7 and 8 Flashcards
`Archeological classification
The distribution of data across time and space(time-space systematics)
-unit of classification to hopefully make categories to make interpretations
one way of ordering observations “the systems of classifying concepts material, phenomena, objects
classification breakdown
-category: Kitchen
-type:(shell-edged pearlware
process of arranging artifacts into meaningful groups
a group of archeological artifacts (defined as consistent clustering of attributes
A trait that can be isolated, observed, defined
An acceptable measurement for a given attribute
goals of typesology
-1.put into magabale units
2.Define type using agreed-upon attributes and values
3.Study variability within a type
- identify relationships between types
Possibilities to categorized
1.morphological-based on shapes
- functional-based on how it was used
- stylistics-used to convey information through public display
- temporal-based on change through time
5.technological-based on how artifacts was made
6.material-based on what raw material made from
- locational-where artifacts was made, use
What’s a good typology
scientific type are abstractions
-typology accounts for all known examples of given class of artifacts, is repeatable , and can be can incorporate new example/artifacts found)
(typology taken to different site and works)
-cannot account for all possibilities
data: measurements and observation obtained help makes types
-image(plans, section, pictures, photographs)
-text(informant interview, description, field journal)
-codes(Munsell’s color code and artifacts type are code also)
-non superior to others
value of datum
the values of a single datum is it ability to help us understand())))))
Level of measurment
nominal:(exhaustive, mutually exclusive)(descriptions)
Ordinal: exhaustive, mutually exclusive, ranked order(wider, longer)
Interval(exhaustive, mutually exclusive, ranked order, distance between values measured)(temperature scales
Ratio: has a true zero point and absence of the phenomena being measured(Kelvin)
After in types: Seriation
Seriation-relative dating techniques which allows us to order artifacts, occupational layers, or sites based on the idea that style changes through time
Fossiles type
diagnostic artifacts
fossile directuer-
index fossil-
type fossil-
all means the same thing, it an artifacts used to pin point a place in time
(broken artifacts may not be diagnostic because notches are diagnostic)