C4 Pyrolysis of Biomass Flashcards
general concept pyrolysis
- thermal process that decompose/break down complex compound to simple molecule(gases,liquid,char)
- process absence/very limited O2
final product pyrolysis
- bio-oil (dark brown liq)
- char/bio-char (solid product= carbonaceous residue, stable)
- pyrolytic gases (CO2,CO,H2,CH4,ethylene,propane,SO2,NOx,NH3)
pyrolysis vs gasification
* minimise side reaction due to absence/limited O2
* conducted at temp range 300-650 °C
* involve several chem reaction in presence of gasification agent
* conducted at temp range 800-1000 °C
steps in pyrolysis technolgy
- pre-drying
- drying
- post-drying heating
- torrefaction zone
- cooling zone
simple layout of tropical pyrolysis plant
step A
- biomass under gas flow is heated in a rector
- generatad condensable & non-condensable gas leave the reactor
- solid char remain in rector
- while, tiny quantity of char particle carried along with gas
simple layout of tropical pyrolysis plant
step B
- cyclone create centrifugal force that seperate tiny char particle from gas
- char particle stay on the bottom of the collector
simple layout of tropical pyrolysis plant
step C
- gas is cooled
- condensable vapor condenses as bio-oil/pyrolysis oil
- non-condensable gas leave as product gas
slow pyrolysis vs fast pyrolysis
* target product: char
* residence time: longer (min)
* heating rate: slow
* target product: bio-oil
* residence time: short (sec)
* heating rate: high
factors influencing pyrolysis yeild
4 factors
- biomass compostion
- pyrolysis temperature
- heating rate & residence time
- particle size
biomass compostion
depend on biopolymer constituent
- cellulose= primary source consensable vapor, produce ↑ tar
- hemicellulose= yeild ↑ non-condensable gas, ↓ tar
- lignin= contribute ↑ char yeild
pyrolysis temperature
- ↓ temp, ↑ char, ↓ condensible gas
and vice verca
recidence time
amount of time that biomass stay in reactor during pyrolysis process
heating rate
- rapid heating rate = ↑ condensible gas, ↑ bio-oil
- slow heating rate = more char
particle size
1. finer
* ↑ surface area, ↑ active site
* condensable gas easy escape
* minimise chance condensable gas undergoing 2nd reaction
* ↑ bio-oil produced
2. bigger
* ↓ surface area, ↓ active site
* condensable gas trapped
* high chance condensable gas undergoing 2nd reaction
* ↑ non-condensable gas produced
max char product
- ↓ heating rate, ↓ temp, ↑ residence time
max bio-oil product
- ↑ heating rate, moderate temp, ↓ residence time
max gas product
- moderate to slow heating rate, ↑ temp, ↑ residence time