
–> increased rates of mental disorders, stress, poor self-assessed health status, tobacco smoking, alcohol + drug use
impact of sex on health (women)
- females are responsible for collecting wtaer –> increased injury rate
- reduced ability to access education in LI countries due to country’s limited financial resources –> women work in dangerous jobs –> increased risk of injury
–> increased rates of women sex work –> increased women rates of HIV/AIDS - reduced ability to access healthcare –> higher maternal mortality rate from pregnancy complications
relationship of education and poverty for females
poverty –> lack of education –> more likely to work in low-paying and dangerous jobs like sex work –>higher levels of ill health –> reduced ability to access resources
poverty –> lack of education –> less likely to use health-promoting behaviours like having their children immunised, proper hygiene –> increased risk of infectious diseases –> unable to work –> increased poverty
poverty –> lack of sexual education – > more likely to participate in unsafe sexual practices –> more likely to have more kids –> reduced financial resources for themselves + children to afford resources
all of these poverty impacts can reduce females’ physical + financial ability to access resources food, education, healthcare, continuing the poverty cycle
impact of forced marriage on HS (women)
- increased rates of pregnancy before their bodies are developed to deal with childbirth –> increased rates of obstetric fistula and other pregnancy complications –> increased maternal mortality
- child bridges marry more sexually active men – increased rates of HIV + AIDS –> increased infectious disease rates
- child brides are less likely to be educated but more likely to live in poverty –> poor HS
impact of female genital mutation
female genital mutations can cause infections, psychological problems and increased risk of death
process of boundaries between countries beings reduced through reducing barriers to trade, communication and transport to allow interaction on a global scale
why do tobacco targeted towards LI and MI countries?
- fewer tobacco laws
- less tax on cigarettes – making it more affordable
- fewer tobacco campaigns + low education levels –> reduced public awareness of tobacco effects
Why is alcohol targeted towards LI and MI countries?
- fewer alcohol campaigns + low education levels –> reduced public awareness of alcohol effects
why is processed foods a major problem for LI and MI countries?
- LI and MI countries still experience high rates of conditions associated with poverty like infectious diseases, but now also experience high rates of conditions associated with wealth like CVD –> creates a double burden of disease
- increasing incomes in MI countries and their migration from rural to urban areas –> increased accessibility to processed food
- increased marketing of processed foods makes people in LI and MI countries neglect their low-fat traditional diets for westernised foods high in fat, salt, sugar
- chronic disease from eating processed foods can impact ability to earn income –> inability to improve their living situations –> increased prevalence + premature death rates of conditions
- underdeveloped health systems can mean treatment for obesity related conditions aren’t available –> increased mortality rates