C1. The Potential Outcomes Framework Flashcards
What are the observed data?
An outcome variable, Y
A treatment variable, D
How do we denote treatment?
It’s binary so: D = 1 means treatment is recieved, D = 0 means it is not.
What are the two potential outcomes?
- Y* (0): the oucome under no treatment
- Y* (1): the outcome under treatment
What is the causal effect of treatment?
The difference between potential outcomes based on whether treatment was received:
Y(1) - Y(0)
What is the Average Treatement Effect (ATE) formula?
How do we get the values for the ATE formula?
What is the Average effect Treatment on the Treated (ATT) formula?
How do we get values for the ATT formula?
How is the observed outcome linked to potential outcomes?
What will we actually observe?
Everyone has two potential outcomes, we never observe both- only one or the other.
The unobserved potential outcome is known as the “counterfactual”.