C3- Carbon chemistry Flashcards
Two elements or compounds that arnt chemically bonded
Electron pair acceptor
Electron pair donor
Low density Polythene
soft flexible plastic bags squeeze bottles high pressure and temp
Tough strong bottle crates rope low temp and pressure
strong and durable
rigid or stretchy
thermal insulator due to trapped air
Memory foam
Polymer that gets softer as it gets warmer
Partial combustion
Smoky yellow flame and less energy
carbon carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and water
What to consider when burning fuel?
Ease of ignition
Energy value
Ash and smoke
Storage and transport
First three alcohols
dissolve completely in water
react with sodium to give hydrogen and alkoxides
Alcohols used as solvents
dissolve substances water can’t dissolve (hydrocarbons, oils and fats)
methylated spirits is ethanol with chemicals added for cleaning paint brushes and fuel
Ethanol for fuel
Sugar canes
Carboxylic acid + carbonate =
Salt (anoate) carbon dioxide and water
What happens when a carboxylic acid dissolves in water
weak acidic solution
How can ethanoic acid be made?
Oxidising ethanol (eg fermentation) ethanol + oxygen = ethanoic acid + water
Uses of carboxylic acids
Citric acids (fizzy drinks) getting rid of scale soaps and detergents prep of esters good solvents for organic molecules