C11 Flashcards
landforms and landscapes influence ancient behavior
-feature important with dating
-basaltic lava flow
-ozette(covered by mud slide 1560)-preserved
Wisconsin Glaciation
24,000-14,000 years ago
What are concepts with geomorphology
Concepts such as uniformitarianism and the law of superpositions to the the formation of natural landscapes in which past human groups lived
Glacial kame
glacial gravel hill
-used for native American burials
-its in Hampton hills
-Archaic 8000BC-1000BC
Sediment sorting
-gravel sand, silt, clay- defines sediment size and percentage
-Parts of geomorphology
-indicates depositional environment
mix deposits-seasonal flood plane
-loam soil-farm soil
Geomorphological processes
-natural forces that results in changing formation of landscape
-geological principles predicts landforms
-over use, erosion, overgrazing ,cutting trees for fuels-for human needs
-invasive plant, runoff water,less tree=more erosion)
environmental archeologists
study human impacts on environment-building ,agriculture, management, mining,
What is good soils
-soil formation is slows
-soil is formed by weathering
-Study site formation using-stratigraphy
-strata important form dating
Soil layers
top-Organic Material(O)
Top soil(A)
subsoil(B)-Cultrual material ends
weathered or decomposed rock(C)-dug way too far
bottom -solid rock(R)
dig 10cm under soil line
Soil describes
color, texture, organic contents
-deposited by forces of water, wind and gravity
temporal and depositional meaning of observed strata
Law of superposition
reverse stratigraphy
-Dug out and redeposited older material on top
-structure, can collapse into layers
harris matrix
how thing relate to each other with a complicated stratigraphy based on features and time periods
study anthropogenic sediment and how sediment are formed, under what conditions, and over what time period
-interested in living surfaces